The Graduate,K英语091:陈茗K英语092:周婷 管雅文 柏婷婷,INTRODUCTION OF THE FILM,It was the highest-grossing motion picture of 1968.It was nominated for seven Academy Awards.The American Film Institute ranked it at number seven in its list of the greatest films of the century.It features one of the most recognizable soundtracks in movie history,by one of pop musics best-loved duos.It helped launch the careers of actor Dustin Hoffman,screenwriter Buck Henry and director Mike Nichols and has been credited with the assassination of the romantic comedy.,THE GRADUATE IS A 1967 AMERICAN COMEDY-DRAMA MOTION PICTURE DIRECTED BY MIKE NICHOLS.IT IS BASED ON THE 1963 NOVEL THE GRADUATE BY CHARLES WEBB,WHO WROTE IT SHORTLY AFTER GRADUATING FROM WILLIAMS COLLEGE.THE SCREENPLAY WAS BY BUCK HENRY,WHO MAKES A CAMEO APPEARANCE AS A HOTEL CLERK,AND CALDER WILLINGHAM.THE FILM TELLS THE STORY OF BENJAMIN BRADDOCK(PLAYED BY DUSTIN HOFFMAN),A RECENT UNIVERSITY GRADUATE WITH NO WELL-DEFINED AIM IN LIFE,WHO IS SEDUCED BY AN OLDER WOMAN,MRS.ROBINSON(ANNE BANCROFT),AND THEN PROCEEDS TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER DAUGHTER ELAINE(KATHARINE ROSS).IN 1996,THE GRADUATE WAS SELECTED FOR PRESERVATION IN THE U.S.NATIONAL FILM REGISTRY AS BEING CULTURALLY,HISTORICALLY,OR AESTHETICALLY SIGNIFICANT.IT RANKED AS THE SEVENTH GREATEST FILM OF ALL TIME ON AFIS 100 YEARS.100 MOVIES.,The Graduate,PLOT,本恩的父母忙着筹备庆祝他毕业的家庭晚会,但本恩却对未来生活感到茫然。来客中的鲁宾逊太太却对这个小伙子很感兴趣,并让本恩开车送她回家。风流的夫人不断挑逗本恩,但被拒绝。可是日子如此无聊,不久后他开始了同鲁宾逊太太的约会,同时他也爱上了太太的女儿伊莱恩,遭到鲁宾逊太太坚决反对。本恩终于找到机会向伊莱恩表白了爱意,并讲述了自己的坠落,只是没说出那个夫人的名字。伊莱恩原谅了他,但鲁宾逊太太的震怒使伊莱恩猜到了一切。她伤心地与一个叫卡尔的人伧促结婚。本恩得知这一消息,不顾一切向教堂冲去,DUSTIN HOFFMANBENJAMIN BRADDOCK,霍夫曼的成名作是1967年的毕业生。这是他演技的第一次突破,他因而获得了第四十届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角的提名。获奖:克莱默夫妇(KRAMER VS.KRAMER)(1979)第五十二届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角雨人(RAIN MAN)(1988)第六十一届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角,ANNE BANCROFT MRS.ROBINSON,凭借“罗宾森太太”这一颠覆传统的形象,她获得1967年好莱坞外国新闻记者协会喜剧、歌舞片最佳女主角金球奖以及奥斯卡最佳女主角金像奖的提名。,OTHER CHARACTERS:,Katharine Ross Elaine RobinsonWilliam Daniels Mr.BraddockMurray Hamilton Mr.RobinsonElizabeth Wilson Mrs.Braddock,迷失的本,本与鲁滨逊太太,SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FILM,The Graduate is a classic 60s romantic comedy drama.The plot centres on a young graduate returning home to California for the summer,after finishing college.Benjamin Braddock,played by Dustin Hoffman,is about to turn 21.While he is at home he has to decide what he is going to do with the rest of his life.Should he go into the plastics industry?Or should he go to grad school?His parents prepare a party for his homecoming.However,he is totally overwhelmed by all the questions of the guests and retreats to his room.It is then the audience is introduced to Mrs.Robinson,the wife of his fathers business partner.She accidentally on purpose walks into his room while looking for the bathroom.This