To Helen(致海伦),-By Edgar Allan Poe埃德加爱伦坡,1,The Author,2,Translation of the poem,The 4 parts about our work,3,Stylistic Appreciation,4,Exercises,Edgar Allan Poe,Edgar Allan Poe,Edgar Allan Poe was an American author,poet,editor and literary critic,considered part of the American Romantic Movement.Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre,Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre.He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.,II.Major Works:Poetry:,1 The Raven(1844)乌鸦2 Annabel Lee 安娜贝尔丽3 The Sleeper 睡美人4 A Dream Within a Dream 梦中梦5 Israfel伊斯拉菲尔6 The Bells 钟7 Sonnet To Science 十四行诗-致科学8 To Helen 献给海伦9 The City in the Sea 海中的城市,Short stories,1 MS.Found in a Bottle(1833)瓶中手稿2 Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque(1839)荒诞奇异的故事3 The Murders in the Rue Morgue(1841)毛格街血案4 The Fall of the House of Usher 厄舍古屋的倒塌5 The Cask of Amontillado 一桶白葡萄酒6 Ligeia 丽姬娅7 The Purloined Letter 窃信案,The bakeground information of the poem,Poe wrote To Helen as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs.Jane Stith Stanard who died in 1824.She was the mother of one of Poes school classmates,who is said to have urged him to write poetry,and she was Poes frist real love.在中学时代,爱伦.坡曾经热切地眷恋过一位同学的母亲,一个温柔娴静、知书达理的女人,而这个女人在三十一岁死于脑瘤,无疑给爱伦坡幼小的心灵刻上了终生难愈的创伤。,To Helen,Helen,thy beauty is to me,Like those Nicean barks of yore,犹如尼西亚远古的帆船,,海伦,你的美在我眼里,long ago,Helen:海伦是宙斯和勒达的女儿,是希腊神话中的绝世美女,是希腊南部斯巴达国国王 Menelaus的妻子,特洛伊的王子Paris贪恋她的美貌,在爱与美之神Aphrodite的帮助下,把Helen诱拐了。Menelaus当时出远门了,回来得知后大怒,发誓要血洗Troy。就这样两国展开了十年之久的战争,双方死伤无数,最后希腊采用了“木马计”the Trojan Horse,战胜了Troy,杀死了Paris,抢回了Helen。Nican:尼西亚,小亚细亚旧都。barks:small sailing vessels 帆船,To Helen,The weary,way-worn wanderer bore,That gently,oer a perfumed sea,To his own native shore.,在芬芳的海上慢慢行驶,载着疲惫的漫游者,驶向他的故土。,To Helen,On desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair,thy classic face,你美丽的头发,典雅的面容,,在漂泊已久,波涛汹涌的海上,,violent,dangerous,curly,twisted,accustomed,hyacinth:风信子原产于地中海和南非,其名得自希腊神话中受太阳神阿波罗宠眷、并被其所掷铁饼误伤而死的美少年雅辛托斯。,To Helen,Thy Naiad airs have brought me home,And the grandeur that was Rome.,To the glory that was Greece,和罗马的辉煌。,天仙般的神采,使我联想,古希腊的荣光,,仙女,Naiad(水中仙女)古希腊神话中的水泉之神,住在河滩、湖泊、泉水中,被描写成美丽、天真、快乐和仁爱的形象。,To Helen,Lo!in yon brilliant window-niche,How statue-like I see thee stand,我看见你雕像般伫立,,看!那边明亮的窗户,,look,yonder,窗户,To Helen,The agate lamp within thy hand!,Are Holy-Land!,Ah,Psyche,from the regions which,玛瑙灯提在手里!哦,普塞克仙女,你来自圣地!,玛瑙,In classical legend Psyche,the lover of Cupid,was a woman so beautiful that thegoddess Venus was jealous of her.,Psyche(普赛克)在希腊神话中,普赛克公主,美丽绝伦。他是爱神厄洛斯之妻,厄洛斯禁止她看见自己的模样,而普赛克因好奇在夜晚举灯看丈夫的模样,灯油滴到爱神脸上唤醒了他,普塞克因此被丈夫逐出家门。,海伦,你的美貌于我 似古尼西亚人的远帆船,轻轻飘过芬芳的海面,让旅途劳顿的游子,回到他故乡的岸边。在漂泊已久、波涛汹涌的海上,你风信子般的头发、古典的脸庞,和尼厄神殿的风采已带我回家乡,回到罗马曾经的伟大,和希腊曾经的荣光。瞧!彼处辉煌龛盒里你,恰似雕像,伫立,玛瑙灯儿手中提!呵!赛琪,来自仙土圣地!,Stylistic Appreciation,三美,1、rhyme scheme韵律美 整首诗大体遵循四步抑扬格格律,一反传统诗歌五步抑扬格的格律,读起来有种别样的美感。