A LIFE CYCLE APPROACH TO MANAGINGELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT(EEE)IN CANADA,Overview,E-waste Generated in CanadaHazardous Properties of E-waste Canadas Approach to Managing E-wasteFederalProvincialCanadian Electronics Industry ContributionsObservations&Lessons Learned,Land area=9 million km210 provinces,3 territoriesPopulation=32 million(2006)85%located in four provinces:OntarioQuebecBritish ColumbiaAlberta,Canada is a big country with a relatively small population,but we generate significant quantities of e-waste,Environment Canada baseline studies(2000-2003)E-waste disposed=158,000 tonnes(2002),or 5 kg per capitaE-waste recycled=9,000 tonnes(2002),or 5%of all e-wasteLess than 1%of solid waste generated in Canada is e-waste,Manufacture&disposal of e-waste may also have climate change impacts,Manufacture of a single computer consumes:,240 kg of fossil fuel22 kg of chemicals1,500 kg of waterUnited Nations University,Computers&the Environment(2003),Carbon dioxide(CO2)emissions for computer waste:,Figures consider emissions from processing,tansport&landfillingCanada could save 88,000 tonnes of eCO2/year by recycling all PCs,&e-waste may contain hazardous&toxic constituents,3,100 tonnes1 tonne 3 tonnes4.4 tonnes418 tonnes11,300 tonnes7.9 tonnes,(cathode ray tubes,solder,circuit boards,cables)(fluorescent tubes,switches)(colour pigments,plastic stabilizers)(phosphorescent coatings,pigments,stabilizers)(metal alloys)(may contain brominated flame retardants&PVCs)(copper alloys,contact springs),766 tonnes0.4 tonne 235 tonnes386 tonnes,(small sealed lead acid batteries only)(non-mercuric free zinc air batteries)(nickel cadmium batteries)(nickel cadmium&nickel metal hydride batteries),In 2002,personal computers disposed of in Canada(i.e.52 kt)contained:Lead:Mercury:Chromium:Cadmium:Nickel:Plastics:Beryllium:In 2004,consumer batteries disposed in Canada(i.e.11 kt)contained:Lead:Mercury:Cadmium:Nickel:,Managing solid wastes,including EEE,is a shared responsibility in Canada,Federal government:Regulates toxic substances&international/inter-provincial hazardous waste movements Transcribes international agreements into national law(e.g.Basel Convention,OECD)Achieved through the Canadian Environmental Protection Act(CEPA 1999)Environment Canada is the regulating authorityProvincial&territorial government:Regulates product stewardship&intra-provincial movementsControl&license intra-provincial waste generators,carriers&treatment facilitiesMunicipal government:Provinces convey authorities to municipalitiesOversee local waste management services(collection,recycling,disposal)May impose local landfill bansProviding direction on recycling&disposal to the general public,Canada is engaged in“front-end”&“back-end”activities of the EEE product life cycle,“Front-end”Activities,“Back-end”Activities,Overview of Environment Canadas work at the“front-end”of the EEE product life cycle,Green procurement test methods for finished productsRisk management measuresBaseline studies&other reports on EEE&batteriesChemical Management Plan(announced Dec 2006)Categorize&screen of 23,000 substances in domestic commerce in batches200 substances identified for priority action(over 50 may be linked to the EEE sector)Other cooperation mechanisms NA CEC Clean Electronics Pollution Prevention PartnershipEuropean Commission Canada Regulatory Cooperation RoadmapInternational Task Force on Sustainable Products(UK led working group)part of UNEP Marrakech Process for Sustainable Consumption&Production“product networks”being established to work on selected products including batteries,and TVs,Overview of Environment Canadas work at the“back-end”of the EEE product life cycle,Environmentally sound managementAdministration,enforcement&compro of federal waste regulationsFostering Extended Producer Responsibility for EEENational Steering Committee on Electronics Recycling(information sharing)Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment(principles&product list)National EPR workshopsSupporting ESM standards development for reuse&recycling(OECD,domestic,internal)Basel Convention Public-Private Partnerships(mobile phones,computers)Risk management measuresPolybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDE)Mercury-containing products(Compact fluorescent lamps,batteries)Other priority substances to be identified by the Chemicals Management Plan processWaste diversionExtending operational life of Departmental PC use before replacementExamination of thin client modelsComputers for Schools(CfS)management of federal surplus computers,Canada-wide principles encourage consistencies in provincial programs,Canada-wide Principles for Electronic Product StewardshipIssued by Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment(June 2004)producer responsibilitygeneral taxpayers do not bear program costs minimize product life cycle impacts to human health&environmentenvironmentally sound&“4Rs”managementeconomically&logistically feasible management(strive for local benefits)free&reasonable access to collection systemseducation&awareness programsconsistent&equitable program design&implementationstrive for consistent product collection amongst adjacent jurisdictionsprograms to include residential,commercial,historic&orphan products transparency&reporting of program performance(including cost)exports for recycling to facilities with ESM&fair labour practices,BritishColumbia,Alberta,Saskatchewan,Manitoba,Ontario,Quebec,Nova Scotia,Newbrunswick,Newfoundland&Labrador,Nunavut,Northwest