Chapter 5,Root and Word Power,insulate,insolate,insulate v.使绝缘,隔离 含有词根insul,为“岛屿(island)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“使成为孤岛”之意,因而其含义为“使绝缘,隔离”insulation n.绝缘 Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost.insolate v.曝晒 含有词根sol,为“太阳(the sun)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“置于太阳之中”之意,因而其含义为“曝晒”insolation n.曝晒,日光浴 The farmers insolate grains for storage.,词根insul表示“岛屿”,来自于拉丁语insula,并形成变体isol,以下单词也含有此词根:isolate v.使孤立,隔离;使绝缘 isol(island)+-ate isolation n.隔离,孤立,分离,绝缘 We should never isolate ourselves from the masses.peninsula n.半岛 pen-(next to,almost)+insul(island)+-a(noun)peninsular adj.半岛的;n.半岛的居民 Between these ocean-filled valleys,there are wooden peninsulas and islands.insular adj.岛的,岛民的;偏狭的 insul(island)+-ar Japan is an insular country.insulin n.胰岛素 insul(island)+-in(element)They won the 1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.,含有词根insul及其变体的单词还有:island n.isle n.islet n.*,词根sol之意为“太阳”,其变体包括sun,south和hel还见于以下英语单词中:solar adj.太阳的,日光的 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.solstice n.至,至日 sol(sun)+stic solstitial adj.至的parasol n.solarium n.turnsole n.sun n.south n.ad.&aSol,Helioshelium n.heliocentric adj.heliotherapy n.heliosis n.,cooperation,corporation,cooperation n.合作,协作 co-(together)+oper(to work)+-ation cooperative adj.合作的,协力的 Your cooperation means a great deal to us.The school was very cooperative when we made a film there.corporation n.公司,企业 含有词根corpor,为“躯体(body)”之意,此词有“构成实体”之意,进一步引申为“公司,企业”John works for a large American chemical corporation.,opera n.operation n.operable adj.*,词根corpor为“躯体,团体”之意,还构成:corporal adj.肉体的,身体的;n.下士 A teacher should not give students corporal punishment.corporate adj.社团的,共同的,全体的 This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges.incorporate v.合并,使组成公司;adj.合并的,结社的 Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan.corpse n.,transition,transaction,transition n.转换,跃迁,过渡 trans-(across)+it(to go)+-ion transit n.交易 All transactions,from banking to shopping,will be performed electronically.Please leave us for a minute or so,I have some private business to transact with your brother.,词根it 表示“行走(to go)”,还构成以下单词:initial adj.开始的,最初的 in-(into)+it(to go)+-ial(of)initiate v.使入门,开始,创始 initiation n.开始,创始 initiative adj.&n.The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.itinerary n.旅程,路线 itiner(to go)+ary Tell us your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency.,含有词根it的单词还有ambition n.amb-(round)+it(to go)+-ion(ing)exit n.circuit n.circu-(ring)+it(to go)issue v.iss(out)+u+e(it)*,词根act源于拉丁语actum,为“行动”之意,并有变体ag和ig,还见于下列单词之中:agenda n.日程安排 ag(to do)+-enda(things)There were three items on the agenda for business meeting.agile adj.敏捷的 ag(to do)+-ile(having the character or quality of)agility n敏捷,活泼 The agility of the acrobat amazed and thrilled the audience.activate v.使活动,刺激 We need a feasible plan to activate the economic market.active adj.activism n.activist n.activity n.interact v.相互作用,互动 inter-(between)+act(to do)interaction n相互作用,交感 interactive adj.交互性的 This program is a kind of interactive entertainment.counteract v.抵消,中和 counter-(against)+act(to do)They will counteract the effects of his bad influence.,exact v.&adj.exaction n.react v.reaction n.reactor n.reactive adj.agent n.agency n.,ensure,ensue,ensure v.确保,保证 含有词根sur,为“肯定的(sure)”之意,因而此词的含义为“确保,保证”We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.ensue v.跟着发生,接踵而来 含有词根sue,为“跟随(to follow)”之意,因而此词的含义为“跟着发生,继起”。该词根变体包括secu,sequ,suit。A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.,词根sur还构成:assure v.断然地说,确告,保证 assurance n.确信,断言,保证,担保 I assure you theyll be perfectly safe with us.Despite repeated assurances he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.reassure v.使.