该诗的韵式ABABB,CDCDC,EFFEF.e.g.Ame Croam Eniche Byore Dface Fstand Asea Chome Fhand Bbore DGreece Ewhich Bshore CRome Fand 第一诗节中押尾韵的单词为me,yore,sea,bore,shore;第二节中为roam,face,home,Greece,Rome.,2.the beauty of figure of speech修辞美1)alliteration首韵 第一节中的Weary,way-worn,Wanderer,都是以w开头的单词。诗人通过头韵将水手的疲惫形象活灵活现地展现出来.第二节中的glory,Greece,grandeur;第三节中的Statue-like,stand等。2)simile明喻 第一节第一句“Thy beauty is to me like those Nicean barks of yore”海伦的美有如往日尼西亚的三桅船”,乍一看去,三桅船并非常见的美的喻体,但在爱伦坡看来,两者的共通之处在于它们都能将疲惫的水手带回家乡。第三节第二行How statue-like I see thee stand.,4)synecdoche提喻 在第二节诗人以the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome 这一古典美的典型部分用来代表欧洲古典美这一整体。,3)pun双关 第二节中have brought me home则是双关,既表示“把我带回家”,也表示深层含义“使我明白并感受到”。,5)symbolism象征 通过对希腊神话中两个青春美丽的神女Helen和Psyche的顿呼,讴歌了女性之美。希腊神话中,海伦因其倾国倾城之美而引起持续十年的特洛伊战争,而赛琪是美少年艾洛斯(丘比特)所钟情的少女,也是青春纯情少女的象征。作者借用Helen和Psyche这两个象征来影射其心目中所推崇的对象Ms.Stanard,把倾国倾城的古典美神Helen和 Psyche作为Ms.Stanard的化身,把对Ms.Stanard真挚的爱表现得淋漓尽致。,3.the beauty of image 意象美 爱伦坡大量的运用意象(image),即用具体的形象或画面表达作者在理智和情感方面的体会。动觉意象(kinaesthetic image):本诗第一节bore,第二节的roam 都给读者强烈的跳跃动感。视觉意象(Visualimage):本诗第二节Thy hyacinth hair,第三节的brilliant window-niche和The agate lamp 直接作用于我们的视觉。嗅觉意象(Olfactory image):用perfumed sea 作用于我们的嗅觉。,How does the poem illustrate Poes definition of poetry as“rhythmic creation of beauty”?,As is typical with many of Poes poems,the rhythm and rhyme scheme of To Helen is irregular but musical in sound.The poem consists of three stanzas of five lines each.The first stanza,which mainly describes the beautiful appearance of Helen,is ending up with the rhyme ABABB;as it goes to the second stanza,in which we can see Greece and Rome,mainly illustrates the beauty inside and it ends up with the rhyme ABABA;as for the third stanza,Poe extend to another figure of beauty,Psyche,to express his pursuit of beauty.Poe uses soothing,positive words and rhythms to create a fitting tone and atmosphere for the poem.His concluding image is that of light,with a brilliant window niche and the agate lamp suggesting the glowing of the Holy Land,for which Helen is the beacon.,Is Poes mind journey from Mrs.Stannard to Helen of Troy to ancient Greece and Rome meaningful?,Its meaningful.As we know,Mrs.Stannard is the original impetus,and in the poem,Poe uses the feeling about Helen of Troy to symbolize his affection to Mrs.Stannard,and to show his definition about the ideal beauty-this beauty is not just outside beauty.Here I think Greece and Rome is an important part of the poem,because Greece and Rome means soul,the spiritual beauty,without it,the poem cannot fully express Poes feeling.,Do you see any words and phrases that give the poem its unreal atmosphere?,The agate lamp within thy hand gives the poem its unreal atmosphere.Psyche was a beautiful girl beloved by Cupid,but she was not allowed to see her husbands outlook.Since her curiosity,she raised a lamp to see what her husband looks like,unfortunately,Cupid was wakened by lamp-oil,thus,Psyche lost her husband.Here Poe use this image to show his love to Mrs.Stannard cannot come true.,