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    复习U1U5,1.What are your_(明确的)aims?2.We get_(兴奋)about trip to Beijing.3.He made a lot of_(误)in_(语法)4.The teacher listened to the children reading_(出声地).5.I cant understand_(口语)English.6.There are no_(区别)between English names and American names.,specific,excited,mistakes,grammar,aloud,spoken,differences,Unit 1,7.They hope to join an English club to practice_(说)English.8.I find it_(令人失望的)that I cant speak English_(好).9.Do you know the_(发音)of the word?10.Class 1_ _(挑战)Class 2 to a race yesterday.11.I cant_(发音)some of the words.12.I think English grammar is boring,but Wei Ming feels_(不同的).,speaking,frustrating,well,pronunciation,pronounce,challenged,differently,13._(记忆)the words is very important14We are so e_that we jump and sing_(高兴的).15.He thinks m_words is a great way to learn a language.16.Its impolite to l_at the people in trouble.17.J_the English club can improve your English.,Memorizing,xcited,happily,emorizing,oining,augh,18.Do you often make m_in English?19.Many_(士兵)died in the war.20.I believe_(友谊)is first.21.I cant make c_sentences.22.This is a s_between you and me.Dont tell others.,ecret,soldiers,istakes,friendship,omplete,Words of Unit Two:1.She u_to hate tests,didnt she?2.I am afraid of flying in an a_.3.The girl used to be t_of the snakes.4.The boy is afraid of the d_.He usually goes to s_with the bedroom light on.5.We all like eating c_.Its sweet.,sed,irplane,errified,ark,leep,andy,6.The teacher saw her c_gum in the room yesterday.7.Students like c_online with others.8.My d_(日常)life has changed a lot in the past few years9.My math teacher is very p_.I love her.10.I h_have time for concerts these days,do,hewing,hatting,aily,atient,ardly,11.It s_that Yu Ming has changed a lot.12.I am afraid of b_alone.13.I love spiders and other _(昆虫).14.I am interested in p_pictures.15.Now I dont worry about _(考试).16.The accident caused his fathers_(死亡).17.In the end they made a _(决定)to go there.,eems,eing,insects,ainting,tests,death,decision,18.To my _(惊奇),he got good grades this time.19.Please g_up smoking.Its bad for your health.20.If you dont study,youll w_your time in school.21.He wanted his mother to pay more a_to him.22.Martin has really _(变化).,surprise,ive,aste,ttention,changed,Words practice of Unit Three1.T_should be allowed to choose their own clothes.2.Sixteen-year-olds should be a_to drive.3.Students shouldnt be allowed to get their ears p_.4.They talked instead of d_their homework.5.Im afraid of my head teacher.Hes very s_.6.Students shouldnt be allowed to s_up until 11pm.7.Students have to wear u_at school.,eenagers,llowed,ierced,oing,trict,tay,niforms,8.If you c_more on your clothes,youll less care about your studies.9.D_our own clothes is interesting.10.Its a good way to allow students to study in g_.11.I want some o_to volunteer at the local hospital.12.Please clean up the classroom.Its a real m_.13.I cant c_which pair of jeans to buy.14.Everyone needs to have at l_ eight hours sleep a night.,oncentrate,esigning,ess,roups,pportunities,hoose,east,15.Last summer I v_in the west as an English teacher.I want to do more volunteering.16.He should stop wearing these silly e_.17.The boy always feel_(困倦)in Chinese class.18.At last they _(成功)last year.19.Students shoulnt be_(允许)to smoke at school.20.English is_(说)all over the world.21.In their school French is _(教).,olunteered,arrings,sleepy,succeeded,allowed,spoken,taught,22.He wants to have his watch_(修理).24.Please clean up the classroom.what a m_!25.It would be a good e_ for me because I want to be a doctor when I am older.26.Wearing our own clothes is more_(舒服)and that is g_for our study.27.Tian Ge wants to w_for a newspaper.28.Everyone needs to have at l_eight h_(小时)sleep.,repaired,ess,xperience,comfortable,ood,rite,east,ours,Unit Four,1.He needs three_(百万)to build the school.2.Please take the_(药)three times a day.3.The old man gave his money to_(医学)research.4.What would you do if you had a million d_?I would give the money to c_.5.If I w_you,Id take a small present.6.W_if I dont know anyone?7.I asked his_(允许)to use his bike.,million,medicine,medical,ollars,harity,ere,hat,permission,8.The little girl gave her mother a _(自信的)smile.9.She learned English by h_.10.Miss Li i_a new student to her class yesterday.11.They listen carefully,they are good l_.12.Cheng long is a famous actor.He r_Chinese kung fu,epresents,isteners,ntroduced,confident,erself,13.He knows lots of things.He is k_.14.He didnt agree with me,so he r_to do things.15.You made lots of mistakes.You must c_them,nowledgeable,efused,orrect,16.There are many books on these s_.17.If your English is bad,I will give you some a_.18.Im really shy to give s_in front of the class.19.I get nervous and get p_before big parties.20.He is hardly ever tired.He is e_.21.Social situations dont bother you in the s_.,helves,dvice,peeches,imples,nergetic,lightest,22.My stomach feels t_.I think I ate something bad at lunch time.23.She c_up with a good idea at last.24.I cant think of any good _(建议)to give her,but you always come up with good s_ to peoples _(困难).,problems,olutions,advice,errible,ame,Unit Five,Mark Twain is a very famous _(作家).2.The book doesnt b_ to you,its hers.3.There are many _(猴子)in the zoo.4.Hurry up,or you cant c_ the early bus.5.The o_ of the beautiful