安心,再保证 The manager tried to reassure her that she will not lose her job.insure v.给.保险,确保 insurance n.保险 My house is insured against fire.Hes applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one.,词根sue及其变体还构成以下单词:pursue v.追赶,追求 pursuit n.追求 pursuant adj.追踪的,依照的 She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.sue v.consequent adj.con-(completely)+sequ(to follow)+-ent(ing)subsequent adj.sequence n.sequ(to follow)+-ence(the quality or condition)sequel n.consecutive adj.persecute v.prosecute v.,prosper,prospect,prosper v.成功,兴隆,昌盛 含有词根sper,为“期望(to expect)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“前途有希望”之意,因而其含义为“成功,兴隆,昌盛”prosperous adj.繁荣的 prosperity n.繁荣 The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day.At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.prospect n.&v.前景,前途,期望;寻找,勘探 含有词根spect,为“观看(to look or see)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“向前观看”之意,因而其含义为“前景,前途,期望”prospective adj.预期的 Theres not much prospect of Mr.Smiths being elected as Congressman.,词根sper还构成以下单词:desperate adj.绝望的,不顾一切的 de-(removing)+sper(hope)+-ate despair n.&v 绝望,失望 desperation n.绝望 The wretched people rose in desperation against their rulers.,词根spect之意,还构成以下单词:expect v.inspect v.respect v.&n.(respectable,respectful,respective adj.)suspect v.&n.spectator n.spectacle n.(spectacles n.)spectacular adj.special adj.species n.spice n.specific adj.,specimen n.conspicuous adj.despise v.spy n.espionage n.scope n.aspect n.speculate v.perspective n.despite prep.despise v.,solitary,sanitary,solitary adj.孤独的 含有词根sol,为“单独的(alone)”之意,因而此词的含义为“孤独的”solitude n.孤独 The arch-criminal was kept solitary confinement.含该词根的词还有:sole adj.solo n.sanitary adj.卫生的,健康的 含有词根san,为“治愈(to heal)”之意,因而此词的含义为“清洁卫生的”sanitation n.卫生,卫生设施 sanitate v.insanitary adj.Hospital operating instruments must be sanitary.,词根san还构成:sane adj.健全的 sanity n.心智健全 Its hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity.insane adj.患精神病的;疯狂的 insanity n.精神错乱,疯狂 I have an insane desire to finish that thing.sanatorium n.,visible,risible,visible adj.看得见的 含有词根vis,为“看见(to see)”之意,因而此词的含义为“看得见的,明显的,显著的”visibility n.可见度,可见性 The smoke from the fire was visible from the road.risible adj.能笑的,爱笑的,可笑的,滑稽的 含有词根ris,为“笑(to laugh)”之意 He drew a risible picture on the wall.,词根vis 来自于拉丁语“uidre”有“to see”之意,其变体为vid,visible adj.看得见的 visibility n.能见度 invisible 看不见的 invisibility n.看不清 The microscope enables us to see organisms invisible to the naked eyes.visual adj.看的,视觉的 visualize v.想象,直观显示,形象化 visualization n.想象,直观 Radar tells us of an approaching object long before visual contact is possible.,vision n.视力,想象力,幻影 visionary adj.空幻的 She was given to visionary schemes which never materialized.envision v.想象,展望 envisage v.正视evident adj.television n.visit v.&n.advise v.vista n.visa n.visage n.video n.,provide v.供应,准备,预防 pro-(before)+vid-(to see)provision n.供应,预备 provisional adj.临时的 providence n.深谋远虑,天意,上帝 provident adj.有远见的 The treaty had no provision for settling the disputed boundary between the two nations.revise v.修订,修改 re-(back)+vis(to see)revision n.修订,修订本 revisal n.修改 revisable adj.可修改的,可订正的 Before handing in your composition,be sure to revise it carefully.supervise v.监督 super-(above)+vis(to see)supervision n.监督,管理 supervisor n.监工,指导者,vid或vis还有一些变体,如:view,evy,vei-等。survey v.眺望,测量surveillance n.监视,盯梢view 景观interview 接见,采访preview 预映,预习review 复习purview n.视界,区域,词根ris还有一变体rid,还构成:ridicule n.&v.嘲笑,愚弄 ridiculous adj.荒谬的,可笑的 The opposition ridiculed the governments proposals,saying they offered nothing new.That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress.deride v.嘲弄,嘲笑 de-(down)+rid(to laugh)derision n.嘲笑 derisive adj.嘲笑的,值得嘲笑的 The people derided his grand schemes.They greeted his proposal with derision and refused to consider it seriously.,capacious,rapacious,capacious adj.