高速列车电技术的发展Development of Electric Technology for High Speed Train,1.高速铁路网的跨越式发展催生了高速列车技术的跨越式发展(The Leap-forward development of high-speed railway lines leads to the leap-forward development of high-speed train technologies)高速铁路是现代文明社会的一个梦,地球上不少地方已圆了这个梦,中国也是的!(High-speed railway is a dream of modern civilized society,which has come true in many countries.So has in China!),2010年铁路运营里程9万公里以上(Operation railway mileage in 2010 reaches 90,000km);快速客运网总规模2万公里以上(Fast passenger line as long as 20,000km)运行速度 250 Km/h 以上(Running speed as high as 250km/h and up)投资总额2万亿RMB以上:20072012干线网,20122020支线网。(Total investment tops over 2000 billion RMB Yuan:for mainline from 2007 to 2012,for branch line from 2012 to 2020)。,“中长期铁路网规划”“Mid-to-long Term Plan of Railway Line”,高速铁路客运网(High-speed Passenger Line)“四纵四横”骨架与客运专线(-Four Longitudinal Lines&Four Lateral Lines and the Dedicated Passenger Line:Framework),“四纵(Four Longitudinal)”北京上海(1318 Km)北京武汉深圳(2260 Km)北京哈尔滨(1700 Km)杭州福州深圳(1600 Km),“四横(FourLateral)”:徐州兰州(1400 Km)杭州长沙(880 Km)青岛石家庄太原(770 Km)南京武汉成都(1600 Km),2.梦幻列车驰骋神州(Trains,with your dreams,run over mainland China),高速铁路网主要包括(High-speed railway net composed of):-高品质的工务基础设施(Top-quality engineering fundamental infrastructure)-先进的动力设备和列车(Advanced power equipment and train)-信号传输(Signal transmission)-牵引供电系统(Traction power supply system)-快速指挥调度管理系统(Fast dispatch and management system)-综合服务系统(Comprehensive service system),“和谐”号(CRH)高速列车CRH High-speed Train(Train of Harmony)制造过程中十余个省、一百余个企业对约145个子系统、1.2万个零部件的和谐合作;Harmony between human-beings:in harmony is the cooperation of about ten provinces and one hundred companies on 145 sub-systems and 12000 components during the production;运营过程中服务质量与乘客文明素质的和谐。in harmony is the service quality and passenger quality during operation.,人与自然的和谐:节能、环保(Harmony between human-being and nature:energy-saving,environmental friendly),2023年9月30日,9,3.上下求索之路(Road to Pursue the Truth in the World),增强自主创新能力,掌握核心技术;(Enhancing the independent innovative capability,master core technologies。)把原始创新、集成创新、引进消化吸收再创新相结合,螺旋式前进。(Combining original innovation、integrated innovation as well as re-innovation based on introduction and absorption,for spiral improvement,spiraling forward。),3.1 自主开发(Self-development),3.2 吸收再创新(Absorption and Re-innovation),“引进先进技术、联合设计制造、打造中国品牌”,借鉴并吸收世界先进文明成果,掌握高速列车的关键技术。通过再创新,建立了“和谐号”产品系列和技术体系。(“Introduction of top technologies,joint design and production,building of Chinese brand”.To grasp the critic technologies of high-speed train in the light of and via absorption of advanced world civilization achievements.Through re-innovation,the CRH train systems and technology systems have been built.),高速列车技术(High Speed Train Technology),优异动力学性能(Outsta-nding Dynamics Performans)车体气密性技术(Car Body Air-tightness Technology)交流传动技术(AC Drive Technology 网络控制技术(Train Net Control Technology),高速受流技术(High-speed Current Collection Technology)复合制动技术(Compound Brake Technology)智能诊断技术(Intelligent Diagnosis Technology)完备检修技术(Complete Overhaul Technology),交流传动(AC Drive Technology),高速列车要达到高速运行,必须具有大功率的牵引系统,速度在 300km/h以上的高速列车牵引功率需在10MW左右。大功率“交-直-交”变流技术是现代高速列车电力牵引的核心。(In order to realize high-speed running,the train must have high power drive system,whose drive power will be about 10MW when the speed is over 300km/h。High power“AC-DC-AC”converter technology is the core of modern high-speed train electric traction。),交流传动系统集成(Traction Drive System Integration),power semiconductor devices,traction converter,sensor,assistant power supply equipment,train running supervisory equipment,train control system,3.3 电力电子技术的快速发展(Rapid Development of Power Electronics Technology),不控和半控器件 电流全控器件 电压全控器件 功率集成器件;(uncontrolled and half-controlled device current full-controlled device voltage full-controlled device integrated power device;)器件体积减少了34个数量级;(Device volume decreases by three to four orders of magnitude;)大功率器件的开关时间从毫秒级降到了微秒级;小功率的甚至降到纳秒级;(Time switch of high power device reduces from millisecond to microsecond,which of low power device even decreases to nanosecond;)工作频率从50Hz增加到兆赫级;(Power frequency increases from 50Hz to megahertz;)变流器的功率水平从几伏安提高到几百兆伏安,电压从伏级提高到几千伏级。