Narrator:Wang Hui,RESEARCH ETHICS,Contents,C,According to a survey,In the paper experiments,because the time is short,if change a data on the experiment,you can get the degree,you decide to change or not?the results of the survey shows that two thirds of the students choose YesNearly half of the science and technology workers think that misconduct in science is a common phenomenon in our countryGraduate student,plagiarism as keywords in the baidu,from 2008 to 2009 the search results is eight thousand seven hundred and ninety.,The harm of misconduct in science,First,misconduct in science caused academic resources enormous waste.第一,科研不端行为造成了学术资源的极大浪费。Second,misconduct in science destroy the normal order of academic,stifle innovation vitality.第二,科研不端行为破坏正常的学术秩序,扼杀创新活力。,Third,misconduct in science against the scientific spirit.第三,科研不端行为违背科学精神。Finally,misconduct in science damaged the social credibility of the academics and intellectuals第四,科研不端行为损毁学术界和知识分子的社会公信力。,Foreign academic misconduct cases,小保方晴子学术不端事件,日本理化研究所小保方晴子学术不端事件:2014年1月,自然杂志刊登了两篇论文,来自日本理化研究所、山梨大学和美国哈佛大学的14名研究人员宣称,他们培育出一种能够分化为多种细胞的“万能细胞”STAP细胞,该成果随即在干细胞研究领域引发轰动。论文发表后,众多国际研究人员表示,两篇论文存在诸多疑点,其他研究人员都无法根据论文制作出STAP细胞。,将从新生小鼠身上分离的细胞暴露在弱酸性的环境中,能够使细胞恢复到未分化状态,并使其具备分化成任何细胞类型的潜能。,STAP细胞,调查委员会公布最终报告,晴子等发表的论文存在造假等问题。她的国外导师美国哈佛大学教授、麻醉学家查尔斯瓦坎蒂宣布辞职,休假一年。日本理化研究所导师笹井芳树压力巨大,于3月初提出辞职,但未获准。他甚至因心理压力太大而住院近一个月。8月6日,笹井芳树自缢身亡。,Chinese academic misconduct cases,Dongbei University Of Finance And Economics,a masters paper in 2007 is similar as a masters paper in 2006 in Nanjing University Of Finance And Economics,Just put the jiangsu replace shandong,The most daring plagiarism,Thank you,