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    光电子技术 专业英语,Contents,Chapter 1 科技英语翻译,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics&Device,Chapter 3 Electromagnetic Field&Electromagnetic Wave,Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Optics,Chapter 7 Integrated Circuit Fabrication,Chapter 8 Optical Communications,Chapter 10 Optical Tweezers,Chapter 11 Photonic Crystal Fiber,Chapter 12 科技文献检索,Chapter 13 国内核心期刊检索及国际三大检索,Chapter 14 英语科技论文写作,Chapter 15 Coherent Optical Information Systems,Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Lasers,Chapter 9 Holographic Data Storage,Chapter 6 Nonlinear Optics,第1章 科技英语翻译,学习专业英语不仅仅是学习英语专业词汇,在科技英语中,专业词汇仅占20%,其余80%都是我们常用的词汇。科技英语主要应用于科技报告和论文的写作中,在表达上具有简洁、准确的特点,这使得科技英语在语法上具有一定的特殊性。我们将对科技英语的概念、文体总貌、词汇特点、翻译方法和技巧等方面进行简单阐述,以尽快适应专业英语的学习。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.1 科技英语的概念科技英语泛指一切论及或谈及科学和技术的书面语和口语,其中包括:一、科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案;二、各类科技情报和文字资料;三、科技实用手册的结构描述和操作规程;四、有关科技问题的会谈、会议、交谈用语;五、有关科技的影片、录像、光盘等有声资料的解说词等等。1.2科技英语文体总貌 科技英语要求客观性、准确性和严密性,注重叙事逻辑上的连贯(Coherence)及表达上的明晰(Clarity)与畅达(Fluency),避免行文晦涩。科技英语力求平易(Plainness)和精确(Preciseness),避免使用旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各种修辞格,第1章 科技英语翻译,3.半专业词汇 指那些既用于日常英语,同时又是科技英语中常用的词汇。,1.3 科技英语词汇特点,4.新词汇 近几十年来,在现有专业词汇和半专业词汇的基础上又出现了几种新的词汇,其构词方法主要有合成法、混成法、截短法、缩略法、转化法等。,1.日常词汇 用于某一专业科技领域便成为专业技术用语,具有严格的科学含义。.,2.专业词汇 除部分来自英语日常词汇外,绝大多数,尤其是名词术语则是由拉丁语和希腊语的词根(root)和词缀(affix)构成的。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4 科技英语翻译翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言表达出来的跨语言、跨文化的语言交际活动。翻译包括口译(interpretation)和笔译(translation)。在笔译中,又可分为科技翻译、文学翻译、政论文翻译和应用文翻译等等。科技英语翻译标准 关于翻译标准曾有过“信、达、雅”,“信、顺”,“忠实、通顺、易懂”,“等值”等等多种提法。许多翻译工作者和研究者也曾对这些提法展开过广泛而激烈的争论和讨论。但就科技英语翻译而言,我们可以把翻译标准概括为忠实原作和译文通顺。1.忠实 译文应忠实于原文,准确地、完整地、科学地表达原文的内容,包括思想、精神与风格。译者不得任意对原文内容加以歪曲、增删、遗漏和篡改。2.通顺 译文语言必须通顺,符合规范,用词造句应符合本民族语言的习惯,要用民族的、科学的、大众的语言,以求通顺易懂。不应有文理不通、逐词死译和生硬晦涩等现象。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.2 科技英语翻译过程中语法特点大量使用名词化结构 多用动词的现在时 can和may使用频率高 广泛使用被动语句 非限定动词的应用和大量使用后置定语 大量使用常用句型 使用长句 大量使用复合词与缩略词,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧 翻译技巧一般包括改变词类(conversion)、词序调整(inversion)、省略(omission)、增词(amplification)、重复(repetition)、反译法(negation)、选词用字(diction)、和分译法(division)、综合法(Recasting)和语篇重构等等。1.词类转换 将英语句子中属于某种词类的词,译成另一种词类的汉语词,以适应汉语的表达习惯或达到某种修辞目的。如:(1)Lasers are used in the treatment of retinal detachment.激光用于治疗视网膜脱落。“治疗treat”因作介词宾语需用名词treatment,汉译时仍可用动词“治疗”。(2)Maimans invention of the laser provided new sources of very intense,coherent and highly directional light beams.梅曼发明了激光器,提供了一种新光源,可产生极强的、相干的和高度定向的光束。“发明”英译时因作主语故用名词invention。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧 2.词序调整 有时候英语长句的叙述层次与汉语相反,这时就须从英语原文的后面译起,自上而下,逆着英语原文的顺序翻译。翻译时应根据TL的表达方式作一些有必要的调整中。如:Ningbo,China,August 2,2009-China outclassed Russia in a hard-fought five-set match on Sunday in the 2009 FIVB World Grand Prix.(地点在前)2009年8月2日,在中国宁波举行的一场2009世界女排大奖赛的一场比赛中,中国队经过五局苦战,以3:2战胜俄罗斯队。(时间在前)3.增减词译法由于两种语言表达方式不同,在把原文信息译成译文信息时,常常需要删去或增添一些词。这样做并不损害原意,反而可以使译文更为通顺,意思更为清楚。如:You cannot build a ship,a bridge or a house if you dont know how to make a design or how to read it.不会制图或看不懂图纸,就不可能造船、架桥或盖房子。汉译中省略代词you和it、冠词a、连接词if和副词how。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧 4.重复 英语为了避免重复常常用一个动词接几个宾语或表语;或用了一个动词,后面相同的动词便可以省略;或大量使用代词以避免重复名词。汉语不怕重复,遇到上述情况汉译时可以采用重复某词的手法。如:I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。本例属名词的重复。5.反译法 由于汉英两种语言表达习惯不同而且均可以从正面或反面来表达同一概念,翻译时如果用正面表达译文有困难,欠通顺,则不妨用反面表达,或将反面表达改用正面表达,这样可以使译文比较通顺而与原意并无出入。如:I lay awake almost the whole night.我几乎一夜没睡着。例属正说反译。I cant agree with you more.我极其赞同你的意见。本例属反说正译。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧 6.选词用字 由于构词时联想不同,表达方式不同,两种语言表达同一种思想常常用词不同。因而在翻译时必须在理解原意的基础上,考虑表达这个意思的TL要用什么词最为恰当。如:It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle.它们在地下打洞,吞食掉本来可以维持数百万只牛羊的牧草,从而造成了破坏。原文中的cattle有“牲畜”和“牛”二义,这里因与“羊”(sheep)对置,根据种属概念不能并列的逻辑规则,cattle只能作“牛”解。