计算机辅助词汇完型填空题设计,http:/,主要内容,教学中的材料选择文本难度的测量WordNet 简介Cloze Mate 软件设计思路软件演示及启示,教学中的材料选择,教学需“因材施教”;“因材施教”即“量体裁衣”:Tailored input;Tailored instruction;Tailored assessment;Tailored feedback.,教学中的材料选择,Tailored input:text difficulty controlTailored assessment:Computer-provided choices for cloze test gapsUser-confirmed choices(interactive)Syllabus-based vocabulary controlComputer-generated format,文本难度的测量,Readability indicesGunning Fog IndexSmogColeman LiauFlesch Reading EaseThe Lexile Coefficient,文本难度的测量,Developed by MetaMetricsThe Lexile Framework is the most widely adopted reading metric.It measures students reading ability and text difficulty on a common scale.Lexile measures are powerful tools for linking assessment with instruction across the curriculum.,文本难度的测量,Lexile measures provide a thermometer for measuring students reading abilities that talented educators,involved parents and motivated students use to improve learning.Lexile measures tie day-to-day work in the classroom to critical high-stakes tests.The Lexile Framework offers a“big picture”view of growth of student reading ability from preschool through graduate school.,文本难度的测量,Unfortunately,a lexile score can range from below 200L(even below 0)for beginning readers to above 1700L for advanced readers.It is not very intelligible to the user.We have developed an algorithm(embedded in a program),which can convert raw lexile scores to standardized lexile scores on the 0-10 scale.,文本难度的测量,Some pilot studies we have conducted indicate that the standardized lexile scores are not only easier to understand,but also as effective as the raw lexile scores.,WordNet 简介,WordNet is a large lexical database of English,in which words are grouped into sets of synonyms called synsets,each expressing a distinct concept.Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.WordNet is a useful tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing.,WordNet 简介,Cloze Mate 软件设计思路,工具:WordNetTreeTagger,Cloze Mate 软件设计思路,Cloze中的选项:语义相关干扰项;形式相关干扰项。,As the gas is radiated with great force,it _ the rocket in the opposite direction.A.attracts B.leads C.pulls D.pushes,Impressive and complex _ it may appear,the rocket is a relatively simple device.A.that B.so C.as D.though,Cloze Mate 软件设计思路,语义相关干扰项:利用WordNet中的语义查询,找到语义相关词的若干个备选词;根据词性提供备选词的适当形式。形式相关干扰项:利用词性标注工具对文本进行标注,从底表中提取所选词的所有不同形式备选;用户可自定义。,软件演示及启示,选择难度适中的文本;选中target word;激活备选词;必要时添加用户自定义选项;预览;生成。,谢谢,