Unit One Growing Up,Unit 1 Growing Up,If you dont learn to think when you are young,you may never learn.Thomas Edison 如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。托马斯爱迪生,Thomas Edison(18471931),American inventor,one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history.,Unit 1 Growing Up,From the moment a child is born,the parents want to give him/her their best.They shower them with love,wrap them in security,feed and comfort them and respond to all their needs.On the path of growing up,however,the child may still need to experience something else.They must grow up to survive unaided not only physically but emotionally and socially.The earlier it starts,the better.Reading the two texts in this unit probably will give you a better idea about the importance of it.,Preview Preview,Preview,Unit 1 Growing Up,Unit 1 Growing Up,Listen to the following passage three times.Fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 7 with the exact words and 8 to 10 with the missing phrases or fragments.,Growing up is not always easy.When 1 _ difficulties,courage and a spirit of independence can be more 2 _ than crying for help.Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story of growing from 3 _ to man with family hardships tells us.Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County,Henan Province.When he was only 11,his father 4 _ mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl.A year later,Hongs mother and younger brother both left home because of 5 _ and pressure from his ill father.,facing,boy,useful,本页播放,全文播放,poverty,became,Unit 1 Growing Up,Their 6 _ fell onto the 12-year-olds shoulders:to treat his fathers illness,bring up the 7 _ sister Chenchen,and to go on to study.Hong didnt give up.Young as he was,he worked in part-time jobs to feed his family.At the same time,he has studied at college.To 8 _ Chenchen,he worked hard to rent a room near his campus for her,and send her to school.Hard as his life was,Hong didnt abandon his father and the adopted sister,because they 9 _.With his hard-earned money,he even aided other students struggling against misfortunes(厄运).Hong turned down donations from others.He said he felt encouraged by kind offers,but he could 10 _.,burdens,adopted,take care of,needed his help,depend on his own work,全文播放,本页播放,Unit 1 Growing Up,Sample Dialogue:Giving OpinionsRead the following conversation.Pay attention to how the speakers give their opinions on the two cities they live in.,Danny:Where did you live when you were in the United States?Jane:In New York.Danny:Oh,really?What do you think of it?Jane:Though its a big city with a large population,I think its the most suitable place to live in.Danny:Why do you think so?Jane:You see,there is always something exciting to do,and its never boring.How do you like New Zealand?Danny:In my opinion,it isnt boring,either.You can fish,hike,grow vegetables,and do all kinds of things if you like,though its small and quiet.Jane:I guess so,especially here in Wellington(惠灵顿).,Unit 1 Growing Up,Oral practice:Ever since the Super Girl Voice show contest,show contests have become more and more popular,especially among the young people.They regard it as a stage for their star dream.What is your opinion?Invite the classmates sitting next to you to talk about this phenomenon and give your opinions.You may use the following useful expressions to help you.,Unit 1 Growing Up,Opinions and ideas are best expressed in an even voice.A loud and sharp tone will force the listener to leave,and so miss the point of your idea.There are many ways to give your opinion in English.What you say depends on how strong your opinion is.Giving your opinion neutrally:I thinkI feel thatIn my opinionAs far as Im concernedAs I see itIn my view,Unit 1 Growing Up,Giving a strong opinion:Im absolutely convinced thatIm sure thatI strongly believe thatI have no doubt thatAsking someones opinion:What do you think?Whats your view?How do you see the situation?Whats your opinion?What are your ideas?How do you feel about it?Do you have any thoughts on that?,Unit 1 Growing Up,Text A,Pre-reading Questions,Unit 1 Growing Up,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams,trees and lots of little animals,running about enjoying their lives.The baby eagle liked the nest.It was the only world he had ever known.It was warm and comfortable,had a great view,and even better,he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide.Many times each day the mother would swoop down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels of food.She was like a god to him,he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.,Text A,本页播放,全文播放,Unit 1 Growing Up,The baby eagle was hungry all the time,but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved.The baby eagle grew strong.His vision grew very sharp.He felt good all the time.Until one day,the mother stopped coming to the nest.The baby eagle was hungry.“Im sure to die,”said the baby eagle,all the time.