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    The Influence of Cultural Factors in English-Chinese Translation-By Cook,Leo,Radar,Sam,Buddha&Jay,What is translationWhat is cultureDifferent religious beliefsSocial CustomsDifferent Historical BackgroundExamples analysis,What is translation,The concept of translation in the dictionary:the process of changing something that is written or said into another language.(Oxford)Translation,essentially,is the faithfully representation in one language of what is written or said in another.(A Course in Translation between English and Chinese)Translation is rendering of ideas or concepts from one language into another,the faithful representation in the target language of what is written of said in original language.,What is translation,Translation is a science,an art,a craft or skill.Translation is a kind of intercultural communication,which must based on a culture.Because translation deals with two deferent language which is a kind of mark that carries cultural information.What is culture?Definition in dictionary:the customs and beliefs,art,way of life and social organization of particular country or group.,What is culture,Culture is considered to be a complex term,and a variety of anthropologists and researchers have defined it in various way.Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,morals,customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.Edward TylorCulture embraces all the manifestations of social habits of a community,the reactions of the individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives,and the product of human activities as determined by these habits Franz Boas,What is culture,Culture is what makes you a stranger when youre away from home Philip BockCulture is a well-organized unity divided into two fundamental aspects a body of artifacts and a system of customs Brnislaw Malinowski,Different religious beliefs,Religion is an important part in culture.To certain part,the history and the development of it is longer than that of some language.To exchange among various began with the exchange of religious thoughts.Therefore,the impact of religion upon language is extremely great and thus cannot be neglected.Look at the following examples;E C1)God god!老天啊!2)God knows!天知道!3)God bless you!老天保佑!,C E4)谋事在人成事在天。Man propose,and god disposes.5)鬼脸 funny faces6)鬼鬼祟祟 sneaking7)望子成龙 to hope that ones son will become a dragon.(F)to hope that ones son will become somebody.(T)8)亚洲四小龙 four Asian dragons(F)four Asian tiger(T),Social Customs,Each country has their own culture,and the culture influencethe native person and foreign person.As a foreign reader,we can not understand the foreign work exactly,because the writer was influenced by their native culture deeply,and when they write their work,the writer will add the native culture naturally,however,the foreign readers can not know the background because they got information from theirnative culture.,Different Historical Background,Theory,Different people have developed a great many classical allusions,idioms and expressions under different historical background.Classical allusions and idioms convey complicated messages by means of simple signs.,Examples,“三个臭皮匠,顶一个诸葛亮。”Three cobblers surpass Zhugeliang.FThree cobblers with their wits combined equal Chukeh Liang the master mind.T,John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰为人可靠,他一向不吃鱼而且经常玩游戏。F 约翰为人可靠,他忠诚,公平对待,为人正直,光明正大。T,Thinking Mode,Differences of thinking mode-Differences of Expression-Problems on English-Chinese Translation,The two main thinking differences between English and Chinese 汉语倾向于用身体可以感受到的动作描述事物的表象。英语习惯于透过现象直接描述事物的本质。Example:你念过书吗?译:Have you been educated?B.Help me up.Let me see if I can bear weight.译:扶我一把,看我还能不能站起来。,2.汉语主观性强,英语客观性强Example这孩子懂事了。译:The boy has grown up.小孩听话,守规矩。Behave yourself红豆 love pea红运 good luck,The two causes for the thinking differences,1.Propesitions play a more important role in English Example:We are off.我们走了I am on a diet 我在节食My sons nose is from me.儿子的鼻子像我。,2.Nouns,verbs and adjectives often exist in their abstract meaning in English.Example:杀手锏 winning card轻松自在 feel at home现在的经济情况比去年好The economy is in better shape now than it was last year.,Conclusion,Cultural difference causes difficulties in communication and understanding,even worse,mistake.To avoid the harmful influence of the difference between cultures,the following actions are advised:first,for English and Chinese language,wed better observe all the aspects of its origin,development and transformation in order to get a better and more precise understanding of the language and the culture so that the fluent communication shall be made.;and second,we can get to know more about western cultures via literal works and films so that the beneficial conditions and circumstance can be reached.,


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