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    Topic 6Food and drinks&Hygiene and health&Safety and first aid,话题六饮食、卫生与健康、安全与救护,课前预习,单词,9A Unit 6 Healthy diet,1.评论n.2.产品;制品n.3.标题;题目n.4.顾客n.5.通常的;寻常的adj.6.医疗的adj.7.必需的adj.8.大量;充足n.9.提供v.10.说明v.,review,product,title,customer,usual,medical,necessary,plenty,serve,state,短语,1.减肥 2.充足;大量 3.通常;大体上 4.离开;不接近 5.给自己买某物 6.愿意做某事 7.均衡饮食 8.软饮料 9.油炸食物 10.乳制品,lose weight,plenty of,in general,stay away from,treat oneself to sth.,prefer to do sth.,a balanced diet,soft drink,fried food,dairy product,课文重点句型,1.He also stated that its necessary for me to have a more balanced diet.他还说有一个更均衡的饮食对我来说很 有必要。2.Do you know which meal is the most important?你知道哪顿饭是最重要的吗?3.Ive decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks.我已经决定远离油炸食品和软饮料了。,课文重点句型,4.The fish pie reminded me of my grandma.鱼饼让我想起了我的奶奶。5.You should get there early and be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting for your food.你应该早点到那儿,做好准备花很多时 间等待你的食物。,9B Unit 6 Caring for your health,单词,1.风险n.2.敌人n.3.有希望的adj.4.私人的adj.5.沉默的adj.6.沮丧的;消沉的adj.7.强迫;迫使v.8.鼓励;鼓舞v.9.取消;撤销v.10.集中于v.,risk,enemy,bright,private,silent,low,force,cheer,cancel,focus,短语,1.解决;处理 2.防止;提防 3.抵消;对消 4.持乐观的态度 5.学着做;开始做 6.忙于做 7.把抛在后面 8.使振奋 9.直到才 10.受折磨,deal with,guard against,cancel out,look on the bright side,take up,(be)busy with,leavebehind,cheerup,notuntil,suffer from,课文重点句型,1.Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives.许多学生在日常生活中都会有压力。2.They focus too much on studying,dealing with peer pressure and other things.他们把太多精力放在学习、处理同龄人 的压力和其他事情上。3.You need to guard against stress from a young age.你需要提防始于年轻时的压力。,课文重点句型,4.You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health.你应该意识到,压力对你的健康是一种 危险。5.The students are discussing why they are often under stress.学生们正在讨论为什么他们经常生活在 压力下。,话题语言基础知识归纳&写作基础训练,一、饮食(Food and drinks),水果蔬菜,1.苹果 2.香蕉 3.梨 4.葡萄5.土豆 6.西红柿 7.胡萝卜 8.卷心菜,主食,1.面包 2.饺子 3.面条 4.米饭,apple,banana,pear,grape,potato,tomato,carrot,cabbage,bread,dumpling,noodle,rice,主食,5.均衡饮食 6.过着健康的生活7.强身健体 8.远离,balanced diet,live a healthy life,build up ones body,stay away from,饮料,1.牛奶 2.茶 3.果汁 4.咖啡,milk,tea,juice,coffee,零食,1.汉堡 2.蛋糕 3.糖果 4.巧克力5.减肥 6.增肥,hamburger,cake,candy,chocolate,lose weight,put on weight,用餐礼仪,1.点餐 2.请随便吃点,order food,help yourself to,写作基础训练,1.You should often _.你应该经常锻炼以保持健康。2.All of us are supposed to _ eating breakfast.我们 所有人都应该意识到吃早餐的重要性。3.Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么?_ have a glass of orange juice.我想要一杯橙汁。4.Dont _ others with chopsticks.不要用筷子指着别人。,do exercise to keep,healthy,realize the,importance of,Id like to,point at,二、卫生与健康(Hygienehadn and health),身体部位,1.头 2.心脏 3.脖子 4.胃5.嘴 6.鼻子 7.牙齿 8.腿,卫生,1.干净的 2.脏的 3.整洁的 4.乱的,head,heart,neck,stomach,mouth,nose,tooth,leg,clean,dirty,tidy,messy,疾病,1.感冒 2.头痛 3.咳嗽 4.发烧5.患病 6.照顾,医疗,1.医院 2.医生 3.护士 4.药 5.量体温 6.吃药7.休息 8.做手术,cold,headache,cough,fever,be/get sick/ill,take care of/look after,hospital,doctor,nurse,medicine,take ones temperature,have medicine,have a rest,have an operation,写作基础训练,1.We should _ every day.我们应该坚持每天锻炼。2.What is wrong with you?你怎么了?I.I feel terrible.我胃很痛,感觉很不舒服。3._ have you felt like that?这种情况有多久了?For two or three weeks.