“Very soon,death is coming,”he cried,with tears streaming down his face.Over and over.But there was no one there to hear him.Then one day the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff,with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby.The baby looked up at the mother and cried,“Why did you abandon me?Im going to die any minute.How could you do this to me?”,Text A,全文播放,本页播放,Unit 1 Growing Up,The mother said,“Here is some very tasty and nourishing food,all you have to do is come get it.”“Come get it?”said the baby,in anger.“How?”The mother flew away.The baby cried and cried and cried.A few days later,“Im going to end it all,”he said.“I give up.It is time for me to die.”He didnt know his mother was nearby.She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.“Eat this,its your last meal,”she said.The baby cried,but he ate and whined and whined about what a bad mother she was.“Youre a terrible mother,”he said.Then she pushed him out of the nest.He fell.Head first.Picked up speed.,Text A,本页播放,全文播放,Unit 1 Growing Up,Faster and faster.He screamed.“Im dying,Im dying,”he cried.He picked up more speed.He looked up at his mother.“How could you do this to me?”He looked down.The ground rushed closer,faster and faster.He could visualize his own death so clearly,coming so soon,and cried and whined and complained.“This isnt fair!”he screamed.Something strange happens.The air caught behind his arms and they snapped away from his body,with a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced.He looked down and saw the sky.He wasnt moving towards the ground anymore,his eyes were pointed up at the sun.“Huh?”he said.“What is going on here?”“Youre flying,”his mother said.“This is fun!”laughed the baby eagle,as he soared and dived and swooped.“Yes,it is!”said the mother.,Text A,全文播放,本页播放,Unit 1 Growing Up,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,overlook(1),v.to look over or at from a higher place 眺望,俯瞰,1.She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbor.2.A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,overlook(2),v.not to notice a fact or problem,or not to realize how important it is 没有注意到,忽略,1.We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.2.Companies are so busy analyzing the financial implications that they overlook the effect on workers.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,comfortable,a.making feel physically relaxed 舒适的,1.Trainers are so comfortable to wear.2.Its a comfortable chair,suitable for use in the living room.3.Lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,view,n.everything that can be seen from a place,especially when it is considered to be beautiful景色,风景,1.The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside.2.It was a cold room,but it afforded a fine view of the Old City.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,in ones view,used to indicate that someone is stating a personal opinion,which other people might not agree with 依照某人的观点,In my view things wont change.In my view,what this company needs is a leader of vision.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,have(get)a view of something,to see something 看见,He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard.We had a really good view of the whole stage from where we were sitting.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,provide,v.to give something that someone needs or wants to him/her or to make it available to them 供应,提供,1.Ill be glad to provide a copy of this.2.Electricity provides us with warmth and light and all our modern home comforts.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,crave,v.to want to have something very much 渴望,1.There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.2.You may be craving for some fresh air.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,vision(1),1.Sweat ran from his forehead into his eyes,blurring his vision.2.A dizziness overcame him and his vision grew hazy(模糊的).,Text A,n.the ability to see clearly with ones eyes 视力,Unit 1 Growing Up,vision(2),1.I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice.2.Thats my vision of how the world could be.,Text A,n.what someone imagines or hopes a future situation or society would be like 想象,Unit 1 Growing Up,vision(3),At last we had a leader with vision and strong principles.Perhaps anger had clouded his vision.His judgment was faulty.,Text A,n.the knowledge and imagination that are needed in planning for the future with a clear purpose 洞察力,Unit 1 Growing Up,abandon,1.He claimed that his parents had abandoned him.2.Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of lack of money.,Text A,v.to leave a place,thing,or person permanently or for a long time,especially in a reckless manner 遗弃,抛弃,Unit 1 Growing Up,nourish,1.The food she eats nourishes both her and the baby.2.To make sure the children are well-nourished,vitamin drops are usually recommended.,Text A,v.to provide a person,animal,or plant with the food that is necessary for life,growth,and good health 滋养,使健壮,Unit 1 Growing Up,whine,v.to complain in an annoying way about something unimportant 抱怨,发牢骚,1.They come to me to whine about their troubles.2.Children whined that they were bored.3.This doesnt mean that you ought to whine and complain to your friends every time you feel a little down,but in an emotional emergency,feel free to ask for help.