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    Unit 9第五课时SectionB2a2c.ppt

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    Unit 9第五课时SectionB2a2c.ppt

    Unit 9,My favorite subject is science.Section B 2a-2c,math,science,music,P.E.,Chinese,语文,art,school subject,Brainstorm 头脑风暴,geography,history,Whats your favorite subject?,(My favorite subject is)_.,Why do you like _?,Because its _.,fun,interesting,relaxing,Chinese,math,science,music,history,geography,P.E.,art,Guessing Game,relaxing,A:Whats Marys favorite subject?B:Her favorite subject is,A:Why does she like it?B:Because she thinks its,Mary,exciting,A:Whats Toms favorite subject?B:His favorite subject is,A:Why does he like it?B:Because he thinks its,Tom,Guessing Game,interesting,A:Whats Lindas favorite subject?B:Her favorite subject is,A:Why does she like it?B:Because she thinks its,Linda,Guessing Game,A:Whats Daves favorite subject?B:His favorite subject is,fun,A:Why does he like it?B:Because he thinks its,Dave,Guessing Game,1.星期五我很忙。2.十点钟我上数学课。.老师说它是有用的。.它有一点难但是有趣。5.午餐时间匆12点到1点。6.它是我最喜欢的科目。,It is difficult but interesting.,The lunch is from12:00 to 1:00.,The teacher says math is useful.,Im very busy on Friday.,At 10:00 I have math.,It is my favorite subject.,预习检测,Translate the sentences into Chinese:,7.我们的语文老师是个有趣的人。8.我的课在3:30结束。9.我上一节两个小时长的美术课。10.真的很放松。11.那么你呢?,I have an art lesson for two hours.,My class finishes at 3:30.,It is really relaxing.,Our Chinese teacher is great fun.,How about you?,预习检测,Write some descriptions for each one.,每个学科后可以写多个形容词哦!形容词也可以重复用!,2a,music_ art_ English_。history _ science_ Chinese _.P.E._ math _ geography _.,easyinteresting fun relaxing cool useful(有用的)boring difficult.,My favorite subject is.,because its.,I think.is.,I like.,because its.I dont like.,because its.,任选一种句式说说你的想法。,Yu Mei,Are Yu Meis ideas the same as yours?,Skim and answer the question.快速阅读短文回答问题。,Fast reading,Task 1,Yu Mei,1.Whats her favorite subject?,A.math B.Chinese C.art,Tip 1:略读,锁定问题中的关键词。,2.What does she think of Friday?,A.busy B.happy C.relaxing,Underline the subjects that Yu Mei likes.Circle the subjects she doesnt like 在于梅喜欢的学科下划线,不喜欢的学科上画圈。,Fast reading,Task 2,Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says it is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult but interesting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E.at 11:00.It is easy and fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is great fun.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.It is really relaxing!Your friend,Yu Mei,Tip 2:细读,找文章中的关键词:科目,Read the passage carefully and finish 2c.仔细阅读短文完成C,Careful reading,Task 3,Friday,Tip 3:找文章中的关键词:数字,math,science,history,P.E.,lunch,Chinese,an art lesson,/lesn/n.课;一节课,Read the passage carefully again and retell the passage.细读短文,并复述。,Task 4,Careful reading,Challenge yourself.,She is very _on Friday.At 8:00 she has _.It is not _.Her teacher says it is_,but she thinks it is _.,busy,math,useful,difficult,fun,Yu Mei,Then at 9:00 she has_.It is _but _.,At 10:00 she has _.After that she has _ _11:00.It is _and _,science,difficult,interesting,history,P.E,at,easy,fun,Lunch is _12:00_1:00 and after that they have _.It is her _subject.Her Chinese teacher is great _.,Her classes finish at 1:50,but after that she has an _ lesson _ two hours.It is really _.,from,to,Chinese,favorite,art,for,relaxing,fun,Read the passage carefully again and retell it.细读,复述文章。