7.分译法 英语长句比较多,有时英语长句中主句与从句或主句与修饰语间的关系不十分密切,翻译时可按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句中的从句或短语化为句子,分开来叙述,将原句化整为零。为使译文通顺连贯,也可以适当加几个连接词。如:The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in four.大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。该句在英语中是一个相对简单的句子,但是如果我们按照原文的句子结构死译,就可能被翻译成:没有阅读能力的美国青年人的数目令人难以相信约为1/4。这样,就使得译文极为不通顺,不符合汉语的表达习惯。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.4.3 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧 8.综合法 对那些用某种翻译技巧无法译出时,着眼于篇章,以逻辑分析为基础,有顺有序,有主有次对全句进行综合处理。如:Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement,or,more often,because the physical property of the synthetic substance,which is the common name for man-made materials,has been chosen,and ever emphasized,so that it would be of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied.这个句子是由一个主句加上一个由because引导的原因状语从句,一个由 so that 引导的状语从句和which 引导的非限制性定语从句及 in which 引导的定语从句所组成。译文:人造材料统称为合成材料,许多人造材料正在替代某些天然材料,这或者是由于天然产品的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者往往是人们选择了合成材料的一些物理性质并加以突出而造成的。因此合成材料在应用的领域中将具有极大的用途。9.语篇重构 语篇重构就是对原文的结构和语言进行较大幅度的改动,脱离原句的层次和结构安排,按汉语叙事伦理的习惯重新组合句子,摆脱了原文的语序和句子形式的约束,使译文自然、流畅,更加符合汉语的表达习惯,以期在更深的层次上达到与原文的对等。如:Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer,to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computers.译文:计算机语言有低级的也有高级的。前者比较烦琐,很接近特定计算机直接能动的语言;后者比较复杂,适用范围广,能自动为多种计算机所接受。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.5 提高科技英语翻译能力的途径 对于广大英语学习者来说,要想具有上述素质当然不可能一蹴而就,但只要努力,将来就一定能够成功。下面列出了几种提高科技英语翻译的途径,以供参考。1.广泛阅读英汉报刊杂志,提高英汉两种语言基本功。2.广泛涉猎中英文科技文章和新闻,有效地扩展自己的知识面。3.认真学习本专业的基础课程和大量阅读本专业的中英文文献,提高自身的专业水平。4.认真学习有关科技英语翻译著作和刊物,切实掌握科技英语翻译方法和技巧,深入认识科技翻译中经常会遇到的问题。5.在翻译实践中提高。正如其他语言学习一样,学习翻译,尤其是在打基础的阶段,实践是极其重要的。定时定量翻译工作程序:第一步:快速浏览原文一遍,了解文章大意即可。遇到生词除十分必要的以外都不要去查词典,可以在下面划线标出。第二步,边看边译,每次处理一个自然段(如段落长,一次五六行左右)。具体步骤为:阅读原文,查阅词典,斟酌措辞,写下译文。如果有的地方一时还理解不好或找不到适当的表达方式,可以暂时空下,做个记号,等译完初稿后再补上。每段译文写下来后随手做些修改。有的地方一时修改不好就放下,但要在旁边做个记号。第三步,初稿完成后即进行修改。首先是把空下来未译的地方补上,把原来未修改好的地方再修改一下。然后,从头再阅读一遍译文,修改错别字以及语句不通顺的地方。,第1章 科技英语翻译,1.5 提高科技英语翻译能力的途径 要想在质量上提高,学习者在平时的科技翻译学习和实践中就应自觉运用已经学过的翻译知识、方法和技巧,防止重犯在过去的实践中曾经出现过的失误。因此,广大学习者应认真理解原文,对汉语表达字斟句酌,不厌其烦地反复修改。译文的质量没有止境,只有反反复复地修改才会发现自己存在的问题,从而提高翻译能力。修改本身就是个提高的过程,学习者不应该怕费事。另外,学习者也可翻译配有译文的原文,把自己的译文同所配译文相比较,找出差距和不足,这样也将有助于提高翻译质量。,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,PREVIEW We often hear that we are living in the information age.Large amounts of information can be obtained via the Internet,for example,and can also be obtained quickly over long distances via satellite communication system.The development of the transistor and the integrated circuit(IC)has lead to these remarkable capabilities.,2.1 Semiconductor Materials Semiconductors are special crystalline materials that have electrical conductivity(and the corresponding resistivity)between that of a conductor and an insulator.Insulators such as fused quartz and glass have very low conductivities,in the order of 1E-18 to 1E-8 S/cm;and conductors such as aluminum and silver have high conductivities,typically from 104 to 106 S/cm.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.1 Semiconductor Materials The study of semiconductor materials began in the early nineteenth century.Over the years many semiconductors have been investigated.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.1 Semiconductor Materials Two general classifications of semiconductors are the elemental semiconductor materials and the compound semiconductor materials.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.1 Semiconductor MaterialsTable 2-1 A portion of the periodic table related to semiconductors,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.1 Semiconductor MaterialsTable 2-2 A list of some semiconductor materials,2.1 Semiconductor Materials Although we do not know as much about the technology of compound semiconductor technology as we do about that of silicon,compound semiconductor technology has advanced partly because of the advances in silicon technology.