翻译基础,第九讲 汉语长句的翻译Week 12,Outline,名家谈翻译 Homework Check Translating Chinese Long Sentences Four-character expression The Usual method of translating long Chinese sentences-dividing Exercises,名家谈翻译思果:翻译要点,(一)翻译切不可不守纪律,没有尺寸,乱添乱减。虽然佳译像盐化在水里,看不出痕迹,但盐总在那里,没有添,没有减。有的翻译是“演义派”,补出很多情节,全是原文没有的。有人随意删削,好像在编辑。(双关语、俏皮话等有的确不可翻者例外。)(二)切不可译字,要译意,译情,译气势,译作者用心处。记住,译者最大的敌人是译文字。(三)切不可抱定一个英文字只有一个中文译文解释,以不变应万变。如果你译一个英文字把认定的一个意思写下,再和上下文一同看,觉得不大像话,你可能错解了那字的意思,赶快细查字典。,名家谈翻译思果:翻译要点,(四)切不可抱死一两本英汉字典做翻译工作。不论编得多 好的英汉字典都不很可靠,这种字典有先天的缺陷,有人谋的不臧;并非无用,而绝不完全可靠。多备几本好英文字典,不怕辛苦多翻翻。(五)不要以为译好就已十全十美。整段、整句会漏译,数目字会看错(这一点最不能得到别人原谅),英文会看错,中文会不通顺,至少逐字逐句对一两次,过些时再看一两次(单看译文是否可以过得去)。你多找出一个错,别人就少发现一个。,名家谈翻译思果:翻译要点,(六)不懂的题材,千万不要率尔翻译。至少也要找一两本有关的书或大一些的百科全书查一查。如果能找到专家请教一下更好。西方的学问分门别类,每一门都极高深,得到各科通俗的常识都不容易,不用说全部的知识了。(七)没有绝对把握的中文字词成语不要用。成语用得贴切,不啻锦上添花;但失之毫厘,差之千里,用得不对,反而贻人笑柄。用时也许觉得是神来之笔,其实仔细一查,似是而非,或意思正相反。(申雨平、戴宁,2000),一、名词性从句,1.The King declared,“Whoever makes my daughter laugh shall marry her.”国王宣称:“谁要是能把我女儿逗乐了,就可以娶她做妻子。”2.It was in vain that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton.老太太问她明白不明白她是在对平克顿小姐说话,但这是白费心血。3.I was clear that he was going to meet Miss Carr and wanted to be alone.很清楚,他是去看卡尔小姐了,所以要一个人去。,4.A principle of science tells what usually happens under certain conditions.科学原理告诉我们在一定条件下所会发生的事情。5.I replied that they had never brought up the subject in conversation.我回答说,在谈话中,他们从没有提到这个问题。6.She had explained that interviews were the only way to keep the case in public consciousness.她曾解释道,接见记者是使公众不至忘却这桩案件的唯一办法。,7.The fact is that the old lady believed Rebecca to be the meekest creature in the world.事实是,老太太以为丽贝卡是天下最驯良的小家伙8.“If I have seen farther than other man,it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”(Newton)“假如我比别人望得远了一点,这是因为我已站在巨人的肩上。”(牛顿)9.We know the fact that bodies possess weight.我们知道物体具有重量这个事实。10.The meeting was to take place at a hotel,the Park Hotel on Nanjing Road.会议在一个酒店内举行南京路国际饭店。,二、试译下列定语从句,11.Those who sacrifice themselves for the peoples cause are the real heroes of history.(前置法)为人民事业牺牲自己的人是历史上真正的英雄。12.He was not at ease with those who made diplomacy their profession,particularly ambassadors.(前置法)他同那班以外交为职业的人特别是大使们合不来。13.The great inviolate place had the ancient permanence which the sea cannot claim.(后置法)这块没经骚扰过的伟大地区有着自古以来永远不变的性质,这种性质连大海都不能跟它相比。,14.He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income.(后置法)他发出了同情之声,这种同情声是那些有独立收入的人最容易脱口而出的。15.There has never been a man around me who wrote so many memos.(溶合法)在我周围的人中从没有一个象他那样写过那么多的备忘录。16.The ambassador,who had long been interested in Asian affairs,was flattered.(前置法)早就对亚洲事务感兴趣的那个大使,不禁受宠若惊。,17.I knew that John would tell his mother,who would probably tell Mary.(后置法)我知道约翰准会告诉他妈妈,他妈妈多半又会说给玛丽听。18.He took the idea to Admiral King,who liked it and ordered a secret study made to see if it could be done.(后置法)他把这种想法向金将军上将汇报,金将军对这想法很感兴趣,命令进行秘密研究,看看是否可行。19.Nevertheless,the problem was solved successfully,which showed that the computations were accurate.(独立句)不过问题还是圆满地解决了。这说明计算机很准确。20.I had a problem,which became clearly obvious just as I was to appear at the meeting.(译成独立句)我遇到了一个问题。当我就要出席会议时,这个问题越发明显了。,三、将下列具有状语功能的定语从句译成各种相对应的汉语偏正复句:,1.He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old.他三岁就死了父亲,所以记不起他父亲了。2.He insisted on buying another coat,which he had no use for.他坚持要再买一件上衣,虽然他并不用得着。,3.He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention the matter.他想写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的注意。4.Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.如果译为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。5.Those who are in favour please hold up their hands.如果赞成,就请举手。