容积大的,宽敞的,广阔的 含有词根cap,为“容纳(to take or hold)”之意 capacity n.容量,生产量 Professor Johnson is a man of capacious mind.In prospect of increase in demand,we should operate at full capacity.rapacious adj.掠夺的,贪婪的 含有词根rap,为“抢夺(to snatch)”之意 The hunters drove this rapacious beast from his den into the open.,cap 来自拉丁动词capere,表示”取(to take)”,capt,cept 来自它的过去分词,ceive为此根的法语变体,其它变体还有cip,cup。capture n.俘虏,捕获物;v.捕获 capt(to take)+-ure(the result)captive adj.被俘虏的;n.俘虏,捕获物 capt(to take)+-ive(being)receive v.re-(back)+ceive(to take)receiver n.reception n.receptive adj.deceive v.de-(away)+ceive(to take)deceiver n.deception n.deceptive adj.,conceive v.con-(in)+ceive(to take)conception n.perceive v.感觉,觉察 per-(thoroughly)+ceive(to take or grasp)except v.&prep exception n.anticipate v.anti-(before)+cip(to take)+-ate anticipation n.principal adj.&n.prin-(first)+cip(to take)+-al(of)participate v.part(part)+i+cip(to take)+-ate participation n.participant n.emancipate v.occupy v.accept v.,词根rap及其变体rav,rapt还见于下列单词中:rapture v.使狂喜,n.欢天喜地 The dream had been worth suffering for the sake of this sudden rapture.ravish v.强夺 The wolf ravished the lamb from the flock.ravage v.&n.掠夺,蹂躏 It is hard for anyone to escape from the ravages of time.,raptor n.raven n.,veracious,vivacious,voracious,veracious adj.说实话的,诚实的,准确的,真实的 含有词根ver,为“真实的”之意 veracity n.真实,老实,诚实 He is very veracious;he never lies.I dont doubt the veracity of your report.vivacious adj.活泼的,快活的 含有词根viv,为“生命(life)”之意 vivacity n.活泼 The vivacious girl made a good cheerleader.voracious adj.狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的 含有词根vor,为“吞食(to devour)”之意 voracity n.贪食,贪婪 The wolf is a voracious animal.,词根ver还构成以下单词:verify v.证明,查证 ver(true)+-fy(to make)verifiable adj.能证实的,能作证的 verification n.确认,查证,作证 The computer verified whether the data was loaded correctly.veritable adj.真正的 verity n.真实,真理 The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.aver v.断言,主张 ad-(toward)+ver(true)He avers he will not attend the meeting.very adj.verdict n.*,词根vor还构成以下单词:devour v.吞吃,狼吞虎咽似地吃 de-(down)+vour(to eat)Time and war have devoured many ancient monuments.herbivorous adj.食草的,以草为食的 herbi(grass)+vor(to eat)+-ous(full of)构成 Control methods have had to be employed to protect cattle and other herbivorous animals from damage to bones and teeth.carnivore n.食肉动物 carn(flesh)+i+vor(to eat)+e carnivorous adj.食肉的,以肉为食的 The lion is a carnivorous animal.omnivorous adj.杂食性的,docile,facile,fragile,这一组词共享后缀-ile,为“易于的,倾向于的”之意。docile adj.;容易教的,驯良的,温顺的 含有词根doc,为“教导(to teach)”之意 docility n.顺从,温顺 He is a docile and well-behaved child.facile adj.易做到的,容易的 含有词根fac,为“做,制造”之意 facility n.容易,设备,工具 facilitate vt.使容易,使便利 He proposed a facile solution to a complex problem.The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play.It would facilitate matters if you were more co-operative.fragile adj.易碎的,脆的 含有词根frag,为“折,断裂(to break)”之意 fragility n.脆弱,虚弱 The fragile boxes arrived intact.,词根doc或doct还出现在以下单词中:doctrine n 教义,教条 doct(to teach)+r(or)+-ine(something done)doctrinal adj教条的,学说的 The Monroe Doctrine(1823)warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.indoctrinate v.灌输 in(into)+doctrin(doctrine)+ate(to cause)indoctrination n.教导,教化 The writer wants to indoctrinate the readers with the idea.doctor n.document n.doc(to teach)+u+ment(thing)documentary n.&a.,dec,dox,dig也是该词根的变体:decent a.像样的,体面的;大方的;正派的decorate v.装饰,装潢 dec(to take)+or+ate decoration n.orthodox a.传统的;正统的,正宗的 ortho(correct)+doxparadox n.自相矛盾的人或事物 para(beside)+doxdignity n.庄严,端庄;尊严,高尚Indignant a.愤怒的,愤慨的,义愤的 indignation n.愤怒,愤慨,义愤*,词根frag和fract来自拉丁动词frangere,意思相当于英语的to break(破),还构成一下单词 fragment n.frag(to break)+-ment(the result)fraction n.碎片,分数 fract(to break)+-ion(the result)fracture n.破裂;骨折 fract(to break)+-ure(the act or state)infraction n.