house is a singer.6.I havent seen my dog for two days,I am very w_ about it.7.Dont c_ each other in the street.8.Yesterday he was _(采访)by a local newspaper.9.The d_ of Grade Nine is Mr Sun.,author,elong,monkeys,atch,wner,orried,hase,interviewed,irector,10.I had a dream last night.In my dream,I was sleeping in a _(直升机).11.Our _(邻居)are very friendly.We get on very well.12.The food in the restaurant s_ nice.13.There are some big _(石头)in the street.Lets move them away.14.He is a _(不诚实的)student.We all worry about him.15.Theres a _(奇怪的)smell in the room.16.You cant wake a person who is _(假装)to be sleep.,helicopter,neighbors,mells,stones,dishonest,strange,pretending,17.Dont forget the important _(约会)this afternoon.18.I like c_ music better than pop music.19.Fred is afraid of flying.He feels very a_before he gets on the plane.20.Be c_ of the dog that doesnt dark.21.She didnt go to school b_ of his illness.22.They must be m_ a movie over there.23.Look!The little girl is c_ his brother happily.24.The nice bike might be a p_ for him.Because his birthday is coming.,appointment,lassical,nxious,areful,ecause,aking,hasing,resent,Composition of Unit Seven,你的笔友Tom想来曲阜旅游,请你根据提示词,回复一封邮件介绍曲阜。(about 80words)beautiful,be born,hometown,educational,in southern Shandong,cold,hot,not crowded,not expensive,an exciting place,learn a lot Dear Tom,Welcome to Qufu.Qufu is very beautiful.Confucius was born here_ _.Yours,Dear Tom,Welcome to Qufu.Qufu is very beautiful.Confucius was born here more than two thousand years ago.So it is the hometown of Confucius.If you come here,it will be educational for you.Qufu is in southern Shandong.The weather is not cold or hot in spring and autumn.So its best to come here at this time.Its not crowded at this time,either.The food,clothes and other things are not expensive here.There are many things to see and to do here.Its an exciting place.I think youll learn a lot.I hope to see you soon.Yours,Byebye,unit 6 words,1.I p_ music to art.What about you?2.He said he d_ the music because it was too loudly.3.Mr Qiao is a man with a kind h_.He is always ready to help others.4.Please r_ me to answer that letter.5.He likes music musicians who play d_ kinds of music.,refer,isliked,eart,emind,ifferent,6.He likes music that has great l_.7.Theyre playing quiet and g_ songs.8.Some of the singers dont sing the songs c_.9.Thats not really i_ to me.10.Whats your f_ group?Ive no idea.11.His father is a f_.He often fishes in the lake.,yrics,entle,learly,mportant,avorite,isherman,12.If you are looking for e_,you can come here to see the moives.13.Mr Gao is a famous p_.He has taken a lot of beautiful photographs.14.Lin Lin is an h_ boy,and he never tell lies to others.15.Will Thursday s_ you?,ntertainment,hotographer,onest,uit,16.Edison built his own l_ when he was a boy.17.The news s_ me.18.The picture has many f_.19.W_ you do,you must be careful.20.I want to take care of my health,so I m_ eat fruit and vegetables.,aboratory,hocked,eatures,hatever,ainly,Climbing the mountain is very t_.Mary is a very l_ girl.We all like her.This is a very_(宁静的)village,the people there are very happy.Why not _(考虑)going to the park last week?Most students like English in our class,i_ me.The box isnt heavy,its very l_.You can carry it.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous c_ in the world.,iring,ovely,peaceful,consider,ncluding,ight,hurches,8.Its very c_ in Paris to take a train to most places.9.In g_,he goes home on Sunday.10.Last night,he t_the book into Chinese.11.Please p_ him with some food.He is very hungry.12.She said shed love to sail across the P_ Ocean.13.You should finish the work as soon as p_.14.I havent much money,so I want to buy an i_ computer.15.They are _(乐意的)to work hard to _(实现)their dream.,onvenient,eneral,ranslated,rovide,acific,ossible,nexpensive,willing,achieve,16.He d_ of becoming an English teacher.17.We saw an _(有教育意义的)movie last night.18.Im s_my money so I can buy a new bike.19.The room needs to be big e_ for three people to live in.20.He wants to _(继续)studying after finishing his education.21.He is not careful enough,so he often makes some m_ in his homework.22.You are students.Don t have your ears p_.,reams,educational,aving,nough,continue,istakes,ierced,Words 0f Unit Eight1.His donation is_(感激)by everyone.2._(搬运)big boxes is not easy every day.3.Our w_is WWW,you can know more about our company.4.My mother f_the box with some old clothes last week.Its full now.5.Thank you very much.Its a p_.6.He is u_to see.Hes blind.7.The boy always i_(想象)how nice his home will be.8.He loves animals.He wants to be a v_some day.9.Yesterday I d_my bike to the charity.10.My brother is young.He goes to e_school.11.He f_up bikes and gives them a_.12.Jimmy t_after his mother.They are both clever.,appreciated,Carrying,ebsite,illed,leasure,nable,magines,eterinarian,onated,lementary,ixes,way,akes,13.You could help c_a soccer team.14.He c_up with a good plan yesterday.15.Were going to e_a food bank to help hungry people.16.You could v_in an after-school study center.17.He spends every Saturday morning w_in an animal hospital.18.He even handed out _(广告)at a local _(超市).19.He also put up some signs a_for old bikes20,oach,ame,stablish,olunteer,orking,advertisements,supermarket,sking,


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