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.2 Type of Solids Amorphous,polycrystalline,and single crystal are the three general types of solids.Each type is characterized by the size of an ordered region within the material.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.2 Type of Solids An ordered region is a spatial volume in which atoms or molecules have a regular geometric arrangement or periodicity.The single-crystal regions are called grains and are separated from one another by grain boundaries,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.2 Type of Solids The advantage of a single-crystal material is that,in general,its electrical properties are superior to those of a nonsingle-crystal material,since grain boundaries tend to degrade the electrical characteristics.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,(a)amorphous(b)polycrystalline(c)single crystalFigure 2-1 Schematics of three general types of crystals.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.3 Crystal Structure The semiconductor materials we will study are single crystals,that is,the atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional periodic fashion.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.3 Crystal StructureThe periodic arrangement of atoms in a crystal is called a lattice In a crystal,an atom never strays far from a single,fixed position.The element semiconductors,such as silicon and germanium,have a diamond lattice structure.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.3 Crystal Structure A convenient method of defining the various planes in a crystal is to use Miller indices.These indices are obtained using the following steps:,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.3 Crystal Structure(1)Find the intercepts of the plane on the three Cartesian coordinates in terms of the lattice constant.(2)Take the reciprocals of these numbers and reduce them to the smallest three integers having the same ratio.(3)Enclose the result in parentheses(hkl)as the Miller indices for a single plane.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4 The Atomic Structure of SemiconductorsElectronic devices such as diode and transistors are constructed from special materials called semiconductors.In this section,you will learn about the atomic structure of semiconductors,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.1 Electron Shells and Orbits The electrical properties of materials are explained by their atomic structure.In the early part of the 20th century,Neils Bohr,a Danish physicist,developed a model of the atom that showed electrons orbiting the nucleus.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.1 Electron Shells and Orbits Energy is the ability to do work and is subdivided into potential(position),kinetic(motion),and rest(mass).,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.2 Valence electrons,Conduction Electrons,and Ions Electrons in orbits farther from the nucleus are less tightly bound to the atom than those closer to the nucleus.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.2 Valence electrons,Conduction Electrons,and Ions An electron that is in the outermost shell is called a valence electron;valence electrons have the highest energy and are relatively loosely bound to their parent atom.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.2 Valence electrons,Conduction Electrons,and Ions Sometimes,a valence electron can acquire enough energy to break free of its parent atom.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.2 Valence electrons,Conduction Electrons,and Ions Electrons in orbits farther from the nucleus are less tightly bound to the atom than those closer to the nucleus.