Six Thinking Hats,Background Purpose Six Thinking Hats Exercise,Outlines,Background,“Wear”one hat at a time when considering a problem.Everyone wears the same color hat at the same time.Look at problem from the same perspective.,Purpose,Power Time Saving Removal of Ego One Thing at a Time,White Hat,Facts,Figures and Information,What information do we have?,What information is missing?,What information do we need?,How are we going to get the information we need?,What questions do we need to ask?,Two Tiers,Computer dont have an emotion.,Pump out the Figures,Facts and Information.,Emotions,Feelings,Intuition,Hunches,Affection,Sentiment,情感,感觉,情绪,感想,“Exact opposite of White Hat thinking,which is neutral,objective and free of emotional flavour.”,Edward de Bono,Black Hat,Careful,Judgement,Cautious,Logical,Risk Assessment,Critical,Black Hat,Black Hat thinking is concerned with caution and careful.We need to consider risks,dangers,obstacles,potential problems and downside of a suggestion,Black Hat,You should think like him!,Optimism,Positive Thinking,Constructive,Yellow Hat,Yellow Hat,“Exact opposite of Black Hat thinking,which is careful,critical and fill with judgement.”,Yellow Hat,Do you expect to find fish here?,Green Hat,Creative Thinking,Suggestions,Proposals,Alternatives,Ideas,Green Hat,“The Green Hat Thinking is concerned with New ideasand New ways of looking at things.”,Think Creatively.,Green Hat,Blue Hat,a.Organisation of thinking b.Control of the other hats,Blue Hat,“Blue Hat Thinker is responsible for summaries,overviews and conclusions.”,“Blue Hat Thinker monitors the thinking and ensures that the rules of the game are observed.”,Blue Hat,You are the referee.,References,