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,complain,v.to say that you are not satisfied with something 抱怨,1.The American couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.2.People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,soar(1),v.to go quickly up into the air 高飞,滑翔,1.The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something.2.If youre lucky,a splendid golden eagle may soar into view.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,soar(2),v.to quickly increase by a great deal 剧增,1.The temperature soared to above 100 degrees outside the room.2.They get between 50,000 and 60,000 a year in various allowances.But that amount can soar to 90,000 next year.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,V.Organizing Your Ideas,IV.Trying the Translation,III.Recognizing Main Ideas,II.Developing Your Vocabulary,VI.Beyond the Reading,I.Getting the Message,Exercises,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,I.Getting the Message,Directions:Choose the best answer based on your comprehension of Text A.,1.According to the passage,what kind of life was the baby eagle living?A.He was living a happy life with all the food,love and attention provided by the mother.B.He was living a hard life because the mother eagle couldnt get enough food for him.C.He was living a boring life because he could only stay in the nest and had no friend.D.He was living a happy life with lots of little animals playing with him every day.,A,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,2.According to the passage,which statement is true about the baby eagle?A.He loved the nest because he shared it with another baby eagle.B.He didnt give up or cry even though the mother didnt come.C.He grew strong and his vision became sharp with the mothers care.D.He didnt eat the last meal brought by the mother eagle.3.How did the baby eagle react when the mother stopped bringing food to him?A.He left the mother and searched for a new nest to live in.B.He still liked his mother and was grateful to her.C.He understood his mother and did whatever she required.D.He thought she was a bad mother and complained about it.,C,D,I.Getting the Message,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,4.What happened after the baby eagle was pushed out of the nest?A.He fell onto the ground quickly and died.B.He screamed and the mother came to save him.C.He flew as his arms snapped away from his body.D.He soared to the sky without any difficulty.5.What did the baby eagle do after he found he was able to fly?A.He thanked the mother for pushing him out of the nest.B.He found it was fun and tried various styles of flying.C.He complained about the mother not telling him the truth.D.He showed surprise and didnt believe he was flying.,C,B,I.Getting the Message,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,II.Developing Your Vocabulary,Directions:Complete the following sentences with the correct words given in the brackets.,1.This is a fantastic hotel.There are several pretty and comfortable rooms which _ a flower-filled garden.(overlook,overtake)2.Be careful!It may cause blindness or serious loss of _.(vision,visual)3.Most of the _ substances are in the yolk(蛋黄)of the egg.(nourishing,flourishing)4.Many customers came to the manager to _ about their troubles.(whine,wine)5.Trapped in the hole,he was _ for help.(screaming,streaming)6.If youre lucky,a splendid golden eagle may _ into view.(soar,sour),overlook,screaming,nourishing,vision,whine,soar,Section A,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,II.Developing Your Vocabulary,Directions:Complete the following sentences with the proper words.,1.We suggest parents do not allow their children to run _ in the hall.2.The children swooped _ on the pile of presents.3.I arrived just _ time for my flight to London.4.After 3 hours,we stood _ the top of the hill and got a fine view of the city.5.He complained _ having to spend time with such a boring group of people.6.Look _ at the heavy clouds!Its going to rain.,about,about,in,down,at,up,Section B,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,III.Recognizing Main Ideas,Directions:The following is a brief summary of the text with 10 blanks.Select one word for each blank from the list given.,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,III.Recognizing Main Ideas,Add Your Title,provided,strong,feed,appeared,need,give up,pushed,Screaming,flying,fun,Text A,Unit 1 Growing Up,IV.Trying the Translation,Section A,Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,在他眼里,母亲就像一个神,他不知道她来自哪儿,她怎样做到这一切。,Text A,巢温暖、舒适,能看到美丽的风景,更令他喜欢的是,在巢里,他可以得到母亲一只伟大的母鹰,给予他的一切食物、关怀和爱心。,Unit 1 Growing Up,然后有一天,母鹰突然在悬崖顶上出现了,带着一大碗美味的食物,低头看着她的孩子。,他已能清楚地在脑中想象自己的死是什么样子,死来得是如此之快,他一边哭一边不停地抱怨。,IV.Trying the Translation,Text A,他已能清楚地在脑中想象自己的死是什么样子,死来得是如此之快,他一边哭一边不停地抱怨。,空气托起了他的翅膀,“啪”的一声从身体两边打开,他顿生一种从未体