(Power level of converter increases from several volt ampere to several hundred megawatts volt ampere,voltage increases from volt to several kilo-volt。),牵引变流器关键技术(Key Technology of Traction Converter),基础研究成果(Fundament Research Achievement),高压IGBT技术研究(IGBT High-Voltage Technology Research)IGBT与FRD芯片结构研究(Research on architecture of IGBT chip and FRD chip)IGBT 芯片结构与电特性关系研究(Relationship between structure and electrical characteristic of IGBT chip)IGBT模块可靠性技术研究(IGBT module reliability technology research),IGBT相模块(IGBT phase module),IGBT器件IGBT device,牵引变流器冷却技术研究(Traction Converter Cooling Technology Research)各种冷却技术的研究(Research on various cooling technologies)牵引变流器热设计仿真(Traction converter thermal desigh simuation)稳态/瞬态下散热和冷却研究(Research on radiation and cooling under steady-state and transient state),常用电压型变流器(Voltage Source Converter in Common Use),三电平变流器(Three-level Converter),牵引变流器(Traction Converter),一台牵引变流器为4台牵引电机电源的控制设备,由脉冲整流器、直流平滑电路、逆变器、真空交流接触器等主电路设备和无触点控制装置、控制电源等控制电路设备构成。A traction converter provides control for four traction motor power supply,which is composed of main circuit equipments(such as pulse rectifier、DC smoothing circuit、inverter、ac vacuum contactor and so on)and control circuit equipments(such as non-contact control device、control power supply and so on).,traction converter empty cabinet,cabinet overhaul,cabinet welding,信息技术的快速发展(Rapid Development of Information Technology),模拟装置数模混合装置数字装置单片机DSP(analog device analog/digital mixed-device digital device MCU DSP)DSP从10位64位,主频从 20MHz提高到 1GHz以上,运算速度增加使MAC(1次乘法和1次加法)时间从 400ns 降低到 10ns;(DSP:10-Bit 64-Bit,clock frequency improved from 20MHz to 1GHz。The increase of calculation speed decreases MAC(one multiplication and one addition)time from 400ns to 10ns。)可编程逻辑芯片从十几门逻辑提高到百万门逻辑;(Programmable Logic chip increases from dozens of gate logic to millions of gate logic。)不断提高的DSP的处理速度和容量及推广应用(constantly increased DSP processing speed and capacity as well as its application)新的控制硬件与控制策略(new control hardware and control strategy),转子磁场定向控制(Rotor Field-oriented Control),rotating speed adjustor,torque current adjustor,flux generator,field current adjustor,rotor flux observer,直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control),四象限脉冲整流器控制(4-Quardant Pulse Rectifier Control),轻载牵引或制动工况下功率因数控制技术研究(study of power factor control under low load traction or braking conditions)无电网电压传感器的四象限控制策略研究(research on 4-Quardant control strategy without voltage sensors)级连式多电平高压大功率牵引变流器四象限控制系统研究(research on 4-Quardant control system of cascade multilevel high voltage large power traction converter),粘着与蠕滑率控制(Adhesion and Slip Control),轮轨粘着特性的实时检测和判定(real-time detection and estimation of wheel/rail adhesion characteristics)蠕滑检测(slip measurement)传动系统非线性对粘着控制性能影响(influence of drive system nonlinearity on adhesion control performance),drive wheel,direction of motion,traction power,road surface,dry road surface,moist road surface,creepage velocity,列车网络控制系统结构(Train Network Control System Structure),driver control and panel switch,fire alarm,train instruction,分布式列车控制系统(Distribute Train Control System),应用软件(application software),网络控制系统软件(Network Control System Software),软件质量管理(Software Quality Management),运营维护软件(operating maintenance software),功能验证和仿真软件(Function verification and simulation software),控制软件(control software),运营维护软件接口(operating maintenance software interface),控制软件接口(control software interface),网络协议栈(network protocol stack),板级支持包(board support package),实时操作系统(real time operating system),工具软件(utility software),牵引传动系统建模与仿真Traction Drive System Model and Simulation,dSPACE,牵引变压器Traction transformer,整流器中间回路Rectifier DC-link,逆变器电机Inverter motor,控制计算机Control computer,接口单元Interface unit,生产线 1Production Line 1,生产线 2Production Line 2,4.路漫漫(Road to Infinity),新材料、新工艺、新技术,促使包括高速度列车在内的轨道运输装备更节能、环保、人性化,从部件到整体的技术正经历新的变化。(New materials,new processes and new technologies make the rail equipment including high speed trains to be more energy saving,environment-friendly and human oriented.The technology,from component to system,is living through new changes.),4.1 新型变流器(Novel Converter),简化电路,减少有源或无源器件(simplified circuit,reducing active or passive device)降耗节能(loss reducing and energy saving),矩阵变流器Matrix Converter,9开关交-交变流器Nine-Switch AC-AC Converter,双电平交-直-交阻抗源变流器Two-Lever AC-DC-AC Z-Source Converter,三电平交-直-交阻抗源变流器Three-Lever AC-DC-AC Z-Source Converter,软开关变流器(soft-switch power converter),软开关条件:一方面是重复地使器件上的电压为零、或强迫流过器件的电流为零,并随即保持一个足够长的时间以完成换流;另一方面,器件必须在零电压或零电流期间,尽快完成换流过程。