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    English Lexicology,Introduction,References,1 林福炎.现代英语词汇学M.安徽教育出版社,19852 王文斌.英语词汇文学M.浙江教育出版社,2001.3 陆国强.现代英语词汇M.上海外语教育出版社,1999.4 秦秀白.英语简史M.湖南教育出版社,1983.5 汪榕培.英语词汇学研究M.上海外语出版社,2000.6 汪榕培、卢晓娟.英语词汇学教程M.上海外语教育出版社,1997.7 张维友.英语词汇学教程M.华中师范大学出版社,1997.,lexicology,0.INTRODUCTION What is lexicology?What is a word?What does it mean to know a word?How many words are there in English?How many of these words do I know?,Aims,Study:structures,meanings and meaning relations,Examine:situation and its developmentConsider:how to analyze and explain the problems related to wordsOutline:learning strategies,lexicology Geek morphemes:Lexi-meaning-word,phrase lexicos-having to do with words or for words logos-notes a department of knowledge.vocabulary,lexis,lexicon dictionary,1.Introduction to English Lexicology,1.1.1 What is a word?1.1.2 Lexis/lexical item/lexical unit/lexiconLexeme/lemma1.1.3 What is vocabulary?1.1.4 What is lexicology?,A Definition of a WordA word is a sound or combination of sounds forming a unit of the grammar or vocabulary of a language.(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English:OALDCE)A word is one or more sounds which can be spoken(together)to represent an idea,object,action.(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:LDCE),a minimal free form of a language;a sound unity;a unit of meaning;a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.,Sound and Meaning,two rival schools of thought:the Naturalists(自然派)the Conventionalists(惯例派)the Naturalists(自然派)maintain that there is a natural connection between sound and meaningan intrinsic correspondence between sound and sense.in onomatopoeia talking by iconic signs to imitate the sounds,2)the Conventionalists(惯例派)Relations are conventional and arbitrary,no logical relationship between the sound and meaning.a kind of linguistic social contrast(一种社会契约)e.g.dog,desk,chair Not because the sound and three letters that make up the word automatically suggest the animal in question.It is only a symbolic connection.the same phonological form may convey different meaning:e.g.meet,meat,mete Knight,nightA word is a symbol that stands out for sth else in the world.,no logical relationship,different languages,same concept,the same phonological form may convey different meaning:e.g.What is in a name?That which we call a rose.By any other name would smell as sweet(香气馥郁)。e.g.woman,femme,fn the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languagesdifferent languages same conceptThe written form of a nature language is the orthographical record of the oral form.Sound should be consistent with the form.,Classification of words,In terms of origin,native words In terms of meaning and function,notional words&functional wordsIn terms of use frequency,basic word stock&non-basic vocabulary*There are a large portion of the vocabulary that does not belong to the common core,such as terminology,jargon,slang,argot,neologism,literary words.,nonbasic vocabulary:terminology(专业术语),jargon行话),slang,(俚语)argot(黑话),dialectal(方言)terminology:photoscanning(扫描),penicillin(盘尼西林),algebra(代数)jargon:bottom line(必然结果),bargaining chip谈判各方的优势 slang:grass and pot(毒品大麻),smoky,bear(police),X-rays(radar)argot:can-opener(all-purpose key),dip(pick-pocket)dialectal:auld(Scot=old),coo(Scot=cow),1.1.2.Lexis/lexicon/lexeme,词项是词典的组成单位,包含词的读音、词性、词义,语义特征和句法特征等.Lexis is used interchangeably with vocabulary;When we refer to an individual word,we may use vocabulary item,lexical item,or lexical unit;Lexicon can be a more technical version of lexis,sometimes it is used synonymously with the word dictionary;Lexeme,like phoneme,morpheme,is realized by a set of concrete forms;Lemma,headword or entry word in dictionaries.,1.1.3 Vocabulary,Vocabulary means the sum of all the words in the language.