Thank-you Notes,Activities,感谢信(Thank-you Notes),日常生活中,我们在应邀赴宴、收到礼品或得到帮助之后,出于惯例和礼貌,应及时给对方写一封感谢信(a thank-you note)。感谢信不必过长,也不必说得过分,否则会使人觉得言不由衷,但也不能太简单,否则使人觉得缺乏诚意。当你对对方不甚满意时,出于礼貌,还是要写信感谢,使对方不至于太难堪。感谢信有个人之间的,也有合作伙伴之间的。,Sample:,The following are two thank-you notes.One is to a new business partner.The other is to a friend.Please read and try to understand them.,August 21,2007Dear Mr.Smith,I am writing to thank you for your hospitality during my recent trip to Germany.It is always very useful to meet ones business partners face to face,and I think we had some interesting discussions.I am looking forward to seeing you when you visit London in September.Yours sincerely,Mark Howard,September 29,2007Dear Peter,This is just a short note to thank you for a very pleasant evening while I was in New York.It is always good to see old friends again and it was very useful to exchange ideas.Please give me a ring next time you come to London.Perhaps we can meet for lunch.Best wishes!Mark,从上面的例子可以看出:书面的感谢信是比较正式的表达方式,其内容包括:对对方提供的帮助、给予的接待或赠送的礼品表示衷心感谢;说明对方的帮助所起的作用或赠送的礼品非常好;再次表示感谢或问候对方。,感谢信的内容包括:,写感谢信的确切日期。对于非正式的感谢信,可以使用收到的礼品上的名字。例如:此人名字是James,但礼品上用的“Jimmy”。你在感谢信上就可以用“Dear Jimmy.”。对于正式的感谢信,要以“Dear Mr.and Mrs.Brown.”开头。在信中要提及收到的礼品:“Thank you very much for the lovely candle sticks.”。,告诉对方将如何使用此礼品:“Well have many romantic nights with these lovely candles.”or“John and I will think of you every time we make a toast.”or“It will keep me warm this winter when its cold and snowy outside.”。,结束语:“Sincerely,Mary”,“Lovely,Mary”,“Affectionately,Mary”,“With Appreciation,Mary”。,时效性是感谢信的关键,一封真诚的感谢信要及时传递给收信人。发出感谢信的时间一般在一天至一周内最为合适。但是,迟到总比没有好。必要时亲手写封感谢信。即使你已亲自谢过赠送你礼物的人,之后再写一份感谢信仍然很有必要。手写的感谢信其本身就是一份很好的礼物,收信人也会因你花时间表达对其的谢意而感到高兴。选择最能体现自己风格和个性的卡片并在需要时将它填写好。写电子信件感谢常为你做日常琐事的家人和朋友,也不失为一个很好的办法。感谢信要真诚且合理,不必太长,也不要过短或夸大其词。写感谢信最好生动,亲切,适宜,得体,对某事某物充满感激,记住:简单的几句真心话往往传递更丰富的含义。,Activity 1,Activity 2,Please write a thank-you note according to the Chinese information given below,史密斯先生刚刚被提升为经理,便收到约翰逊先生的祝贺信,于是回信表示感谢,对他给予自己工作上的帮助表示感谢,并表示盼望见到他。,Dear Mr.Johnson,Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment(promotion).I also wish to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to seeing you soon.Sincerely,John Smith,Write a note to Oliver and Jennifer to thank them for inviting you to a dinner party held at their home on January 8,2007,January 15,2007Dear Oliver and Jennifer,Thank you so much for the delightful evening we had at your lovely home a couple of nights ago.It was a pleasure to see you again and enjoy your wonderful cooking.Looking forward to seeing you again soon!Thanks again for everything.Sincerely,Frank&Clark,