更多ppt模板登陆,更多ppt模板登陆,Whole,Year 6,3,Name And Write,4,1 324 867,One million three hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred and sixty seven,5,Determine the place value,Numbers Up to Seven Digits,6,Please count it,7,Please count it,128 blocks,8,Please count it,1 2 8 blocks,9,Please count it,1 2 8 blocks,10,Please count it,1 2 8 blocks,11,Lets learn about it.,Place Value,hundreds,12,tens,Place Value,Lets learn about it.,13,ones,Place Value,Lets learn about it.,14,NUMBERS,Determine place value of SEVEN DIGITS NUMBER,Whole,15,Place,value,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,16,million,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,17,hundred thousands,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,18,ten thousands,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,19,thousands,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,20,hundreds,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,21,tens,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,22,ones,Place,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,value,23,Value,Lets learn about it.Mouse over the number button,of 7 Digit,24,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digit,2 000 000,25,100 000,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digits,26,Value,Lets learn about it.,40 000,of 7 Digit,27,8 000,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digit,28,500,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digit,29,60,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digit,30,7,Value,Lets learn about it.,of 7 Digit,31,Try Your Best For Next Activity,For your cooperation!,32,Thank you,