,Task 5,post-reading,Dear Jenny,I am very _ on Friday.At 8:00 I have _.Its not _.The teacher says its _,but I think its _.Then at 9:00 I have _.Its difficult _ interesting.At 10:00 I have _.After that,I have _ at 11:00.Its _ and fun._ is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have _.Its my _ subject._ Chinese teacher,Mrs Wang,is great fun.My classes _ at 1:50,but after that I have an _ lesson for two hours.It is really _!How about you?_ are your classes?What is your favorite _?Your friend,busy,math,fun,useful,difficult,science,but,history,P.E,easy,Lunch,Chinese,favorite,Our,finish,art,relaxing,When,subject,一、.I am very busy on Friday._.I usually go shopping on Saturday mornings._.School Day is on October 22nd._ 由以上例句可知on 常与“_”,“_”搭配,表示“_”。【拓展】:4.next Sunday _ last Friday_ 当星期名称前有this,that,_,_ 等词修饰时,不能再加介词。【活学活用】:I go to the movies _ this Sunday.A.in B.at C.on D.不填,翻译探究,星期五我很忙。,我通常在星期六早晨去购物。,学校庆祝日在十月二十二号。,日期,星期,在具体的某一天,下星期天,上星期五,last,next,on,D,二、1.At 8:00 I have math.2.At 10;oo she has history.3.have math 意为“_”。have 在此当“_”的意思讲。【活学活用】:我在周二上语文课。I _ _ on Tuesday.4.at 用于表示_的时间前。【活学活用】:我们4:30 放学。We finish classes _.4:30.,8点钟我上数学课。,十点钟她上历史课。,上数学课,上 课,have,Chinese,钟点,at,翻译探究,三、1.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.2.We have classes from Monday to Friday.介词短语 from to 表示“”用来表示时间、地点等范围。【活学活用】:如:(1)从家到学校(2)从早上到晚上,午饭时间从12点到1点。,我们从星期一到星期五上课。,from home to school,从 到,from morning to evening,翻译探究,四、1.0ur Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is great fun.2.My mother is great fun,and we all like her.此句中fun 不是_,而是_,意为“_”。在这种用法中,fun 前面可搭配_,_ 等形容词。如:【拓展】:have fun=have a good time 3.辨析:Mr 与M iss,Mrs,Ms 这几个词 都是英语中常用的_。Mr 意为“_”,可用于_;Miss 意为“_”,用于_;Mrs 意为“_”,用于_.Ms 意为“_”,不强调_。Mr,Miss,Mrs,Ms 都用在_前,不能用在_ 之前,一般不能_。,我们的语文王老师是个很有意思的人。,我的妈妈非常有趣,我们都喜欢她。,形容词,名词,有意思的,good,great,称呼语,先生,一切男子,小姐,未婚女士,夫人,已婚女子,女士,婚否,姓或姓名,名,单独使用,翻译探究,五、1.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.2.I finish having breakfast.finish 作及物动词时,后面动词用_ 形式。如:我读完书。_.after that 意为“_”。for two hours 表示_;“for+_”指 _.【拓展】:我每天做一个小时的作业。I do my homework _ every day.,我的课1:50 结束,但随后我要上两小时的美术课。,我吃完早饭。,ing,I finish reading books,在那之后,持续两个小时,时间段,动作持续 一段时间,for an hour,翻译探究,一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1.The third day of a week is T.2.I have a lot of homework today.I am very b.3.My classes usually _(结束)at 5:00 P.M.4.Whats your fsubject?5.We go to school from Monday to F.,Exercises,hursday,usy,finish,avorite,riday,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I finish _(write)a letter.2.Lets _(play)basketball.3.Thank you for _(help)me.4.Tom doesnt like math.He likes _(China).5.Are Yu Meis ideas the same as _(your)?,Exercises,writing,play,helping,Chinese,yours,三、翻译下列句子。1.我在8:00点上数学课。_ 2.它很难但却有趣。_.3.从12:00到1:00是午餐时间 _.4.在那之后我要上两小时的美术课 _.5.老师说它是有用的。_.,At 8;00 I have math.,Its difficult but interesting.,Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.,After that I have an art lesson for two hours.,The teacher says it is useful.,Exercises,Design(设计)your ideal(理想的)school day,I have.at At I have I have for+一段时间 I have from to,2.Its I like/dont like I like my teacher.He/She is,写作要点:1.时间 2.自己对一天的感受 3.描述一天的课程,Report,school day学校的一天,When,Feeling of the day一天的感受,Subject,ideas对科目的看法,teacher对老师的看法,Time上课的时间,S,at;fromto;for,The teacher saysI thinkis my favorite subject.,Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang is great fun.,Time is money.Time and tide wait for no man.,一寸光阴一寸金,岁月不待人,Homework,1.Read the letter in 2b fluently.熟读2b。2.Finish writing.,Thank you.,


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