1,汉英语篇对比与翻译,2,cohesion:the linguistic ties and connections which exist within textsCoherence is the relevance of one utterance to another 衔接是篇章的有形网络,连贯是篇章的无形网络。作者往往着意利用词语的重复、词义的联想、对比、照应以及各种修辞手段铺设有形网络以编织无形网络,使文本传神达意。,衔接与连贯,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,3,指示词(reference)称谓语(deixis)省略(ellipsis)他常唱民歌,我永远也忘不了他唱给我的第一首歌。He sings folk songs.Ill never forget the first he sang to me 替代词(substitution)one(s),do,so/not,same etc.黄先生有没有拿信?可能拿过了。Did Mr.Huang take that letter?he might have done.,英语语篇的衔接,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,4,I tried to get to sleep.My neighbour owns an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar.He likes to play the electric guitar.I had to get up at the crack of dawn for work the next day.The other neighbour and his wife must be more tolerant than me.I dont know what his other neighbour thinks about it.I dont know what his wife thinks about it.My neighbour plays the guitar quite badly.I wish my neighbour would take up another hobby.Im trying to get to sleep but hes at it again,my neighbour,playing the guitar.He actually owns two guitars,a simple acoustic one and an expensive electric one.But he seems to prefer to play the electric one late at night when Im trying to get to sleep and have to get up at the crack of dawn for work the next day.I dont know what his other neighbour thinks about it,or his wife for that matter.They must be more tolerant than me.The problem is,not only does he play the guitar very loudly,but he also plays it quite badly.I really wish he would take up another hobby altogether,or at least find a quieter musical instrument to play.,英语语篇的衔接,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,5,a text can be linguistically cohesive but incoherent,as the example illustrates:My father bought a Lincoln convertible.The car driven by the police was red.That color doesnt suit her.She consists of three letters.However,a letter isnt as fast as a telephone call.A:Thats the telephoneB:Im in the bathA:O.K,英语语篇的连贯,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,6,英语篇章:开门见山,直奔主题 章法:introduction-body-conclusion 汉语篇章:迂回曲折,委婉含蓄。章法:起承转合 英语篇章:主题-段落(层层递进;直线展开)汉语篇章:不同层面,同一论点(螺旋形上升)英语段落的结构:key sentence example;space;contrast;cause and effect汉语:主题句不明显,断尾可引出新主题翻译策略:突出论点,减少迂回曲折,汉英篇章特点对比,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,7,汉英篇章特点对比,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,北京工美集团(原北京市工艺美术品总公司)是以生产工艺美术品为主,融科研、生产、经营、教育与一体的多元化经济联合体。|集团拥有工商企业50余家,合资企业21家,驻外贸易机构一个,开展“三来一补”业务。|特艺、地毯、抽纱共有50多种产品获国际和国家大奖,自营出口商品60大类上万个品种花色,销往世界五大洲130多个国家和地区。,Beijing Gongmei Group specializes mainly in arts and crafts.|It is an economic complex combining scientific research,production,marketing,education and publication.|Under the group are over 50 industrial and commercial enterprises,including 21Sino-foreign joint ventures,and a trade agency abroad.|The group manufactures products according to clients samples or designs,or using clients materials,and conducts compensation trade.|Over 50 of its products have won international or domestic prizes,including special handicrafts,carpets and drawnwork.|It imports and exports 10,000 products in 60 categories,and its products are sold to 130 countries and regions on five continents.,8,英语:重 代词、同义词、近义词、代替句型 的替代作用汉语:相同词语的重复翻译策略:少重复,多替代英语:按语法形式要求进行省略(所有格、形容词及介词等后面的名词;系动词后面的表语;主谓一致时的主语或谓语等)。汉语:按语境省略(主语、领属语、中心语、关联词、谓语皆可省略)。翻译策略:省略得当,句式简洁,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,汉英段内连贯对比:替代和重复,9,Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辨。