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    Napoleons Military Career,grounp 1,He was born in corsica on August 15th,1769,died on may 5th,1821.He is the most famous French military strategist and statesman.He is very famous because he found the french empir.He is the first French Emperor,Napoleon.,It is the long term and accumulation that created the military talent,Napoleon got into the military academy when he was ten years old.He was laughed by other students because he was poor,incommunicative and arrogant.But he was very clever and diligent,and graduated with good grades after five years.,In 1784,at the age of fifteen,Napoleon was allowed into the royal military academy for further study.He met other studentscontempt once again However,he got rid of bad temper gradually.At the royal military academy,students generally took two or three years to acquire officer qualification,but Napoleon passed the exam at the end of the first year.,It was 1785 when he was 16 years old.After graduating from the academy,Napoleon was sent to Artillery Regiment.In addition to performing official duties,he also studied by himself,especially about the military and political history.In order to improve his memory,he took the note every time he read books.,He always made a research about Alexander,Hannibal and Caesars life seriously.According to his own words,he usually worked for fifteen or sixteen hours a day.On July 10th,1792,he was sent to the 4th Artillery Regiment and promoted as a captain.Not until 23 years old did he show a military talent.,War of the first Coalition-the first show,In the February 1793,Britain and some other countries made up the first coalition and occupied the Toulon and Corsica.,In mid-september,Napoleon arrived in the Toulon warface and took over the artillery.But he found that the artilerys strength was very weak.There are nothing here,no artillcry,no ammunition except for some no trained soldiers,First of all,he tried to collect all kinds of guns.In not long time,he got hundreds of large caliber guns and plenty of ammunition.,He often lived with soldiers to influence and inspire them with his practical action and leadership.Soon he won the superior valued and appreciated,and he was promoted to the artillery colone,During the battle,Napoleon put forward that they should focus the forces on attacking the small Gibraltar at first.Then the pounded the British fleets anchored on the berth to cut off their connection with other enemies stationed in Toulon.In this way,even if French only had a little strength,but also could capture Toulon quickly.,Napoleons battle plan,bold and innovative,showed his keen insight and rich imagination.Then Napleon was appointed as Artillery deputy commander to siege the Toulon.,It is the ordinary but great plant that affected and changed the whole process and outcome of the battle greatly.,The geographical locatin with operational and tactical significance on the battlefield is very important for both sides.Who first realizes the value of it and acts decisively to seize it,then he can gain the initiative of the war.Apparently,Napoleon did it,Thanks,


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