词项-词词汇-词汇学Speaking vocabulary-active vocabularywriting vocabulary-active vocabularyreading vocabulary-passive vocabularyguess vocabulary-passive vocabulary, Size of the English vocabulary,a wide range:from 400,000 to 600,000 words(Claiborne,1983,p.5)a half million to over 2 million(Crystal,1988.p.32)about I million(Nurnberg&Rosenbium,1977,P.11)200.000 words in common use adding technical and scientific terms stretch the total into the millions(Bryson,1990)., How many words do native speakers know?,English native-speaking university graduates will have a vocabulary size of about 20,000 word families English native speakers will add roughly 1.000 word families a year to their vocabulary size.five year old beginning school will have a vocabulary of around 4.000 to 5,000 word families.a 20-year-old university student having 20,000 word families.A word family:is usually held to include the base word,all of its inflections,and its common derivatives., The complex nature of vocabulary,types of word knowledge:the meaning(s)of the wordthe written form of the wordthe spoken form of the wordthe grammatical behavior of the wordthe collocations of the wordthe register of the wordthe associations of the wordthe frequency of the word,1.1.4 Lexicology,Lexicology is the part of linguistics,dealing with the vocabulary of a language and the properties of words as the main units of language.Good knowledge of the description of the vocabulary,rules of word-formation,origin and history of words helps to guess and remember the meaning of new-learned words,to master the standards of their usage,and to prevent mistakes.Two ways to study lexicology:1)Diachronic approach:历时语言学 2)Synchronic approach:共时语言学,Lexicology as a branch of linguistic study,Morphology,Grammar,Semantics,Pragmatics,Culture,Cognitive mechanism,Historical linguistics,etymology词汇学研究范围十分广泛,包括词的界定、词的形态和构成、词的意义、词与词之间的意义关系、词义与语境的关系、成语的构成和使用、词典的类型和使用、词汇的发展史、词汇与文化的关系、词汇频率统计、词汇教学等诸多领域。传统的词汇学有词源学、成语学、词典学、专名学、方言学等分支学科。,Summary,defined several terms that are necessary,to discuss vocabulary with precision.indicated that languages contain huge numbers of words,learning the amount of vocabulary a native speaker knows is still an amazing feat.knowledge of individual words grows over time,both in our ability to use them receptively and productively and in the different kinds of word knowledge be ready to explore the fascinating world of how vocabulary is learned and used.,1.2.英语词汇的现状,1.2.1 全球语言英语(English as a global language)1.2.2 英语词汇概况,1.2.1 全球语言英语,英语的现在(English today)英语的重要地位英语的未来, 英语的现在(English today),国际语言(international language)世界语言(world language)全球语言(global language)通用语言(lingua franca)共同语言(common language),全球语言英语,首先,该语言必须在许多国家作为官方语言使用。其次,如果该语言在某些国家不是官方语言,必须具有与官方语言同等的地位。最后,如果该语言在某些国家不具备与官方语言同等的地位,必须在外语教学中具有优先地位。, 英语的重要地位,英语的使用讲英语的人可以分为三类。第一类是本族语者,即英语是其母语 第二类是以英语作为第二语言者 最后一类是以英语作为外语者, 英语的重要地位,英语教学非英语国家 英语国家英语国家:语言学校发展中国家:主要课程母语教授、第二语言、外语, 英语的未来,拒绝:英语作为国际语言使用新生国家:宗祖国语言 特权地位民族语言后殖民时期:母语活语言和全球语言:日益壮大语言变体:“新英语”(new Englishes)非英语国家:共同语言英语语言的发展历史, 英语的未来,活语言和全球语言:日益壮大语言变体:“新英语”(new Englishes)。非英语国家:共同语言英语语言的发展历史,3.本书各个单元简介,Unit1 词汇概说Unit2,3 构词法Unit4,5,6,7 词的意义Unit8,9,10 词的来源,特征及发展Unit11,12 英语的搭配,成语Unit13,14 英语词典的基本知识及使用Unit15,16 英语词汇的记忆方法及学习策略,Exercises,1.Word 2.Lexis 3.Lexicon4.Vocabulary 5.Glossary 6.Phrase7.Expression 8.Diction 9.Collocation10.Phraseology 11.Morphology12.Lexicology 13.Etymology14.Lexicography 15.Lexical semantics,What do they refer to?,1.A list of the difficult words used in a piece of writing or subject,with explanations of their meaning.2.A group of words that form a unit within a clause.3.Unclassified linguistic unit of any length:words,phrases,sentences,paragraphs,etc.,4.The choice of words used in a speech or piece of writing.5.Words in general known,learnt,used,etc.or a list of words,usually in alphabetical order and with explanations of their meanings.6.All the words and phrases in a language or in a dictionary.7.All the words in a language.,8.The smallest unit of spoken or written language which has meaning and can stand alone.9.The study of origins and development of words.10.The writing and making of dictionaries.11.The study of words and their meanings.12.The study of meanings and uses of words.,13.The study of how words are formed in a language.14.The words and phrases used in a particular profession or activity,or a particular way of putting words together to express something.15.A group of words which naturally go together to express something.,The pronunciation of letters such as“A”,“E”,“I”,“O”,“U”,“Y”The pronunciation of their combinations such as a_e,e_,_e,i_,_i,o_,_o,_y,y_.Collect the words and sort them according to their pronunciation.Dictation _words,


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