A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps;for there is a companionship of books as well as of men;and one should always live in the best company,whether it be of books or of men.要了解一个人,可以看他交什么样的朋友,可以看他看什么样的书,因为有的人跟人交朋友,有的人跟书交朋友,但不管跟人交朋友还是跟书交朋友,都应该教好朋友。,汉英段内连贯对比:重复、替代与省略,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,10,漫步山间时,听得四处竹林间的淙淙泉声,众多的细泉汇成一条狭长而深邃的小溪,顺山势而下,及至悬崖处,猛然跌落二三丈,形成一瀑布,水珠飞溅,凉透肌肤。Strolling along the path,you can hear springs singing everywhere in the bamboo forest.A number of little springs assemble into a narrow but deep little river,which runs along the mountainside.When it meets a small cliff,it falls down eight or nine metres,forming a thin water curtain.The cool drops fly about and splash over your skin.所以每每在大雪中的黄昏里,围着暖炉,围着祖父,听着祖父读着诗篇,看着祖父读着诗篇时微红的嘴唇。On snowy evenings,we children often sat around the heating stove by grandpa,listening to him reading poems and watching his busy ruddy lips.,汉英段内连贯对比:重复、替代与省略,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,11,衔接手段:逻辑关系、时间关系、空间关系翻译策略:添加连接词,增强连贯性。,汉英段内衔接手段,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,12,1.先后或列举:first,second;in the second place;nest/then;for one thingfor another;furthermore/moreover/in addition/besides;finally/last;and等。2.因果:consequently/as a result/hence/accordingly/thus/so/therefore;because/since/for等。3.特例或举例:in particular;specifically;for instance/for example;that is/namely等。4.引出结论:in conclusion/finally/all in all/to sum up;evidently/clearly/actually;of course等。5.But/however/yet/nevertheless;on the contrary;on the other hand;neithernor等。,逻辑关系,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,13,1.表示频率:frequently/often;occasionally/now and then;day after day;again and again等。2.表示阶段:during;briefly;for a long time;for many years等。3.表某一时刻:then/at that time/in those days;last Sunday;next Christmas;in 2005;at the beginning go Sep;at six oclock;two months ago等。4.表示开端:at first/in the beginning;before then;in the preceding weeks等。5.表示其间:in the meantime/while this was going on/meanwhile/as it was happening/at the same time/simultaneously等。6.表示结束:eventually/finally/at last/in the end 等。,时间关系,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,14,1.表示近:close to/near;next to/alongside/adjacent to;facing等。2.表示远:in the distance/far/beyond/away/on the far side;there等。3.表示方向:up;down;forward(s);backward(s);sideways;along;across;to the left/right;in front of/behind;above/below;inside/outside等。,空间关系,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,15,英语:段内信息紧凑;段落层层递进汉语:段内信息繁多;段落螺旋上升翻译策略:译者需要有篇章意识,把握全局。有时会合并或拆分段落。,汉英段内及篇章连贯,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,16,汉译英过程分析与实践,“黄荆棍下出好人”,这个动不动就要孩子脱了裤子打屁股的中国特色教子哲学,早已经过时,现在教子讲的是平等,是自由,是尊重。孩子的人权甚至已经写进了法律,父权主义的威严嘴脸不仅不道德,而且很容易触犯法律。孩子的屁股看来是轻易不能打的了。不过好在,虽然父权主义在私域节节败退,但在公域多少还有一点市场。理解过程:主题:父权主义在公域尚有市场总体结构:四句话,两段。引出主题,层次繁琐。古-今;私域公域;(父权)有无有连接词:(古);现在;看来是;不过替代与省略:这个哲学;现在教子(的方法);而且(它)很;但(它)在重复:是,是;父权主义,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,17,汉译英过程分析与实践,“黄荆棍下出好人”,这个动不动就要孩子脱了裤子打屁股的中国特色教子哲学,早已经过时,现在教子讲的是平等,是自由,是尊重。孩子的人权甚至已经写进了法律,父权主义的威严嘴脸不仅不道德,而且很容易触犯法律。孩子的屁股看来是轻易不能打的了。不过好在,虽然父权主义在私域节节败退,但在公域多少还有一点市场。The Chinese parenting model of making children drop their pants for a good spanking has passed its time.The current methods talk about equality,freedom and respect.The rights of children have even been written into law.The stern visage of a ruling father is now not only immoral,it can easily break the law.It seems that childrens behinds can no longer easily be hit.Fortunately,however,even though corporal punishment is slowly leaving the private realm,it still has some currency in public spheres.,英语篇章特点,汉英篇章对比,汉英翻译策略,18,Thank You!,