1,Office Etiquette,Understand the point of office etiquette,One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your career is not understanding that there are certain codes and rules to abide by in the workplace.If youre not careful,you may even lose opportunities because others are put off by your lack of professionalism.,2,Office Etiquette,What is office etiquette?,Office etiquette is about observing a simple set of rules for getting along with other people in an organizational context.,3,Office Etiquette,While most etiquette remains unwritten,just because it isnt down in black and white and pinned to thenoticeboard doesnt excuse lack of observance.There will always be a larger proportion of any social group expecting that the unwritten conventions of etiquette be observed regularly,with few exceptions.*There will always be boundaries of respect for others that you need to heed,as will be made clear in the remainder of this article.,4,Office Etiquette,5,Office Etiquette,Be punctualBeing punctual is very important,especially if you have an appointment.It shows that you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel them to respect your time too.The popular saying that would fit in this situation is that Time and tide wait for no one.Lead by an example and everything else will fall into place.,6,Office Etiquette,7,Office Etiquette,.Most offices have a predefined dress code that has to be followed strictly.However,if you do have the privilege of working at a place which does not define a dress code,then its up to you to dress appropriately.Remember that the office is not a party place and you will have to dress in a way that commands respect both from your colleagues and clients.Dress professionally,or in the manner expected at your particular work site.Do not wear ultra-casual,provocative or evening attire.,8,Office Etiquette,9,Office Etiquette,positive ones only.Office grapevines can be faster than the speed of lightning;anything negative you say will get around and may reflect poorly on you,or possibly label you as the company gossip.,10,Office Etiquette,11,Office Etiquette,Dont consistently interrupt people.Doing so will suggest that your time or opinion is more important than theirs.If your co-worker is on the phone but you need to ask a question,dont linger.Tap them on the shoulder and whisper that you need them for a minute(or leave a quick note in front of them)and ask them to call or see you when they are done.If your co-worker is having a work related conversation dont interrupt-just wait for them to finish or ask them to see you when they are through.,12,Office Etiquette,13,Office Etiquette,Be sensitive to others need for privacy.Dont read someone elses faxes,emails,mail or computer screens.Only share personal things at work that you wouldnt mind reading in next weeks newspaper.And remember that when you send emails,never write anything that would be a problem if forwarded;simply by virtue of the fact that anyonecanforward an email,you need to be alert to this potential.,14,More Office Etiquette,1.Pull the plug on office chatter.,15,Office Etiquette,2.Dont eat smelly food.,16,Office Etiquette,3.Hold back on the perfume.,17,Office Etiquette,4.Keep your ring tone under control.,18,Office Etiquette,5.Dont take personal calls at your desk.,19,Office Etiquette,6.Dont wear your commuting shoes at work,20,Office Etiquette,7.Dont blow your nose at your desk,but only if its an emergency.,21,Office Etiquette,8.Dont come to work if youre too sick.,22,Office Etiquette,9.Share the credit.,23,Office Etiquette,10.Dont use slang in e-mail.,24,Office Etiquette,11.Dont be loud.,25,Office Etiquette,12.Respect your coworkers property.,26,Office Etiquette,13.Keep shared spaces and your own work area clean,