,四、试译下列状语从句,1.When the war started,she soon got caught up in some very different activities.战争一爆发,她很快就卷进了一些迥然不同的活动中去。2.We had barely dropped off to sleep when the doorbell began to ring.我们刚要合眼入睡时,门铃就开始响起来了。3.They were obviously doing the right thing,and she would defend them,whatever anyone said.显然他们这样做是对的;不管谁怎么说,她也要为他们辩护。,4.She had always taken that for granted as correct behavior,however much it went against the things you were told.她总认为这是一种正当的行为,不管你所听到的是怎样不同。5.Probably he had stood there for some time,because the ash of his cigar was discovered on the ground near the gate.他可能曾在那里站过一会儿,因为门口地上发现了他的雪茄烟灰。,A recent phenomenon in the choice of careers on the part of college graduates is the increasing trend towards big companies.Few are interested in the research fields.This is an unavoidable problem in a materialistic society,where tempting salaries and fringe benefits are offered by big companies to compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies.On the other hand,as many big enterprises and even government departments tend to concentrate on immediate economic results and show comparatively little interest in long range research,there is a steady shift of scientists and researchers from the pure research to the applied field,where there are more jobs available with better salaries.All this has not only seriously influenced young peoples view on the choice of careers,but on education as well.Many college teachers deplore that fewer and fewer students these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake.,最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现了一种倾向,这就是毕业生越来越青睐大公司,很少有人到研究单位。在崇尚物质的社会里,这是一个不可避免的问题。一方面,学生还没有走出校门,大公司便在竞相聘用他们,向他们提供具有诱惑力的薪水和福利待遇。另一方面,由于许多大企业,甚至包括一些政府部门往往看重直接经济效益,而相对来说,对长期的理论研究不感兴趣。所以研究人员不断地从纯理论研究领域流向实用工业。因为在那里工作就比在研究领域里好找,工资也往往高。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响教育,许多大学老师哀叹,现在单纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。,Long Sentences in C-E Translation,The Usual Method:DividingFour-character Expression 课内练习 课外练习,The Usual Method:Dividing,Step one:Discern the main idea and the subordinate ones.Step two:Cut the long sentence into several sections regardless of the punctuation marks.Step three:translate the divided sections respectively.Step four:proofread and make sure the translated version is expressed according to the English grammar and customs.,Four-character Expression,Skill:We may simplify the structure by using simple sentences,laying stress on the subject and the predicate verb.这种床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式多样,舒适大方,携带方便。The technological design of this bed cushion is advanced with novel structure,beautiful shape and various patterns.They are comfortable and convenient to carry.,东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔,浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望,是亚洲第一,世界第三的高塔。The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui.Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated western architectures in the Bund across the river,the 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world.,现在最大的问题就是日本的某些军国主义分子违背本国人民的意志,妄图掩盖侵华战争中“南京大屠杀”的滔天罪行。The biggest issue is that some of the militarists in Japan,in defiance of the will of the Japanese people,are trying in vain to cover up the towering crimes of the bloody“Nanjing Massacre”during Japans aggression against China.,课内练习,1.岁月不好,柴米又贵;这几件旧衣服和旧家伙,当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我替人家做些针线活寻来的钱,如何供得你读书?Times are hard,and fuel and rice are expensive.Our old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold.We have nothing to live on but what I make by my sewing.How can I pay for your schooling?,2.