口译技巧Skills in Interpreting,数字口译Interpreting Numbers,数字口译的难点,(1)包括“万”、“十万”、“千万”、“亿”、“百亿”、“千亿”等数字。(2)包括“零”的数字。(3)包括小数点又带汉语的“万”、“亿”或英语的“million”、“billion”的数字。,(1)包括“万”、“十万”、“千万”、“亿”、“百亿”、“千亿”等数字。,(2)包括“零”的数字。,汉语数字:4506万零130 45,060,130(听-写)45 million 60 thousand 130(Forty-five million sixty-thousand one hundred and thirty)英语数字80 million 302 thousand 50880,302,508(听-写)8030 万2508(80302508),(2)包括“零”的数字。,汉英转换 80万零806 209万零15 1亿零30万零9 2万3千零66 560万零420 31亿零152万7千 5098万零683,800806 2090015100300009230665600420310152700050980683,(2)包括“零”的数字。,英汉转换 5 h and 1 th and 21 45 m 60 th 130 608 b and 709 th 954 m 63 th 5 h and 5 102 m 706 th and 89 1 tr and 18 b 907 m 6 th and 36,501,02145,060,130608,000,709,000954,063,505102,706,0891,018,907,006,036,(3)包括小数点又带汉语的“万”、“亿”或英语的“million”、“billion”的数字。,汉语数字 1.23 亿(亿:hundred million)one hundred and twenty-three million 小数点向右移两位,加million或向右移一位加billion2.36 万(万:ten thousand)twenty-three thousand and six hundred小数点向右移一位,加thousand,或向右移两位,加million,例子:21.6 亿0.35 亿537.68亿39.4 万0.52万645.1 万,2.16 billion35 million53.768 billion394 thousand5.2 thousand6.451 million,(3)包括小数点又带汉语的“万”、“亿”或英语的“million”、“billion”的数字。,英语数字(直接念)1.217 million 12.17 m 121.7 m 1217 m121.7 万 1217万 1.217 亿12.17亿 小数点向右移两位,加万27.44 billion274.4 亿小数点向右移一位,加亿,例子:6.8million12.5 million 250.6 million3.78 billion15.28 billion 601.5 billion,680 万 1250 万 2.506亿 37.8亿 152.8亿 6015亿,数字的表达,(1)表示向上的趋势(2)表示向下的趋势(3)表示波动或平衡的词语(4)表示倍数、百分比,(1)表示向上的趋势,动词:一般意义的上升 go up;rise;increase;climb;grow exceed overtake(超过)急剧上升 jump;rocket;shoot up;surge;soar;take off 在境况不好的情况下改善 improve;recover;pick up上升到极值 peak;reach a peak 名词:a rise;an increase;growth;an improvement a recovery 恢复 a peak 高峰 a jump 突升 a surge 上涨,(2)表示向下的趋势,动词:一般意义的下降 go down fall decrease drop decline dip reduce降到极值 to reach a trough(低潮,低点);to hit/fall to the lowest point;to bottom out 降到最低点,停止下降并即将回升急剧下降 to plunge;to plummet;to slide;to collapse;to slump名词:a fall 下降 a decrease 减少 a decline 下降 a drop 下跌 a dip 下降reduction 减少 a collapse 下滑 slump 暴跌,(3)表示波动或平衡的词语,达到平衡 to level outoff保持平衡,保持不变,保持稳定 remain the same/constant/stable/steady/unchanged 几乎没有变化 show little change波动 to fluctuate保持在 to standremain at,(4)表示倍数、百分比,翻两番:表示四倍例:到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右。By 2020,Chinas GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4 trillion.一成:10%;二成三:23%例:今年的粮食产量比去年增长2成3.The output of grain this year has increased by 23%over last year.,单句口译,全年工业增加值为62815亿元,比上年增长11.5%。全年粮食产量为46947万吨,比上年增加3877万吨,增长9.1%。全年进出口总额达11548亿美元,比上年增长35.7%。全年合同外资金额为1535亿美元,增长33.4%;实际使用外资606亿美元,增长13.3%。全年入境旅游人数10904万人次,国际旅游外汇收入257亿美元,增长47.9%。,Last year the unemployment rate in the US was nearly 5%。European unemployment fell by roughly two percent in the 1st quarter of the 2005.The volume of freight handled by ports throughout the country totaled 4billion tons,up 21.3 percent over the previous year.The total number of privately-owned vehicles was 13.65 million,up 12.0 percent.The year 2004 saw 1.1 billion domestic tourists,up 26.6 percent.Revenue fro domestic tourism totaled 471.1 billion yuan,up 36.9 percent.,