第十讲 科技论文写作,一、科技论文的特征,(1)科学性内容科学性:指选题必须有理论和事实根据,论点应能揭示客观实际,经得起实践检验。论文中采用的数据、资料必须是真实可靠的,对各种概念的描述、专业术语的应用都是准确无误的。方法科学性:论证严密,合乎逻辑。善于利用归纳与演绎、分析与综合、比较与分类等逻辑思维方法,从严密的逻辑推理中引出正确结论。态度科学性:即坚持实事求是的科学态度。表达科学:文体以议论为主,结构严谨、语言精确。学术论文的范围限制在科学研究领域,非此领域的文章,不能算学术论文,如新闻报道、报告文学、散文科幻和科普作品等都不能算作学术论文。,(2)创新性开拓新的研究领域,提出前人所无的全新论断深化和发展前人的研究成果从不同的角度,或以新的论证方式,或利用新资料来研究老问题,提出新见解等.(3)专业性:即学术性所提出和论述的问题是在学科不同层次的研究中产生的问题应介绍比较专门系统的理论知识或实践知识,揭示事物的现状或发展规律或者是对某一学科的某一问题(或几个问题)进行研究探讨,针对某个或几个学科专业来论证阐述自己的观点。(4)形式规范性:包括论文的容量、论证步骤、写作格式、写字的规范、参考文献的规范、标点符号的规范等。,二、科技论文的类型期刊论文:指作者根据某期刊载文的特点和取向(表现为学科特征及专业特色),将自己撰写的学术论文进行有针对性地投稿,并被所投刊物采用、发表的论文。会议论文:指作者根据即将召开的各种学术会议(国际、国家、省、市、行业学术团体等)的研讨主题及相关规定,撰写专题论文并投寄给会议主办单位,经有关专家审查通过后被录用的学术论文。这些论文将在会议期间进行大会交流,并由主办单位汇集出版,成为一种重要的文献资源。学位论文:作者为了取得高等学校及科研院所的相应学位,通过专门的学习、从事科学研究所取得的创造性或创建性的认识、观点,并以此为内容撰写而成、作为提出申请授予相应学位时评审用的论文。学位论文分学士学位论文、硕士学位论文及博士学位论文三种。,篇名(Title):题目就是你论文的招牌,好的招牌可以引起读者的注意,最起码会让读者有兴趣来阅读你的论文,所以題目的订立非常重要,即使有好的內容而没有好的題目,也会使得整篇论文的价值大打折扣。题目旨在告诉读者这篇论文在谈论些什么事,并为其主要研究成果提出暗示,因此。而題目的订立必須贴切、兼具新鮮感和创意且能确实反映论文內容,題目长短及字词精准度的掌握,要有减一字则太少,多一字则太多的拿捏,要使读者在看到題目时,就能深受吸引并对內容有所期待。切忌題目太长,因为这会大大的降低了你论文的吸引力。因此订立一個好的題目便是吸引读者來阅读这篇文章的第一步。对英文标题,每个重要单词首字母都要大写。2)作者和地址(Authors and addresses);,三、科技论文的格式,3)摘要(Abstract):是整篇论文的缩影.i)陈述主要内容、描述你使用方法、概述你的结果及主要的结论。ii)使用第三人称。iii)摘要须要包括中、英文之描述(中国期刊而言)。iv)不同类型的论文有不同的格式要求。4)关键词(Key words);,5)前言(Introduction);Open up the subject.Survey past work relevant to this paper.Describe the problem addressed in this paper,and show how this work relates to,or augments previous work.Describe the assumptions made in general terms,and state what results have been obtained.(This gives the reader an initial overview of what problem is addressed in the paper and what has been achieved.)Overview the contents of the paper.,6)实验内容、解决问题的公式和方法(Experimental、Calculation method);7)结果和讨论(Results and discussion);This section presents the detailed results you have obtained.If the paper is theoretical,you will probably show curves obtained from your equations.If the paper is experimental,you will be presenting curves showing the measurement results.In order to choose the proper curves to present,you must first be clear what point you are trying to convey to the reader.The curves can then be chosen to illustrate this point.Whether your paper is theoretical or experimental,you must provide a careful interpretation of what your results mean and why they behave as they do.,8)结论(Conclusions);This section should summarize what has been accomplished in the paper.Many readers will read only the Introduction and Conclusion of your paper.The Conclusion should be written so they can be understood by someone who has not read the main work of the paper.9)致谢(Acknowledgments);10)参考文献(References)。,四、科技论文的写作方法,Step 1:Start by writing a complete first draft of your paper,except for the Introduction and Conclusion.(It is easiest to leave the Introduction and Conclusion until after the main body of the paper is written.)In writing your first draft,do not worry if the wording is not perfect.Polishing the document comes later.When you are finished with your first draft,put it away for a couple of days before you begin Step 2.,Step 2:Make sure the ideas in the paper are in the right order.If not,move blocks of the paper around with your text editor until they are.Ask yourself:“Can the reader understand every passage strictly from the material up to that point?”If not,add material or move ideas around.,Step 3:Work on the transitions between ideas.Make sure that at each stage the reader has a road map of where he or she is going.The reader must be able to see the big picture.At the beginning of each section,make clear to the reader in advance what the purpose of that section will be and how that section relates to the preceding material.At the end of each section,you may also want to remind the reader that you have now completed what you set out to do in that section.Then point out what the purpose of the next section will be,and so forth.These connecting statements are called transitions.The reader must always be able to see where you are going and why and how far you have progressed.,Step 4:Check each paragraph for unity.Each paragraph should have one main point.Usually the central point of each paragraph is stated in a topical sentence at the beginning of the paragraph,but not always.You should not mix different ideas together in the same paragraph.If you are having trouble getting a certain section of your paper to sound right,go through that section one paragraph at a time and ask yourself what the main point of each paragraph is.Foggy writing is often due tomixed-up paragraphs.,Step 5:Work on the sentences to reduce the fog index.The Fog Index F is defined as F=0.4(L+P)15,where L is the average number of words per sentence and P is the average number of polysyllables per 100 words of text.(A polysyllable is a word with three or more syllables.),Step 6:Get rid of as many passive verbs as possible.Always check your paper for passive verbs.Change as many verbs as possible into the active form.Using too many passive verbs makes your writing boring.Editors comment:At their worst,passive verbs can make writing incomprehensible.The reader always needs to know who is doing what to whom,and a passive verb often obscures both the agent and the recipient of an action.,Step 7:Use verbs more than nouns.Do not bury the main action of your sentences in nouns or adjectives.Instead,let the verbs carry the action.Step 8:Get rid of as many abstract words as possible.Step 9:Check for consistent use of verb tense.Step 10:Do not use“this”as a pronoun.Step 11:Check your entire document for subtle grammatical mistakes.Step 12:Polish and polish.,Step 13:Write the Conclusion.This Conclusion section should simply summarize for the reader what has been presented in the paper.Step 14:Write the Introduction.The Introduction is frequently the hardest part of the paper to write.It must be smoothly written.The Introduction should address each of the items mentioned above.,