meeting leads to Bens life twisting and turning in ways he wouldnt have chosen for himself as he becomes sucked into the neurotic world of Mrs.Robinson.,THOUGHTS,Hoffman plays Benjamin fantastically.His sense of confusion throughout is commendable.Even his silences are golden.The total lack of emotion on his face,at times,may have been irritating,but is very heartfelt.Somehow you can feel the confusion in Bens life.It is these sequences,which won director,Mike Nichols,an Oscar.The shot of Ben sitting at the bottom of the swimming pool,motionless in his scuba diving suit,is gripping.The comedy of the film is more in the awkwardness of the character,rather than actual comical situations.But the drama and comedy fit well together.,THOUGHTS,Other cast members include a wonderful performance by Anne Bancroft as Mrs.Robinson.Her control over Benjamin,making him continue their relationship,ultimately changes lives forever.There is also a great performance by Katharine Ross,who plays Elaine,Mrs.Robinsons daughter.Her performance,however is somewhat dated as it involves a lot of screaming when shes confused and upset.She doesnt really seem to be a very strong character.I dont think Hollywood would get away with a character like that today.There is a great sound track by provided by Simon and Garfunkel.There is of course the classic Mrs.Robinson.However,I think the song Scarborough Fair is more in fitting with the confused,and torn character of Benjamin.,THOUGHTS,This film is certainly one for the movie buffs.The Graduate was recently voted number eight in the best movies of all time,in the United Kingdom.However,it has dated somewhat.I wouldnt say it was the best film in the world,but it is still a very funny and very dark film.Well worth watching.,不可逾越的鸿沟,美好的结局,THE EXPRESSIONS:,1.Mrs.Robinson,youre trying to seduce me.Arent you?罗宾逊太太,你是在引诱我,对吗?2.Heaven holds a place for those who pray.天堂为那些祈祷的人保留了净土。3.A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.世人在用孤寂的眼神看你。4.Every way you look at it,you lose.无论你怎么考虑,你都会失败。5.Most of all,youve got to hide it from the kids.毕竟你不能让孩子们得知。,THEME,Even if it has flaws,even if it is a little dated at times,it feels fresh and is more entertaining than most films today.The feeling of being thrown out into the world and life just passing you by is overwhelming which is how we find out main character Benjamin feeling.When we first meet him he stares straight ahead with a look that could mean so many things and in fact I felt that through out the movie I could never really tell how he felt except by the change if music and its tempo.I found Hoffmans character very hard to grasp except that he is just going through the motions in his monkey suit to make his parents happy.I found that shot to be amusing because it showed the innocence that he possessed even after completing four years of college.Benjamin was the prodigal son who did everything to make his parents