(Soft-switch conditions:one side,repeatedly bringing device voltage to zero、or forcing current through device to be zero,and holding enough time to finish current convert;on the other hand,device must finish current convert during the course of zero voltage or zero current。)目前有两类电路可以满足前一方面的要求:谐振直流环节和谐振吸收回路。(Now there are two types of circuit which can satisfy the former request:resonant DC-Link and resonance absorption circuit。),准谐振电路(QRDCL circuit),谐振吸收电路(resonance absorption circuit),4.2 新控制策略Novel Control Strategies,间接式定子量控制Indirect Stator-Quantities Control,复合式智能控制Combined Intelligent ControlExample:fuzzy sliding-mode control using adaptive tuning technique,Example:sliding mode neuro-adaptive control,4.3 牵引变压器的革命(Revolution of Traction Transformer),A)超导变压器(Superconducting Transformer)采用超导导线代替铜导线,使超导变压器具有小型轻量、低耗高效的特点。(Replacing copper wire with superconducting wire makes superconducting transformer become miniaturization and lightweight、low consumption and higher efficiency。)由液态氮冷却的铋系列化合物(如Bi2223、Bi2212)高温超导材料开始应用于制造电气设备和电缆。(Bismuth compound high temperature superconducting materials(such as Bi2223、Bi2212)cooled with liquid nitrogen have been applied to manufacture electric equipment and cable。,B)电子变压器(Electrical Transformer),级联变流器和中频耦合变压器的供电电路。(Power supply electric circuit of cascaded converter and intermediate frequency coupling transformer。)功率1MVA的400Hz(变比11)中频变压器的重量为450 kg,短路电抗为 18.9%,效率达96.2%。(Weight of 400 Hz intermediate frequency transformer with 1MVA power(transformation ratio 1:1)is 450kg,whose short-circuit reactance is 18.9%and efficiency is 96.2%。),transformer,traditional single phase AC locomotive,4-Quardant converter,traction motor,DC-link circuit and snubber circuit,electrical transformer,front-end reactor,intermediate frequency transformer,secondary side converter,inverter,frequency converter,4.4 无齿轮的直接传动(Gearless Direct Drive),电动机直接套在轮轴上,电机产生的转矩不经齿轮而是直接传递到轮对上去,可节省空间和费用。(motor directly surrounds wheel axle and torque produced by motor directly transfers to wheel pair without through gear,which efficiently saves space and expense。)直接传动特别适合永磁同步牵引电动机传动。(Direct drive especially applys to permanent magnet synchronous motor drive。),4.5 永磁同步牵引传动系统(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Traction Drive System),高效(high efficiency)高功率密度(high power density)可控性(controllability)减少空间尺寸(reduce space size)无齿轮直接传动(gearless direct drive),AGV,PM motor for AGV,Italys NTV,has placed firm orders worth 650 million(US$953 million)for 25 trains(with options for 10 more),and has signed a maintenance contract with Alstom.Production of the first trains will begin in mid-2008,and they will be delivered from 2010 onwards.,Specifications of the PM motors for AGV,BOMBARDIER,Mitrac Permanent Magnet Motor,ZEFIRO(Bombardier),Bombardier Transportation announced(28 Sept.2009)that its Chinese joint venture,Bombardier Sifang(Qingdao)Transportation Ltd.,has been selected by the Chinese Ministry of Railways(MOR)to supply 80 ZEFIRO 380 very high speed trains(1,120 cars)for the countrys rapidly growing high speed rail network.,ECO4 Technologies can create Energy Savings of up to 50%ECO4-a suite of energy-saving technologies base on the four comer stones of:EnergyEfficiencyEcologyEconomy,E954/E955 Shinkansen(TOSHIBA),PM motor for E954,Specifications of the PM motors for E954,For the E954/E955 type,permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system that achieves high output,light weight,low noise,and high efficiency.,HEMU-400X(korea),The Next-Generation High-speed Rail Technology Development Project seek to develop core technologies necessary for EMU-type high-speed(maximum of 400km/h)rail system based on the successful development of the Korean high-sped train:HSR-350X.The 30 key components such as permanent magnet electric motors with 400Km/h of maximum velocity,