,Welcome to my worldLet me introduce myself,2014-10-10,彪悍的人生不需要解释,My name is Max,Self-introduction,I am a studant,I come from Chongqing,Traveling is my life,But I dont often travel because I have no money,Im from the beautiful mounten city of ChongqingAnd my hometown is Tongliang Province!-,The night of Chongqing,.You have to come to the city of Chongqing,We are very enthusiastic,We are very happy,Here also the girl is hot.,Eat in Chongqing,First I introduce a place a chowhound had to go,Delicious fried New Year cake,The mask shop,Buy a Hemp flowers for?买个麻花至于吗,Walk Walk then drunk,Sad 凉粉,The old well wonton,Kiwi fruit smoothie,豆腐脑,To Chongqing must eat food,Barbecue,Manual Hot and Sour Rice Noodles,Pepper Pepper,Burning hot feeling heart,火辣辣的心呀 火辣辣的情,You see the shrimp are drunk,Night in Monument for Liberation(解放碑),If your hobby is to see beauty,you must go to Monument for Liberation.That is the beauty of the wholesale market(批发市场),So once you see enough(让你一次看个够,Now I give everybody around me and my hometown scenic spots,Home town(安居古镇),如果你找不到我 那你就看那最猥琐的一个,据说找到心形的石头就能找到下家,但是,我没找到。,爽,这下媳妇有了,Dazu Rock Carvings(大足石刻),The fairy mountain,JOE 你要吗?,Of course,都说熬过军训就是晴天,So 让我们一起摇摆吧!,Our classes,我想看看这个世界。我想去看没看过的东西。我想做以前没做过的事。,I want to see the world.I want to see the unseen.I want to do whats never been done before/the undone.,I like making friends with people.I hope well become good friends.,Please feel free to call me.Im open 24/7.I never close.,请不要拘束,尽管打电话给我。我任何时间都可以。我从不打烊。,我喜欢交朋友,Bye everyone!,