失去爆破和不完全爆破,爆破音+爆破音(爆破音:/p,b,t,d,k,g/)当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不发生爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破。例如/p,b,t,d,k,g/这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要失去爆破了。例如:what time/wt taim/goodbye/,gudbai/bedtime/bedtaim/big kite/big kait/,2爆破音+摩擦音或破擦音(摩擦音:/f,v,s,z,r,h/)(破擦音:/ts,dz,tr,dr,t,d/)当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音或破擦音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。例如/t t,td,d t,dd,p t,pd,g t,gd/等。这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要不完全爆破了。例如:picture/pik t/big jug/big d/good child/gud taild/that joke/t duk/,3爆破音+鼻辅音或舌边音(鼻辅音:/m,n,/)(舌边音:/l,=/)当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个鼻辅音或舌边音时,前面的爆破音也产生不完全爆破现象。例如:good morning/gud m:ni/big nation/big nein/mad man/md mn/correct note/k rekt nut/,从以上举例中可以看出,失去爆破和不完全爆破现象可以出现在同一单词中,如 notebook/nutbuk/,也可以出现在两个单词之间,如 good morning/gud m:ni/。在作语音分析时,我们往往在失去爆破和不完全爆破音的下面画上一小道线,例如 a big man,a good child,take care of your sister 等。,第一组:white chalk great change loud cheers a good try a good child a bit dry a second choice a black jacket a good job a big tree a hard journey a fast train a sweet dream a cold drink,第二组:good morning attend meetings not mine help me dont know at noon not now,odd numbers good night quite near a loud noise an important matter a different meaning good news urgent needs,a good memory,第三组:active blackboard post-card September hard times quite different wet ground hot bed take care next door,第四组:old friends step forward bright future first visit just think take three bright thought just then ask them red stars,first step keep silent folk songs a big zoo book shelves dont shout make sure that chair,先将下列短文中的弱读、失去爆破和不完全爆破划出,然后练习朗读:,Ladies and Gentlemen,I have some good news and some bad news.First,the good news.The dive that you just watched in Olympic Diving event was the winning dive.Now,the bad news.The swimming pool was empty.,