接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。He went on indulging in wishful thinking.Chickens would bread more chickens.Selling them would bring him more money.With this he could buy cows.The cows would breed too and selling oxen would make more money for him.With the money,he could become a moneylender.Such a succession of steps for getting rich,of course,had nothing at all to do with production.,课内练习,3.老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻找一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门立住了。(鲁迅:药)Absorbed in his walking,Old Shuan was startled when he saw the T-shaped road junction lying distinctly ahead of him.He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop in front of its closed door.,4.原来悟空手疾眼快,正在那混乱之时,他拔下一根毫毛,叫声“变!”就变做他的本相。(吴承恩:西游记)As Sun Wukong was deft of hand and quick of eye,he plucked one of the hairs from his body in the midst of the fray and shouted“Change!”It changed into his own double.,5.顷刻之间,滚滚的浊水象堵墙一般压了下来,一股脑儿连人带车都给冲走了。这情景,直到现在还印在我的脑海里。The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.,课外练习,1.如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚,结果是丧失时机,犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。If we fail to make a proper analysis and thus incur misunderstanding,we will become overcautious and dare not emancipate our minds and act boldly.Consequently,we will lose opportunities.Like a boat sailing against the current,we must forge ahead or be swept downstream.,2.在长期的大统一过程中,经济、文化交往把中国各民族紧密地联系在一起,从而形成了相互依存、相互促进、共同发展的关系,创造和发展了中华文明。During the long process of unification,economic and cultural exchanges brought the people of all ethic groups in China closely together,giving shape to a relationship of interdependence,mutual promotion and mutual development among them and contribution to the creation and development of the Chinese civilization.3.自从在海边第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似的爱上了她。Since he met this beautiful girl at the seaside,he fell in love with her.,4.不一会儿,北风小了,路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。(一件小事)Presently the wind dropped a little.By now the loose dust had all been blown away,leaving the roadway clean,and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.5.干得很顺手,上汽车没到三分钟,一个钱包就到手了,鼓鼓囊囊的,看来钱不少。An easy job.Hardly three minutes on the bus had he laid hands on a purse.Bulgy.Apparently full of money.,6.当前我们迫切需要有一个装备优良、人员齐备、按照安全保护原则、本着一丝不苟的精神建立起来的先进核能实验室。,A well-equipped and well-manned nuclear-energy lab is badly needed at present.Such a lab,of course,must be advanced in technology and built in accordance with the principle of security and protection as well as in the spirit of meticulous discretion.,7.本厂已有35年生产丝绸服装的历史,其产品远销全球50多个国家和地区。完全真丝,质量上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,光滑柔和,耐洗耐晒,永不褪色,舒适高雅,女士必备。如欲购买,尽快联系。We have been in the silk garment trade for 35 years.The products find a ready market in 50 countries and regions.They are made of high quality pure silk,soft and smooth,an easy fit in the latest style.Fast to washing and sunlight,the silk garment is a must for ladies of good taste.Contact us for details if you want to buy.,8.知识分子是工人阶级中掌握科学文化知识较多的一部分,在改革开放和现代化建设中有着特殊重要的作用。能不能充分发挥广大知识分子的才能,在很大程度上决定着我们民族的盛衰和现代化建设的进程。Intellectuals are members of the working class who have a better scientific and general education than others.They have an especially important role to play in the reform,the opening up and the modernization drive.Whether we do or not give full scope to their abilities will determine,to a considerable degree,the prosperity or decline of our nation and the success or failure of the drive for modernization.,