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    Translation(14),Translation of Chinese Idioms汉语成语英译例析,1.Literal Translation1)“对牛弹琴”这句话,含有讥笑对象的意思。The saying“to play the harp to a cow”implies a gibe at the audience.2)叫一声“请!”一齐举箸,却如风卷残云一般,早去了一半。(吴敬梓,儒林外史)At the signal to begin,they fell to with their chopsticks,like a whirlwind scattering wisps of clouds.(Wu Jingzi,Unofficial History of the Literati),3)旁边一人鼓掌大笑曰:“此事易如反掌,何必多议!”(罗贯中,三国演义)Then one of those about him suddenly clapped his hands,crying,“It is as easy as turning over ones hand!Why so much talk!”(Luo Guanzhong,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)4)“四海之内,皆兄弟也”,相烦借一条路。Within the four seas all are brothers,so let us use your road.,5)“宝姐姐,你还不拧她的嘴?你问问她编派你的话!”宝扠笑道:“不用问,狗嘴里还有象牙不成!”“Pinch her lips,Chai!”she said,“You should hear what she has been saying about you.”“I dont need to,”said Baochai.“One doesnt expect ivory from a dogs mouth!”More examples of Chinese idioms that can be literally translated into English:watch the fire across the river,dragonfly skim the water surfacemake a feint in the east but attack in the westas sure as Mt.Taia grain in the oceanas easy as blow away the dustwithout lips,the teeth will feel coldto leave not even an inch of grasslure the tiger away from the mountainThe thought of going home flies like an arrow,to fish up a needle from the seaa stork among chickeneven the fowls and dogs are not spared from killinggentleman of the beamslike a fish getting back into waterkill the hen to get the eggenjoy longevity like Mt.Nanshanto scoop up the moon from the waterWhen rabbits are exterminated,the dogs will be slaughtered.,ask the way from the blinddressed-up beastgrow like bamboo shots after spring rainclimb a tree to acquire fishquench ones thirst by gazing at plumsto satisfy ones hunger by drawing a picture of cakes,2.Free Translation1)范进被胡屠户一口啐在脸上,骂了个狗血喷头 Butcher Hu spat in his face,and poured out a torrent of abuses2)宝玉听了这话,不觉轰了魂魄,目瞪口呆 Pao-yu was thunderstruck and stood aghast.,3.Using Two or More Method1)张飞大叫:“此必董卓!追吕布有甚强处,不如先拿董贼,便是斩草除根!”“Certainly there is Dong Zhuo,”cried Zhang Fei.“What is the use of pursuing Lu Bu?Better far seize the chief rebel and so pluck up the evil by roots.”2)都像你这样一毛不拔,我们喝西北风!If everyone was like you and wouldnt give us a cent,wed have to live on air.,4.Omission1)忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。(罗贯中,三国演义Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone signing deeply.2)天有不测风云,人有霎时祸福。Mans fate is uncertain as the weather.,3)此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换几件雅淡衣服,遽公孙举眼细看,真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。(吴敬梓,儒林外史)By this time Miss Lu had changed out of her ceremonial dress into an ordinary gown,and when Ju looked at her he saw that her beauty would put the flowers to shame.回忆词类翻译法 重复法为了生动的目的第三条AABB结构!,more examples of similar Chinese idioms:人山人海 a sea of faces出类拔萃 stand out among others/rise above the herds捕风捉影 catch the shadow烟消云散 vanish into the air自暴自弃 abandon oneself to despair四通八达 stretch in all direction家喻户晓 be a household word四平八稳 steady and secure,胡思乱想 daydream无影无踪 without a trace油嘴滑舌 glib-tongued四面八方 far and near/in all directions,5.AdditionIn order to express the original meaning more closely,sometimes we have to add some words according to the context when we translate Chinese idioms into English.1)今得见肖先生,如鱼得水了!Now that I have met Mr.Xiao,I feel like a stranded fish put back into water!,2)若非此人来报,都打在网里。Had he not told us,we would have been caught like fish in a net.6.Restoration恢复原状Some idioms in Chinese are translated from English or some other languages,so when we come across such expressions in our translation,we may restore them to the original.,1)敌人急急忙忙夹着尾巴走了。The enemy scurried away,with the tail between their legs.2)有的人只对鼻子底下的事情发生兴趣。Some are interested in only what is under their nose.,


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