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    旅游地理学研究的 国际视野与国内前沿 The Study of Geography of Tourism:abroad and in China,中山大学地理科学与规划学院School of Geography and Planning Sun Yat-sen University保继刚 BAO Jigang 张骁鸣 ZHANG Xiaoming,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,1 研究角度的多元化多学科研究支持旅游社会学、旅游人类学休闲学Leisure Study经济学管理学大众文化、传播学,A.Geography of tourism abroad,a.Diversity in research perspectives interdisciplinarySociology of tourism,anthropology of tourismLeisure StudyEconomics Management studies Pop culture,mess studies,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,2 纯理论研究占重要地位 知识分子的第三方立场:中立、不为任何实利左右纯粹的理论探索,不是为规划服务,不是为经营服务,很少以指导应用实践为研究目的,但能够为政策决策提供参考重视量化研究方法,但对量化方法的应用范围与局限有清醒的认识,A.Geography of tourism abroad,b.The important role of theory research the standpoint of the third party:neutral,not influenced by profit pure research not intended to serve the purpose of planning and management but can be the guideline for policy-makingan orientation to quantitative research,with an understanding to its scope of application,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,3 强调人文精神和科学伦理 西方国家学者很重视哲学思想尤其是人文精神和科学伦理对自然科学和人文社会科学的指导作用例如“弱势群体”、“话语权”、“利益相关者”、“真实性”、“NGO”等等近年来频繁应用于旅游研究中的新语汇,A.Geography of tourism abroad,c.An emphasis on humanity and scientific ethics Respect for philosophy,in particular for humanity and scientific ethics,is the guiding principle for natural science and human science.e.g.“the underprivileged groups”、“the right of speech”、“stakeholder”、“authenticity”、“NGO”are expressions frequently used in tourism research,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,3 强调人文精神和科学伦理 较多体现“人本主义”思想,强调公平参与、环境伦理 强调科学伦理,对科学无法解决的问题和领域(例如旅游社区开发的价值判断)有清醒认识,A.Geography of tourism abroad,c.An emphasis on humanity and scientific ethicsStressing equal opportunity to participate,and environmental ethicsStressing scientific ethics,with an awareness to issues beyond a scientific solution(e.g.the evaluation of community tourism development,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,4 新的研究内容不断涌现 城市旅游事件旅游(包括:体育赛事与体育旅游、节事FSE旅游、会展旅游MICE与会议旅游MT)旅游目的地管理社区旅游、旅游与文化变迁、旅游中的跨文化交流、原始文化(原住民文化、遗产)保护,A.Geography of tourism abroad,d.New research areas urban tourismevent tourism(including sports meets,sport-related trips,FSE,MICE and MT)destination managementCommunity tourism、tourism and cultural change、cross-communication in tourism、primitive cultural(the heritage of original inhabitants)preservation,一、旅游地理学研究的国际视野,4 新的研究内容不断涌现 旅游环境与人地关系研究旅游风险与危机管理、旅游安全;太空旅游(Space Tourism)旅游技术、电子旅游(E化旅游)和虚拟Virtual旅游、GIS在旅游中的应用;,A.Geography of tourism abroad,d.New research areastourism environment and people-land relationshiprisks and crisis management of tourism,safety in tourismspace tourismtourism technology,E tourism and virtual tourism,GIS application in tourism,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,1 最大特点:旅游规划实践机会众多,规划带来的正负效应并存正面效应:积累研究素材,扩大学科队伍负面效应:为规划而规划,简单的个案堆积,对研究的进步缺乏贡献,B.Status Quo of tourism research in China,A.Major characteristic:plenty of practice in tourism planning,with both positive and negative effectspositive effects:data collection,expansion of research teamnegative effects:planning for plannings sake,simple repetition of individual cases,with little contribution to research,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,2 最大挑战:研究者队伍建设研究对象、研究工具、研究者三个方面中,研究者的能动性最为突出,然而现在存在于研究者自身的问题也较为突出。,B.Status Quo of tourism research in China,b.Major challenge:research teamAmong the three aspects of research objectives,research methods and researchers,there are some obvious problems with researchers.,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,2 最大挑战:研究者队伍建设挑战一:重新树立研究观念重新认识什么是旅游地理研究认清自己的研究状态 研究目的、研究意义、研究伦理、,B.Status Quo of tourism research in China,b.Major challenge:research teamChallenge 1:establishing new concepts Re-defining tourism of geography researchknowing oneself as a research research objective,significance and ethics,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,2 最大挑战:研究者队伍建设挑战二:重新掌握研究方法定量研究定性研究解释研究的水平亟待加强,二.Status Quo of tourism research in China,b.Major challenge:research teamchallenge 2:re-learning research methodsQuantitative Qualitative The ability to interpret to be improves,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,2 最大挑战:研究者队伍建设挑战三:重新认识研究成果对成果价值的判断力哪些成果可以与国际对话如何公允地看待国内外研究差异(而不是仅仅是差距)的问题 对成果归属的法律意识和道德约束,.Status Quo of tourism research in China,b.Major challenge:research teamchallenge 3:re-evaluating research resultJudging the value of researchWhich kind of research meets the international standardHow to understand the difference in research between China and abroadLegal awareness for research result and ethics,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,3 后续工作的重点:人的培养研究队伍的建设 