Sujie LiSchool of English,BISU2017-12-15,诗圣杜甫,Prominent Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty.Along with Li Bai(Li Po),he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets.To Western readers,he was introduced as“the Chinese Virgil,Horace,Ovid,Shakespeare,Milton,Burns,Wordsworth,Hugo or Baudelaire”More than 1400 of his poems are extant.,Du Fu:Reputation,Poet-Sage Poet-HistorianRealism represents the deepest and oldest tradition within Chinese poetry.In the Tang Dynasty,Du Fu breathed a whole new life into the genre;his close observations,gloomy yet sincere feelings,were a prism through which most major social and political events from the late Tianbao Period of the Tang Dynasty to the Dali Period could be viewed.Of particular concern to him was the immense disruption to peoples livelihood caused by these turbulent times;his indignation was unequivocal.,李白和杜甫刚好跨越中国诗歌的黄金时代,成为两个高峰,我们称李白为“诗仙”,称杜甫为“诗圣”。李白之所以被称为“诗仙”,是因为在诗的国度里,他是一个不遵守人间规则的人。“仙”的定义非常有趣,李白本身建立起来的个人生命风范,不能够用世俗的道德标准去看待,比如李白的好酒,李白的游侠性格,李白对人世间规则的叛逆。可以说李白把道家或老庄的生命哲学做到了尽情发挥,变成一种典范。杜甫诗“诗圣”,“圣”与儒家学说有关,儒家生命的最高理想是成为圣人,“圣”需要在人间完成。“仙”是个人化的自我解放,“圣”则是个人在群体生活当中的自我锤炼。(蒋勋说唐诗,111-2),诗仙与诗圣,Du Fu(712-770)Hometown and ancestry:祖籍襄阳(今属湖北),后迁巩县(今属河南),出生于世代“奉儒守官”的家庭,十三世祖杜预是西晋时的名将兼学者,曾为左传作注,祖父杜审言是初唐著名诗人,父亲杜闲曾为兖州司马、奉天县令。因此,杜甫把“奉儒”和写诗看做一生的事业。Courtesy name:子美由于他是京兆(长安)杜陵人,因此also known as:杜少陵 Du of Shaoling少陵野老,杜陵布衣(Du Ling the Commoner)杜工部 Du of the Ministry of Works,named after the councillor post he took temporarily,Du Fu:Basic Facts,杜甫生活在唐帝国由盛转衰的急剧转变时期,玄宗天宝十四年(755)爆发的“安史之乱”是这一转变的关键。杜甫及经历了“安史之乱”前那种繁荣昌盛的“开元全盛日”,也经历了“安史之乱”“流血川原丹”、生灵涂炭的全过程,还看到了唐王朝在“安史之乱”后一蹶不振、江河日下的败落景象。因此,杜甫的一生,和他所处的那个由盛及衰、万方多难的时代息息相关。,Du Fu:A Life of Turbulence,Life experiences in FOUR stages:1.读书游历时期(before age 35)结识李白、高适等,豪放浪漫,意气风发,乐观自信“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”;“放荡齐赵间,裘马颇清狂”2.困守长安时期(aged 35-44)“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”政治理想受挫,生活穷困潦倒,发现社会矛盾:“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”的社会现实,作诗一百多首,兵车行、丽人行一个忧国忧民的诗人形象的成熟,诗风转向客观写实、沉郁苍凉。3.为官及流亡时期(aged 45-48)安史之乱及之后,做官、陷贼、流亡、遭贬,留诗249首,创作高峰期,对战火和灾荒中的人民的困难有深刻的反映,有着“诗史”的伟大意义。“三吏”、“三别”4.漂泊西南时期(49-59,death)杜甫草堂,得官检校工部员外郎,一段较安稳的生活。严武死后开始流亡、投亲靠友,身体日衰,直至客死破船,终年59岁。因感暮年,抓紧创作,有430余首,有昔游、壮游、遣怀等五古名篇和诸将五首、秋兴八首、咏怀古迹五首等七律名篇。,杜甫生活在唐朝由盛转衰的历史时期,其诗多涉笔社会动荡、政治黑暗、人民疾苦,他的诗反映当时社会矛盾和人民疾苦,记录了唐代由盛转衰的历史巨变,表达了崇高的儒家仁爱精神和强烈的忧患意识,因而被誉为“诗史”。杜甫忧国忧民,人格高尚,诗艺精湛。杜甫一生写诗一千五百多首,其中很多是传颂千古的名篇,比如“三吏”和“三别”。杜甫流传下来的诗篇是唐诗里最多最广泛的,是唐代最杰出的诗人之一,对后世影响深远,是现实主义诗歌的代表作。,Evaluation,“三吏”Three Officials 石壕吏新安吏潼关吏“三别”Three Departures 新婚别无家别垂老别“My Thatched Hut Wrecked by the Autumn Wind”“On Hearing Government Troops Recapture Henan and Hebei”,中唐诗人元稹:“则诗人以来,未有如子美者。时山东人李白,亦以奇文取称,时人谓之李杜。予观其壮浪纵恣,摆去拘束,摸写物象及乐府歌诗,诚亦差肩于子美矣。”北宋著名诗人秦观也认为杜甫的诗歌兼收众家之长,而超出众家“穷高妙之格,极豪逸之气,包冲澹之趣,兼峻洁之姿,备藻丽之态,而诸家之作所不及焉”。葛晓音认为杜诗“独步千古晚年居于夔州时期,大力创作七律组诗以苍凉的笔调绘出浓丽之旧梦,句法的提炼和声情的传达妙合无垠,将七律的表现力发挥到了极致”。(俞宁 秋兴八首之形式美发微),当代、后世评说,杜甫诗“有集六十卷”,早佚。北宋宝元二年(1039)王洙辑有1405篇,编为18卷,题为杜工部集。钱谦益编有笺注杜工部集。