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.3 Metallic Bands Metals tend to be solids at room temperature.The nucleus and inner-shell electrons of metals occupy fixed lattice positions.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.3 Metallic Bands With the large number of atoms in the metallic crystal,the discrete energy level for the valence electrons is blurred into a band called the valence band,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,Figure 2-4 Energy level diagrams for three types of materials.The upper level is the conduction band;the lower level is the valence band.,2.4.4 Covalent Bonds Atoms of some solid materials form crystals,which are three-dimensional structures held together by strong bonds between the atoms.The shared electrons are not mobile;each electron is associated by a covalent bond between the atoms of the crystal.Electronic devices are constructed from materials called semiconductors.The important difference between a conductor and a semiconductor is the gap that separates the bands.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.4.5 Electrons and Hole CurrentWhen an electron jumps to the conduction band,a vacancy36 is left in the valence band.This vacancy is called a hole37.A piece of intrinsic39(pure)silicon at room temperature has,at any instant,a number of conduction-band(free)electrons that are unattached to any atom and are essentially drifting randomly throughout the material.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,When a voltage is applied across a piece of intrinsic silicon,as shown in Fig.2-5,the thermally generated free electrons in the conduction band are easily attracted toward the positive end.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5 The PN Junction Intrinsic silicon is not a good conductor.By adding a small amount of impurity to the silicon crystal,its electrical properties can be changed dramatically.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5.1 Doping The conductivity of silicon(or germanium)can be drastically increased by the controlled addition of impurities to the pure(intrinsic)semiconductive material.To increase the number of conduction-band electrons in pure silicon,a controlled number of pentavalent impurity atoms called donors are added to the silicon crystal.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5.1 Doping To increase the number of holes in pure silicon,trivalent impurity atoms called acceptorsare added during manufacture.The process of creating n-type or p-type materials retains the overall electrical neutrality.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5.2 The PN Junction When a piece of intrinsic silicon is doped so that half is n type and the other half is p type,a pn junction is formed between the two regions.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5.3 The Depletion Region When the pn junction is formed,some of the conduction electrons near the junction drift across into the p region and recombine with holes near the junction,as shown in Fig.2-7(a).,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.5.3 The Depletion Region,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.6 Biasing the Semiconductor Diode A single pn junction forms a semiconductor diode.There is no current across a pn junction at equilibrium.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.6.1 Forward Bias The term bias in electronics refers to a fixed dc voltage that sets the operating conditions for a semiconductor device.Forward bias is the condition that permits current across a pn junction.2.6.2 Reverse Bias Reverse bias is the bias condition that prevents current across the pn junction.,Chapter 2 Semiconductor Physics and Device,2.6.3 Peak Inverse Voltage(PIV)When a diode is reverse-biased,it must be able to withstand the maximum value of reverse voltage that is applied or i


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