THE SILK ROAD,Introduction,The Silk Road refers to the ancient trade route connecting Asia Continent and European Continent,usually it can be classified into Northern Silk Road on the land,Southern Silk Road on the land and the Silk Road on the sea.,Introduction,The Northern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the routes start from Changan(now Xian),travelling west to Wuwei,passing though Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang and go west to Europe.,Introduction,The Southern Silk Road on the land usually refers to the route starts from Sichuan Province and go south to India and Burma.this road has also played a great role in the war between China and Japan.,Introduction,The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guangzhou,Quanzhou,Dengzhou,Yangzhou,Mingzhou ports,it can go east to Corea,Japan,South to East-southern countries and west to Europe and Africa.,The Northern Silk Road on the land is the most famous,and We know it very well.,Beginning,Its very hard to say exactly when the Silk Road started.many incoherent small scale trade routes have existed long long ago,they can be considered as the earliest Silk Road beginning form.,Han Dynasty,The Silk Road formally started after Zhang Qians visiting as an envoy to Western Region in Western Han Dynasty.He went there twice separatelly in 138 B.C and 119 B.C,He plays an important role in exploring the Silk Road.,Han Dynasty,After Zhang Qian,Ban Chao took on a mission to the Western Region,smoothing the Silk Road that had been blocked by external wars.His assistant Gan Ying reached Daqin(ancient Rome)and even went to Persian Gulf,deepened the Silk Road.,Tang Dynasty,The Tang Dynasty government paid more attention to the Silk Road.Unlike the Silk Road in Han Dynasty,Tang Dynasty had control over some areas of Western Region and Central Asia along the road,establishing effective and sturdy orders,which cleared obstacles for Chinese businessmen.,Tang Dynasty,After An Shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty,the empire fell down.the Tang Government had lost control of the Western Region and the trade on the Silk Road was halted.,Yuan Dynasty,The silk road on the land revived greatly during Yuan Dynasty period.Genghis Khan conquered all the small states,unified China and built a large empire under his rule.,Yuan Dynasty,Trade along the Silk Road reached its zenith during this period.The famous traveler Marco Polo traveled along the Silk Road visiting DaDu that is todays Beijing and wrote his famous book The Travels of Marco Polo,which introduced China to western countries systematically.,Declination,As overland trade became increasingly dangerous,and travel by sea became more popular,the trade along the Silk Road on the land declined.gradually it was replaced by the Silk Road on the sea.,Influence,The Silk Road greatly promoted the exchanges of economy,technology and culture among the Asian,the European and the African.it made the whole world colorful.,Thanks for your attention,Thank you,