杨伦说:“自六朝以来,乐府题率多模拟剽窃,陈陈相因,最为可厌。子美出而独就当时所感触,上悯国难,下痛民穷,随意立题,尽脱去前人窠臼”。不必说杜甫是中国最大的诗人,我在琼美卡随想录中是这样给杜甫定位的:“如果抽掉杜甫的作品,一部全唐诗会不会有塌下来的样子。”(木心文学回忆录266)唐诗三百首中收杜诗35首(李白33首),李杜之争,凡每一个时代,其同时代最伟大的人,必有齐名者,如诗人称“李杜”,文称“韩柳”,书法家则有“颜柳”,画家则并称“吴李”(吴道子与李龙眠)。当时代的气运转动时,必同时可出很多人才也。钱穆中国文学史,198,钱穆论李杜,王维是居士,杜甫是严正的读书人,李白则是喜欢讲神仙、武侠的江湖术士,照理是属于下层社会的。一种是王维讲佛教,一种是杜甫讲尧、舜、孔、孟,李白却又是另一种。【从】他的庐山遥寄卢侍御虚舟,可见他对中国传统士大夫一套已彻底解放了。世上常有二人齐名,如“韩柳”“孔孟”“墨荀”“陆王”等,虽齐名,但仍以其中一人为较高。此处如李、杜齐名,但以杜甫为高。一国的文化是其民族性情的表现,为表现民族文化的伟大,可以让万物共容,不必定于一尊,才是表示文化伟大。钱穆中国文学史,204,钱穆论李杜,开元、天宝,中国文艺复兴的幕布徐徐拉开,主角很多,太多李白是男中音,杜甫是男低音。李白飘逸清俊,天马行空,怒涛回浪。杜甫沉稳庄素,永夜角声,中天月色。他们既能循规蹈矩,又得才华横溢,真真大天才,随你怎样弄,弄不死他。(文学回忆录,260-1)从前的文士总纠缠于李杜的比较,想比出高低来。他们二人恰是好朋友不必比较。按理说,李白唐诗人第一,但实在是杜甫更高,更全能。杜晚年作品,总令我想起贝多芬。李白才气太盛,差点被才害死。李杜二人,承继有别。李白承继楚辞,杜甫承继诗经。(272),木心论李杜,整整一千年当中,很多人在讨论李白、杜甫的优劣,这真一个很大的精神浪费。文学的美不是生命的窄化,而是让生命开阔的过程。从李白转到杜甫,不是从一个极端走向另一个极端,更有趣的是在我们身上发现李白的部分和杜甫的部分。每个生命里都有这两个部分:对个体生命完成的追寻,让我们放歌山林;回到这个世界上,对于最卑微的生命又有同情、悲悯。相同或不同与好坏无关,他们都是不可取代的,樟树与榕树哪种更好?它们是不同的生命,在自然世界里一定要分出好或不好,是荒谬的,人的世界也是如此。李白、杜甫的生命分别抵达了不同的巅峰状态,如果非要去比较优劣,会偏离对他们的真正认识。(115),蒋勋论李杜,杜甫、李白互寄思念的诗,不见 杜甫不见李生久,佯狂真可哀。世人皆欲杀,吾意独怜才。敏捷诗千首,飘零酒一杯。匡山读书处,头白好归来。,沙丘城下寄杜甫 李白我来竟何事,高卧沙丘城。城边有古树,日夕连秋声。鲁酒不可醉,齐歌空复情。思君若汶水,浩荡寄南征。,春望 Spring View,国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。,Though a country be sundered,hills and rivers endure;And spring comes green again to trees and grassesWhere petals have been shed like tearsAnd lonely birds have sung their grief.When fires of war have raged for three months,One message from home is worth a ton of gold.I stroke my white hair.It has grown too thin To hold hairpins.,On War-torn land streams flow and mountains stand;In vernal town grass and weeds are oergrown.Grieved oer the years,flowers make me shed tears;Hating to part,hearing birds breaks my heart.The beacon fire has gone higher and higher;Words from household are worth their weight in gold.I cannot bear to scratch my grizzling hair;It grows too thin to hold a light hairpin.,Spring View,暮投石壕村,有吏夜捉人。老翁逾墙走,老妇出门看。吏呼一何怒,妇啼一何苦。听妇前致词,三男邺城戍。一男附书至,二男新战死。存者且偷生,死者长已矣。室中更无人,惟有乳下孙。有孙母未去,出入无完裙。老妪力虽衰,请从吏夜归。急应河阳役,犹得备晨炊。夜久语声绝,如闻泣幽咽。天明登前途,独与老翁别。,石壕吏,One sunset I came to Shih Hao Village and shortly there followed an official,seizing conscripts;in the courtyard of the peasants home where I stayedan old man quickly got over the wall and vanished.To the door came his old wife to greet the official as best she could;he,in great anger,swore at her,but she answered bitterly,and I heard her words:,The Conscripting Officer at Shihao tran.by Rewi Alley,“I have had three sons taken to be soldiers at Yeh Chengthen came a letter saying that two had been killed and that the third never knewwhich day he would die.Now in this but there isnone but a baby grandsonwhose mother still suckles him;she cannot go out as she has no clothing to cover her nakedness.,All I can do is to go back with youto the battle at hoyang;there I can cook,even though I am old take me,spare them.”Night wore onthe sound of voices died awayuntil there was left coming from the hut,only the sobbing of the daughter-in-law;at dawn I rose and leftwith only the old man to bid me good-bye.,车辚辚,马萧萧,行人弓箭各在腰。