由国家基金委出面不定期举办高级研讨班以点代面,力求提高整个研究队伍的素质,.Status Quo of tourism research in China,c.Direction for the future of tourism research:researcher training Advanced training class to be organized by the National Foundationworking towards improving the level of research teams,国际会议的启示 The implications of international conference,1999年,“城市旅游国际研讨会”,珠海 100人,其中10名外国代表1999,“International Conference on Urban Tourism”,Zhuhai2001年,“发展中国家旅游规划与管理国际研讨会”,桂林 130人,其中37名外国代表2001,“International Conference on Tourism Planning and Management in Developing Countries”,Guilin2003年,“事件旅游与旅游目的地管理国际研讨会”,宜昌 108人,24名外国代表(报名50人,SARS影响)2003,“International Conference on Event Tourism and Destination Management”,Yichan,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,4 研究趋势:跨学科的全景式研究与新方向的个案式探索相结合 旅游现象涉及面广、综合性强,多学科、团队合作研究势在必行(以“告别三峡游”的研究为例),B.Status Quo of tourism research in China,d.Research trend:the combination of interdisciplinary research and case studiesThe multi-facet phenomena of tourism call for collaboration among disciplines(e.g.the study on“Farewell to the Three Gorges”,二、中国旅游地理学研究的现状,.Status Quo of tourism research in China,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,1 旅游地理学理论的基础研究与规范研究 旅游地理学的科学性基础基础理论规范研究 理论研究始终有其必要性(以生态旅游的基本理论为例),C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,a.research on the theory of geography of tourism and standardized research the scientific foundation of tourism researchbasic theoriesstandardized research The all-time importance of theories(e.g.the theory of ecotourism),三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,2 旅游地理学理论的基础研究与规范研究将当代新技术、新方法吸收到旅游地理研究中来,补充、改进维护自身产生以来一直长期使用的传统和经典的研究方法;前者如计算机应用、“三S技术”(RS、GIS、GPS)、数学方法等,后者如野外考察、人工描述和资料记录等从科学哲学的高度,注重方法的科学性,正确处理现象、资料、方法与思想四者的关系。,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,b.research on the theory of geography of tourism and standardized research Applying new technology and new methods(puter application,RS,GIS,GPS,Math.)to complement and improve the traditional research methods(e.g.field work,written description and documented materials)tourism studies.adopting a scientific and philosophic attitude to the relationship among phenomena,materials,methods and ideology,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,3 旅游与国民经济的关系研究 中国由旅游目的地国转变为旅游客源地、目的地两种角色兼备的发展中国家,其国际旅游业对国民经济的影响特征如何中国旅游发展在总体上将呈现怎样的阶段性特征出境旅游(市场与行为)的发展对区域经济和地方经济的影响,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,c.Research on the relationship between tourism and national economyChina is changing from a tourist destination to tourist origin and destination.What is the impacts of its international tourismWhat is the overall pattern in different stages of tourism developmentthe impact of outbound tourism(market and behavior)on the local and regional economy,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,3 旅游与国民经济的关系研究国际旅游者带来的收益,相比于国内旅游者而言,经常得到地方政府和研究者的过高评价,而国内旅游的重要性这几年才开始得到重视。国内旅游市场发展趋势研究,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,c.Research on the relationship between tourism and national economyThe profit from international tourists,compared to that from domestic tourists,has been frequently overestimated by local governments as well as researchers.The importance of domestic travel has been recognized only recently.research on the trend of domestic market,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,4 旅游开发与人地关系研究西部的社区旅游与旅游影响旅游在就业、城市建设等方面对目的地的影响,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,d.Research on tourism development and men-land relationshipRegional development in western China and the impact of tourismThe impacts of tourism on destination in terms of employment,urban construction,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,5 旅游规划研究旅游规划理论的系统化旅游规划的法制化可持续旅游思想的操作化(政策层面和技术层面),C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,E.Research on tourism planningThe systemization of tourism planning theoriesThe legalization of tourism planningThe operation of sustainable tourism(policy and technology),三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,6 旅游者行为研究旅游者的消费行为目的地感知与目的地选择旅游需求模型与预测旅游者体验与满意度研究旅游与犯罪的关系,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,f.Tourist behavior researchconsumption behaviorDestination perception and selectionDemand models and forecastTourist experiences and satisfactionRelationship between tourism and crime,三、中国旅游地理学研究的前沿,7 旅游目的地建设与管理旅游发展与地方经营城市旅游与城市规划、城市建设事件旅游与会议会展旅游主题公园的宏观布局与经济评价,C.Research fronts in geography of tourism in China,g.Destination development and managementtourism development and local managementUrban tourism and planning,urban constructionevent tourism,conference and exhibition tourismthe macro distribution and economic evaluation of theme parks and evaluation,谢谢!Thank you!,


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