happy,even when he voiced complaints to his father about the party or the diving suit;he was never heard,throughout the movie his character is ignored until he meets Elaine.The audience is taken into the back yard through Benjamins perspective(his own world)looking through the goggles,THEME:,All we can hear is his breath and all he can hear is himself which is what he is used to.This theme of submersion is present in the beginning of the movie when he is looking through the fish tank and watches the fish swim around,they seem so free yet they can only swim so far before they are back where they started.When Ben shows up to the wedding it is hard to say whether she is happy because she loves him or if she is happy because he offers and escape for her.All she can hear is Ben screaming her name,everyone else is blocked out.I would have expected that they would have kissed and lived happily ever after but instead their smiles fade away as they realize they have no idea what will happen next and they are back to the beginning again.The film leaves you wondering what will happen?Will the characters end up happy together?He not only wont make a decision about his future despite prodding from friends and relatives,he CANT.Hes paralyzed from the soul up.We can find the trouble that every young person may face around the corner,but we could solve the problems by our effort!,COMMENTS:,这部大胆揭露六十年代年轻人迷失方向,戳破美式中产阶级虚伪面具的电影,一新好莱坞陈腔,成为新好莱坞电影的先锋之作,但因为男主角先后与片中母女发生关系的剧情而在台湾被禁演长达二十年。其貌不扬的达斯汀霍夫曼因为深刻演绎这号反英雄人物,而开启他日后璀璨的表演事业,这也是麦克尼可斯的导演代表作。本片俨然已成为60年代后期的电影代表作。即使今天来看,本片题材仍然相当辛辣及有趣!本片为达斯汀霍夫曼第一部担任男主角的电影,一鸣惊人!全片的歌曲则是由当红团体 Simon and Garfunkel 所谱写及演唱,和电影情节相辅相成。,豆瓣网友评论,毕业生,一部1967年的美国片。60年代的美国,反战潮流,民权运动,越南战争。动荡的社会,必然存在着不知所措的迷茫。少年的青春期,其实也是一场漫长的战争。从一个听任父母摆布,不知所措的毕业生,到和半老徐娘私会;从一场乱伦的堕落,到对真爱的执着;从拿着优异成绩却依然胆怯拘谨的男孩,到拉着差点成他人妻的女孩在公路上奔驰的男人。从缩头缩尾,到无所顾忌。从茫然,到笃定。这就是我们的毕业生,成长的过程。,BEN,在遇到Mrs.Robinson之后,本更加茫然。Mrs.Robinson,youre trying to seduce me Would you like me to seduce you?Is that what youre trying to tell me?这段经典台词,以及摄像机透过Mrs.Robinson,的大腿间利用错位展现给我们慌张的本那一幕,在此后被众人引用。这个青年不知道到底是该拒绝,还是该接受,来自一个半老徐娘的诱惑。乱伦后的他,在黑暗中的房间,在水上的充气垫,郁郁寡欢,陷在一种天旋地转的堕落里欲罢不能。Simon And Garfunkel的The Sound Of Silence穿梭在本每一次的思考和茫然里。Hello darkness my old friend.Ive come to talk with you again.他那么孤独。在黑暗中神思漫游。发觉自己什么都没有。连感情,都是扭曲的。,MRS.ROBINSON,而Mrs.Robinson呢。很多人都觉得这个女人变态,竟然诱惑一个小自己那么多的男人。而且还是朋友的孩子。可我却觉得,她其实很可怜。她在黑暗中告诉本自己其实不喜欢艺术,可专业却就是艺术。看到她说起梦想时那种厌弃而绝望的表情,我想起自己以前也常常问那些已经工作的人,他们年轻时的梦想,是否始终坚持。很多人都没有正面回答过我。其实我也知梦想这种事情,并不是你坚持了,就能实现的。路有很多条,却并非真的每一条都能通往罗马。走错了,就是另一个终点。岁月揉皱人的面容,碾碎人的梦想。她其实也很迷茫吧。她比本年长,却并不比他有力。她和本之间,没有感情,只有肉体关系。她只是想证明,自己还年轻,而和本的对比,也让自己显得比较有掌控力。只是在那样一个年代,有谁是始终清清楚楚,对自己的未来信心满怀呢。她和他一样茫然。一样无知。,结局,所有的阳光,只有在最后那段本拉着伊琳奔出礼堂,在众目睽睽下跳上公车,气喘吁吁过后的平静对视这一段时,才显得柔和而宁静。没有热情相吻,没有激动流泪,只有平静的对视。这象征着一切,终于变得有盼头。没有激流对撞的尖锐,没有耳语摩挲的沉重。一切回归平静,稳定。没有给我们更长远的故事。一切仍伴着The Sound Of Silence结束。只是,这两个不管不顾,做回自我的年轻人,又该如何继续他们的青春。毕业生,象征的,只是问题的层层扑来。倾听我,然后,再告诉我。我需要的是沉默的思考,而非你连理解都未尝试去做的关心。,THE END,Thank You!,