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    Writing 4,Describe a person,Jackson and Richard had warned me that Albee was a“formidable”person,but became“much mellower”lately.When I really saw him in person,Albee looked awe-inspiring in his leather jacket.His eyes were penetrating,with aloof dignity.The implanted hearing aid in the right ear betrayed his senility.When he spoke,its like a mouse hissing in the throat.,Describe an emotion,Overwhelmed by the excitement of reading in an international conference,I even in the last minute slipped into a restroom to adjust my breathing and re-burnish the script.Id been prepared for anything,but what happened in reality still shocked mewhen I walked into the conference room,nobody was there,except the moderator and another panelist.,Metaphor,明喻 用like,as 或其他词指出两个截然不同的事物之间相似之处的办法,叫明喻。O my loves like a red,red rose.The old mans hair is as white as snow.That man cant be trusted.He s as slippery as an eel.,隐喻 用一个词来指代与该词本来所指事物有相似特点的另一个事物的方法叫隐喻。The picture of those poor peoples lives was carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget it.,拟人 把事物或概念当做人或具备人的品质的写法,叫拟人。拟人在诗歌中很常见;Youth is hot and bold,Age is weak and cold,Youth is wild,and Age is tame.-Shakespeare,矛盾修饰 意思矛盾的词有时可用在一起,以达到加深印象的目的;The coach had to be cruel to be kind to his trainees.When the news of the failure came,all his friends said that it was a victorious defeat.The president was conspicuously absent on that occasion.She read the long-awaited letter with a tearful smile.,Thesaurus,Bright future/splendid future/rosy prospectTraffic busy/traffic jam/traffic congestion/gridlockHappy/delightful/glad/content/ecstatic/auspiciousDifficult/hard/complicated/tough/intricate,Important/significant/substantial/serious/far-reaching/Big/large/great/huge/massive/vast/enormous/substantial,Very/extremely/highly/greatly/really/deeply/profoundlyMake/cause/create/effect/lead to/generate/bring about/produce/give rise toMust/necessity/essential/requirement/fundamental/imperative/requisite/prerequisite/sine qua non,Will n/desire/intention/fancy/preference/inclination/v wish/want/prefer/desireGood/excellent/awesome/amazing/remarkable/nice,Many/a large number of/numerous/various/countless/abundant/innumerable/manifoldThink/imagine/consider/meditate/ponder/contemplate/be lost in though/People/persons/individuals/folk/men and women/humanity/mankind/Upset/sad/sorrowful/morose/melancholy/down/depressed/dejected/,Stress/pressure/hypertension/tensionUnderstanding/penetration/perception/knowledge/know-how/sense/judgment/appreciation/awarenessUnderstand/comprehend/take in/perceive/realizeDo/perform/achieve/carry out/complete/accomplish/pull off/Comfortable/pleasant/homely/relaxing/cozy/,Way/method/means/system/process/technique/manner/procedure/modeWealth/riches/fortune/prosperity/affluence/opulenceGain v/achieve/acquire/get/receive/pick up/gather/obtain/n rise/increase/advanceLet/allow/permit/authorize/give permissionBecause/since/as/in that,Power/control/authority/influence/command/dominance/mana Authority/right/license/privilege/prerogativeBad/harmful/damaging/dangerous/destructive/unhealthy/detrimental/hurtful/ruinousHave/keep/possess/hold/retain/boast/be the owner of/,Cultivate/raise/bring up/feed/Relax/chill out/take it easy/unleashRecognize/identify/know/place/spot/notice/recall/recollectShow/demonstrate/indicate/prove/display/manifest/testify/,7种方法开头,使用引言Hegel,the German philosopher,says,“we learn from history that men never learn anything from history.”this wry remark has been confirmed time and again by historical events,one of which is Hitlers invasion of the Soviet Union.He must have utterly forgotten or wilfully ignored the great disaster Napoleon brough upon himself by attacking Russia early in the nineteenth century.,使用统计数字,The attack on the Soviet Union was the largest and fiercest of all that Hitler had launched.He threw in 190 divisions,3000 tanks,over 5000 planes,and altogether 5.5 million men.,使用问句,What made Hitler decide to leave Britain for the time being and turn east to attack the Soviet Union?What made him so sure of a quick victory in that vast country where Napoleon had lost almost all his troops?,叙述事件发生的时间与地点,On the morning of June 22,1941,along the entire 1800-kilometer-long Soviet frontier,from the Baltic to the Black Sea,the fascist German forces attacked.,提供有关的背景资料,By the middle of 1941,Hitler had occupied fourteen European countries.All the manpower and resources of these countries,from France to Poland,from Norway to Greece,were at his disposal.It seemed to him that the time had come for his greatest venture-the invasion of the Soviet Union.,使用类比,A traditional story describes a foolish man lifting a rock too heavy for him and having his own feet squashed.Hitler was like that foolish man,but he was different in that,before he destroyed himself,he destroyed millions of other people.,使用定义,Fascism can be defined as the use of brutal force in enslaving the people at home and the people of foreign countries.Fascism is oppression and aggression.,1,When they finish school,teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education.,2,While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school,I would argue that it is better to go to college or university.,3,The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons.,4,Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible.,5,In this way,they can become independent,and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family.,6,In terms of their career,young people who decide to find work,rather than continue their studies,may progress more quickly.,7,They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession.,8,This may lead to promotions and a successful career.,9,On the other hand,I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies.,10,Firstly,academic qualifications are required in many professions.,11,For example,it is impossible to become a doctor,teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree.,12,As a result,university graduates have access to more and better job opportunities,and they tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications.,13,Secondly,the job market is becoming increasingly competitive,and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company.,14,Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete.,15,For the reasons mentioned above,it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.,Practice,学校教育问题:Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.Other people believe that students should spend the whole day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Give reasons to support your answer.,


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