大约两三周了。,keep doing exercise,have a bad stomachache,How long,写作基础训练,4._ you need more rest.我觉得你需要多休息。5.Take these pills _.这些药一天吃三次。6.Nothing is _ health.没有什么比健康更重要。,I think,three times a day,more important than,三、安全与救护(Safety and first aid),安全守则,1.遵守 2.违背 3.规则 4.危险5.安全用电 6.小心用火,急救,1.烧伤 2.事故 3.伤口 4.喊叫5.离开 6.救 7.安全 8.意外,obey,break,rule,danger,use electricity safely,be careful with fire,burn,accident,injury/wound,shout,leave,save,safety,accident,自我保护,1.注意 2.保护 3.警戒 4.防止5.保护免受 6.处于危险中7.避免做 8.寻求帮助9.远离 10.确保;保证,attention,protect,guard,prevent,protect/keepfrom sth./doing sth.,in danger,avoid doing sth.,ask for help,stay away from,make sure,写作基础训练,1._,safety is very important to students.众所周知,安全对于学生来说很重要。2._ to know how to use electricity safely.对于我们来说,了解如何安全用电很 有必要。3.We should _ when we leave.我们离开时要关电器。,As we all know,Its necessary for us,turn off the machine,写作基础训练,4.We should _.Dont run a red light when crossing the road.我们应该遵守交通规则。过马路时不 要闯红灯。5._ with fire.小心用火。6.Dont _ alone.不要独自去游泳。7.In a word,we should keep _ in our mind.总之,我们应该牢记安全第一。,obey the traffic rules,Be careful,go swimming,safety first,话题范文精选,A recent study shows that nearly 40%of the school students all over the country do not have breakfast.The reasons why some students miss breakfast are similar to each other.For example,some students usually stay up late to finish their homework,which makes them go to sleep late and miss their breakfast.In addition,some students spend too much money on their snacks or games.,As a result,they dont get enough money to afford their three meals.It is obvious that some of them always feel sleepy and have bad memory.It is a pity that those who often miss breakfast dont realize the importance of breakfast.,As a matter of fact,its important to have breakfast.For a creative mind and a healthy body,I strongly suggest that school students should start their new day with a regular good breakfast.,这是一篇有关中学生吃早餐情况的调查报告,文中使用了很多常用和高级的短语,值得我们学习和模仿。1.使用百分比40%of the school students;2.使用定语从句The reasons why;3.使用短语be similar to(与相似);4.使用短语stay up late(熬夜);5.使用短语as a result(结果);6.使用句型It is obvious that(很明显的是);7使用句型 It is a pity that(遗憾的是)。,知识点过关,Task 1 单词拼写,1.Though they failed,they still worked as hard as u.2.Its too dangerous here.We have to l right now.3.Going to bed too late is a bad h and its not good for your health.4.There was a big disaster.Luckily,no one was h.5.We should eat more f fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.,sual,eave,abit,urt,resh,6.The old man was b hurt by a bus last week,and now he is in hospital.7.If you are hungry,why not e some bread?8.Having a balanced d is important to keep healthy.9.Be careful when you walk across the s.Its the rush hour.10.C up!You can pass the exam next time if you work harder than before.11.H7N9 is horrible.It is said that it has made more than 40 people l their lives.,adly,at,iet,treet,heer,ose,edical,at,isk,ecessary,Task 2 完成句子,If,wont feel tired,how to deal with,get up,was/got hurt,be made from,stops/keeps/prevents,from going,have/take a walk,didnt finish,until/till,keep your balance,10.处理压力的方法之一是培养一项业余爱好。One way to deal with stress is to a hobby.11.