爷娘妻子走相送,尘埃不见咸阳桥。牵衣顿足拦道哭,哭声直上干云霄。道傍过者问行人,行人但云点行频。或从十五北防河,便至四十西营田。去时里正与裹头,归来头白还戍边。边庭流血成海水,武皇开边意未已。,兵车行,To the sound of war chariots on the move,of horses neighing,men marchwith their bows and arrows slung over their hips,while beside them stumble,run,a mass of parents,wives,children who tug at their clothinguntil in the dustby the great bridge at Hsien Yang they can go no furtherand stamping their feet and weeping in utter desperation their cries seemto reach to the cloudsso intense are they.,Ballad of the War Chariots,To ask a soldier,“why do you go?”would only bring the simple answer,“today men are conscripted often;fifteen-year-olds are sent to the northern border to fight;men of forty to colonize frontier lands;before he leaves his village a lad will have his hair bound for the first time by our headman;if he ever returns,it will be white with age,and even them he will be sent to guard the frontiers;frontiers on which enough blood has flowed to make a sea;yet the Emperor Wu still desires to expand his authority;,君不闻汉家山东二百州,千村万落生荆杞。纵有健妇把锄犁,禾生陇亩无东西。况复秦兵耐苦战,被驱不异犬与鸡。长者虽有问,役夫敢申恨?且如今年冬,未休关西卒。县官急索租,租税从何出?信知生男恶,反是生女好。生女犹得嫁比邻,生男埋没随百草。君不见,青海头,古来白骨无人收。,east of Hua Shan,county towns and villages are desolate with weeks and thorns;the strongest women till the fields,but lacking everything,crops are poor and scattered.our man are not afraid of the fiercest battle;but hate to be driven like dogs or chickens;only since you ask me do I dare give vent to our grievances;,for instance,take this winter with the men from the frontier not yet returned,the magistrate demands immediate payment of taxes;how can we pay when naught has been produced?We peasants have learned one thing now To have a son is not so good As to have a daughter who can be married To some neighbor and still be near us;,for a son will be taken from us;his bones,bleached white,will join those that lie unburied on the shores of Lake Kokonor;where the voices of new spirits join with the old heard sadly through the murmur of falling rain.”,前出塞 Song of the Frontier,挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长。射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。杀人亦有限,立国自有疆。苟能制侵陵,岂在多杀伤。,The bow you carry should e strong;The arrow you use should be long.Before a horseman,shoot his horse;Capture the chief to beat his force!Slaughter shant go beyond its sphere;Each state should guard its own frontier;If an invasion is repelled,Why shed more blood unless compelled?,三月三日天气新,长安水边多丽人。态浓意远淑且真,肌理细腻骨肉匀。绣罗衣裳照暮春,蹙金孔雀银麒麟。头上何所有?翠微盍叶垂鬓唇。背后何所见?珠压腰衱稳称身。就中云幕椒房亲,赐名大国虢与秦。紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞。犀箸厌饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶。黄门飞鞚不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。箫鼓哀吟感鬼神,宾从杂遝实要津。后来鞍马何逡巡,当轩下马入锦茵。杨花雪落覆白苹,青鸟飞去衔红巾。炙手可热势绝伦,慎莫近前丞相嗔!,丽人行,The End,