违犯,违背 in-(in)+fract(to break)+-ion(the act)fragrance n.fragrant a.,break v.&n.broken a.breach n.破坏,违反;(关系)破裂,不和 v.攻破,在造成缺口;破坏,违反brick n.,altitude,aptitude,latitude,longitude,magnitude,multitude,这一组词共享后缀-tude,为“度、量”之意。altitude n.高度,高处 含有词根alti,为“高(high)”之意 The plane flew at an altitude of 20,000 meters.aptitude n.天资,才能 含有词根apt,为“易于的,适合的(to fit)”之意 apt adj.易于的 Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.She has an apt turn of phrase for summing up a situation.latitude n.纬度,范围 含有词根lat,为“宽”之意 They allow their children too much latitude,in my view;they should be stricter.longitude n.经度,经线 含有词根long,为“长的(long)”之意 The town is at longitude 24 degrees east.magnitude n.大小,数量,巨大 含有词根magn,为“宏大(great)”之意 I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.multitude n.多数,群众 含有前缀multi-,为“多(many)”之意 A large multitude of people assembled in the park for the festival.,词根alt还构成以下单词:altar n.altimeter n.alto n.*,词根ap(t)还可以构成以下单词:adapt v.使适应,改编 adaptation n.适应,改编 She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.I bought my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare.apt adj.易于,有倾向attitude n.couple n.&v.*,词根long还构成以下单词:longevity n.longing n.along prep.belong v.prolong v.length n.lengthy adj.linger v.lounge v.&n.*,词根magn还构成以下单词:magnificent adj.华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的 magnificence n.华丽,富丽堂皇 The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory.The Great wall is known for its long history and its magnificence.magnate n.大亨,巨头,富豪 The steel magnate decided to devote more time to city politics.magnify v.,词根mag(n)的变体有much,meg和max:major adj.mayor n.majority n.majesty n.climax n.maxim n.maximum n.muchmastermister mistressmissMay,accent,ascent,assent,accent n.重音,口音 ac-(toward)+cent(to sing)His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign.ascent n.上升,提高,攀登 a-(to)+scent(to climb)ascend v.上升,攀登 Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon?We watched the mists ascending from the valley below.assent v.&n.赞成 as-(to)+sent(to feel)The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.,词根cent及其变体cant为“歌唱”之意,还构成以下单词:descant v.详论 des-(away)+cant(to sing)In class he descanted on his favorite writer.recant v.放弃 re-(back)+cent(to sing)The accused refused to recant his statement.incentive n.动机;adj.激励的 in-(on)+cent(to sing)+ive They dont try very hard if there is no incentive.cant n.术语,行话,暗语,词根cent的变体还包括hen,chant,cert:hen n.chant v.反复有节奏地喊叫或演唱;吟颂;n.赞美诗,圣歌enchant v.试陶醉,使入迷;使着魔charm n.&v.concert n.*,词根scent及其变体scend为“攀爬”之意,还构成以下单词:descend v.下来,下降 de-(down)+scend(to climb)descent n.降下,降落 descendant n.子孙,后裔,后代 The balloon descended gradually as the air came out.He is a descendant of Queen Victoria.transcend v.scan n.scandal n.*,词根sent及其变体sens和send为“送、去、感受,感觉”之意,还构成以下单词:sentiment n.感情,情绪,思想感情 senti(sense)+-ment sentimental adj.情感上的,伤感的,多愁善感的 There is no place for sentiment in business.He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.sensible adj.能感觉到的,可觉察的 sens(sense)+-ible sensibility n.感受性,感觉 Saving your presence,I dont think the suggestion is very sensible.sensitive adj.敏感的,神经过敏的 sens(sense)+-itive This is such an sensitive issue that perhaps the press should not be told.sensation n.感觉,知觉 sens(sense)+-ation sensational adj.感觉的 What a sensational story!It has all the elements of a soap opera.,consent v.&n.同意,赞同 con-(together)+sent(sense)She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.dissent v.不同意,持不同意见,持异议 dis-(not)+sent(sense)They expressed their dissent from official policy.resent v.对不满,怨恨 re-(against)+sent(sense)resentful adj.不满的,忿恨的 resentment n.不满,忿恨,怨恨 I resent having to get his permission for everything I do.He is resentful at the way he has been treated.Instead of discussing their problems,they bottle up all their anger and resentment.,sentence n.&v.conse