如果你想要保持牙齿健康,你就要远离甜 食。sweet food if you want to keep your teeth healthy.12.海伦通过每天跑步半小时的方式来减肥。Helen by running half an hour every day.,take up,Stay away from,loses weight,have/keep a balanced,diet,suffered from,cheer up,话题时文原创精选,答案,1.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段首句可知选D。2.A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段首句可知选A。3.C 词义猜测题。句意:直到20世纪90年代早期,鼎泰丰被挑选为世界上十大餐馆之一,并且其名下的分公司也在世界各地开始出现。emerge意为“出现”。故选C。,4.D 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第三句可知南翔馒头店的小笼包与其他餐馆的小笼包与众不同的原因是它的原材料不同。故选D。5.D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知文章主要讲述小笼包的历史,包括它的命名、由来和与之相关的著名餐馆。故选D。,备考演练,Part 1 语法选择,B考查动词。stop doing意为“停止正在做的事情”。2.B考查固定搭配。ask sb.to do sth.意为“要求某人做某事”。3.B考查定语从句的关系代词。在定语从句中,先行词是物(information),引导词需用which。4.A考查代词。空格后有名词,排除others;illnesses为名词复数形式,故不用another;空格前有many不可再加the。,5.B考查数词。空格前无具体数字修饰,因此该空填hundreds of,意为“成百上千的”。6.C考查形容词的最高级句型。its the序数词最高级意为“第几”。7.D考查代词。句意:我不希望你成为他们中的一个。用宾格them。故选D。8.D考查时态。句中选用的是一般现在时故选D。9.C考查冠词。smell后面的of smoke in the house是在对smell作进一步说明,属于特指,用定冠词。,10.D考查介词。do harm to sb.为固定搭配。11.A考查副词。“像我们也在抽烟一样”,表肯定意义,用too。12.A考查连词。but表转折。13.D考查情态动词。句意:你可以去看医生,并寻求他的帮助。故选D。14.B考查动词。此处用动词不定式表目的。15.A考查疑问词。句意:我还能让谁帮我辅导我的数学作业。,Part 2 完形填空,A根据常识和下文可知,吃太多的甜食或喝太多含糖饮料对身体有坏处。故选A。2.A句意:许多国家已经开始行动起来控制孩子对含糖饮料的需求量。3.B除了销售,另一个被限制的应该是广告,下文亦有提及。4.A结合上文,由于含糖饮料的销售受到了限制,因此在学校购买它们就会变得很困难。5.Ca new tax rule意为“一项新的税收规定”,可用started,意为“提出”。,6.B句意:他们希望这样可以使人们更加健康。7.D上文提到很多孩子喜欢喝含糖饮料的情况,这引起了许多国家政府部门的重视,因此这里指中国也有同样的“问题”。故选D。8.B从上句“中国大城市很多中学生过量摄入含糖饮料”推断,这里指超重的孩子数量在过去20年里增加了510倍。故选B。9.C哈佛医学院的Gao Xiang应该是呼吁中国政府积极应对这种状况。,10.C结合后半句,“包括控制含糖饮料在学校的销售及其广告”,可知Gao给出的是一些建议(suggestions)。,Part 3 阅读理解,B词义猜测题。根据第一段可知this problem指的是一些乘客抱怨食物的味道,并拒绝吃。2.C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知选C。,3.D细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,科学家认为不容易解决这个问题的原因是他们无法成功地处理这种特殊的环境,比如气压的改变。4.C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句中making food taste good is still hard for them推断出人们改善食物味道还有很长的路要走。故选C。5.A主旨大意题。本文主要讲了飞机餐为什么难吃,因此答案为A。,Part 4 阅读填空,E由下文The images and videos were published on可知Wilson 用社交媒体直播了救援朋友的故事。2.B根据下文提到的chairlift及其描述可知,Wilson介绍朋友是被困在了缆椅上。3.A由上文with the bag tied around his neck可判断,Wilson的朋友应该很难呼吸,故选A。4.C根据下文His friend fell over可知Wilson应该是将朋友从被困的缆椅上救了下来,C项的描述符合文意。,5.D通读文章可知,朋友获救了,大家一起把他带下山并送到了一家医院。,Part 5 书面表达,某中学的学生会举办了一场以“Good habits,good health”为主题的演讲大赛,请你根据以下提示,给校英文报投稿,发表你的看法。,【思路点拨】,1.审题构思,谋篇布局,时态:一般现在时人称:第一、三人称,写作点拨,参考范文,Good habits lead to good health.So its important for us to form healthy habits.However,many people still have bad habits.Some people dont have breakfast in the morning.Some like to eat junk food outside all the time.Others like to drink too much coffee and stay up late.,Here are some suggestions for you to keep fit.First,we should eat different kinds of healthy food.Second,we had better have meals at the right time.Third,we should get up early.Dont stay up late and play games for a long time.Besides,its good for us to climb mountains at weekends or play basketball with friends in our spare time.In my opinion,we should get into the good habits to make ourselves healthy.,


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