,Unit 2 ColourReading Colours and your moods,Ask and answer,1.What colour is it?,blue,green,red,yellow,black,grey,orange,violet,indigo,white,A:Whats your favourite colour?B:My favourite colour is pink.A:Yes,You look good in pink.But I would rather wear orange than pink because it can make me happy.B:I agree with you.,Speak up,Read the four-skilled words:,1.mood2.sleepy3.represent4.relaxed 5.harmony6.sadness7.calm8.stressed9.purity,n.心情,情绪,adj.欲睡的,困倦的,vt.代表,象征,adj.放松的,不拘束的,n.和谐,n.悲伤,忧伤,adj.&n.平静 的,adj.焦虑不安 的,n.纯 洁,mu:d,reprzent,rlkst,h:mn,sdns,k:m,strest,pjrt,10.wedding11.satisfied12.climate13.prefer14.remind15.wisdom 16.growth17.envy 18.jealous,n.婚礼,结婚,adj.满意的,满足的,n.气 候,vt.&vi.宁愿选择,更喜 欢,vt.提醒,使想 起,n.智 慧,n.成 长,n.&vt.嫉妒,羡 慕,adj.嫉妒的,羡慕的,wed,stsfad,klamt,prf:(r),rmand,wzdm,r,env,dels,19.physical 20.mental 21.strength 22.heat 23.difficulty 24.decision 25.deep26.worried,adj.身体的,物理的,adj.精神的,思想的,n.力量,n.热量,高温,加热,n.困难,问 题,n.决定,决议,果断,adj.&adv.深的,深深地,adj.担心的,烦恼 的,fzkl,mentl,stre,hi:t,dfklt,dsn,wrid,Skimming,blue,white,orange,yellow,green,red,What colours belong to each of them?,Discussion,1.What colours can you see?2.How do you feel?,Discussion,How do you feel?Watch the video.,Calm colour,Blue&moods,feel relaxedfeel calm and peacefulcreate a feeling of harmonyrepresent sadness,Calm colour,White&moods,feel calm and peacefulrepresent purity,Discussion,How do you feel?Watch the video.,Warm colour,Orange&moods,feel warmgive a happy and satisfied feelingcreate a warm and comfortable feelingrepresent joybring you success cheer you up,Warm colours,Yellow&moods,feel warma happy and satisfied feelingcreate a warm&comfortable feelingthe colour of the sunremind you of a warm,sunny daythe colour of wisdom.,Discussion,How do you feel?Watch the video.,Energetic colour,Green&moods,give you energythe colour of naturerepresent new life and growththe colour of envy-jealous,Discussion,How do you feel?Watch the video.,Strong colour,Red&moods,represent physical or mental strengththe colour of heatrepresent power and strong feelings,wisdomgrowthpowerpurityjoysadness,Do a match,What colours can help?,1.Tom cant decide anything.He feels sad about it.Mary cant sleep every night.She feels stressed.Millie needs to practice dancing for 3 hours every day.She is very tired and weak.,(red),(blue/white),(green),What colours can help?,4.This term John has failed many times in exams.He wants to succeed very much.,5.Mr.Zhu is very angry because many students leave their homework at home.,(orange),(blue/white),1 Lucy is studying for exams.Her mother is choosing stationery for her.What color of stationery will Lucy prefer,yellow or pink?2 Sandy is sad.What color of dress should she wear?3 Tom is going to propose(求婚)to Lily.What color of jacket should he wear?,yellow,orange,Different colours may represent different characteristics.Blue is a calm colour.It can create the feeling of joy.White will make you feel strange.Orange and yellow are warm colours.If you feel tired or weak,you should wear green.Red represents a strong feeling.It can help you take action.,T or F,T,F,F,T,T,T,Fill in the blanks,blue,energy,Red,cheer you up,envy,sadness,represent,moods,success,Did you know that colour can affect our_?Did you knowwhat different colours _?For example,_canhelp you relaxed.However,it can also mean _.I preferwarm colour such as orange.Orange can bring you_and _ if you are feeling sad.Green gives you_;it also represents_._ can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision.,1.Read by yourselves,2.Check what you do not understand,Goodbye,