Territories,Yukon,Laws are in place&programs are under development,Laws&programs are in place,Laws are being drafted,&5 provinces now have laws that designate e-waste for product stewardship,Alberta,1st province to designate e-waste for product stewardship(May 2004)Electronics Designation Regulation Designated Material Recycling&Management Regulation Designated products include:Televisions&monitorsComputers,laptops&accessoriesPrintersCollection began in Oct 2004(items 1-3 only)Operated by not-for-profit Alberta Recycling Management Authority(ARMA)Suppliers must register with&remit product levies to ARMAProduct levies typically recouped from consumers(range from$5-$45 CDN)Levies used to finance registered collection&recycling services$100/tonne to municipal collectors$50-$200/tonne to transporters$700/tonne to processorsNo charge to return e-waste at over 220 depots(mainly municipal)Over 15,000 tonnes of e-waste recycled since program inception,Telephones,cell phones&wireless devicesFax machines&scannersAudio-video playback/recording&gaming equipment,Ontario,2nd province to designate e-waste for product stewardship(Dec 2004)Waste Electrical&Electronic Equipment(WEEE)RegulationApproximately 200 products have been designated,including:Household appliances(49 listed)Information technology equipment(28 listed)Telecommunications equipment(24 listed)Audio-visual equipment(22 listed)Waste Diversion Organization(WDO)tasked with program developmentMinister issued designation letter(Dec 2004)with priority on residential WEEE(items 1 4)Brandowners&first importers/assemblers will assume responsibilitiesWaste electrical&electronic equipment study completed(Jul 2005)259,000 tonnes of EEE(items 1-4)sold in 2004Consultation plan developed(Feb 2005)Minister issued final program request letter in June 2007,supporting phased implementationOntario Electronic Stewardship appointed as the Industry Funding Organization(Oct 2007)Industry stewardship plan due Feb 2008Program implementation due 1 year after Minister approves industry stewardship plan,Toys&leisure&sports equipment(11 listed)Electrical&electronic tools(32 listed)Navigational,measuring,monitoring,medical&control instruments(36 listed),Saskatchewan,3rd province to designate e-waste for product stewardship(Feb 2006)Waste Electronic Equipment RegulationsDesignated products include:Televisions&monitorsComputers,laptops&accessoriesPrintersCollection began in Feb 2007First sellers must implement an approved program to manage e-wasteOverseen by Saskatchewan Waste Electronic Equipment Program(SWEEP)Product Care Association manages program logistics(paint experience)Partnered with SARCAN Recycling to collect&recycle e-wasteCollection at over 70 SARCAN bottle depots1 M kg e-waste diverted over an 8 month period Two processing plants dismantle products into material streamsProduct levies are consistent with Alberta(i.e.$5-$45 CDN),British Columbia,4th province to designate e-waste for product stewardship(Feb 2006)Recycling Regulation(as amended)Designated products include:Televisions&monitorsComputers,laptops&accessoriesPrinters Collection began in Aug 2007Sellers must implement an approved program to manage e-wasteTwo different not-for-profit organizations oversee industry collective programsElectronics Stewardship of British Columbia(ESABC)focus on recyclingWestern Canada Computer Industry Association(WCCIA)focus on reuseEncorp Pacific will manage program logistics for ESABC(bottle experience)Collection at bottle&“return-it”depots,institutions&round-up events70 collection sites across province(Salvation Army has also partnered as a collector)Expect to divert over 10 M kg of e-waste from final disposal during year 1 of the programProduct levies are consistent with Alberta(i.e.$5-$45 CDN),Nova Scotia,5th province to designate e-waste for product stewardship(Feb 2007)Solid Waste Resource Management Regulations(as amended)Designated products include:Televisions&monitorsComputers,laptops&accessoriesPrintersCollection will begin by Feb 2008(items 1-3)&Feb 2009(items 4-6)Atlantic Canada Electronics Stewardship(ACES)will oversee electronics stewardshipResource Recovery Fund Board will manage program logistics(paint,tire,bottle experience)Brandowners must implement an approved program to manage e-wasteRetailers must provide program information for consumers at point-of-saleProduct levies will be used to cover program costs(not sent to government)33 drop off sites each serving a 30 km radius&1 consolidation site to be ready by launch dateAligning programs to create social&economic opportunities for persons with disabilitiesProduct levies will be consistent with Alberta(i.e.$5-$45 CDN),Telephones,cell phones&wireless devicesFax machines&scannersAudio-video playback/recording equipment,Manitoba will likely be next,Draft regulations mandate e-waste collection(finalization by Jan 2008)Draft Electrical&Electronic Equipment Stewardship RegulationsProposed designated products include:Televisions&monitorsComputers,laptops&accessoriesPrinters Collection program is anticipated by 2009(phased implementation)Industry will have 4 months to submit a plan following promulgation10 recyclers/resellers identified in ManitobaGoal to establish comprehensive,permanent collection infrastructureWill likely follow an approach similar to other western provincesOngoing discussions with industry3-month interim round-up for e-waste(summer 2007)Collected designated products from residents(300 tonnes)&schools(250 tonnes)19 collection points across the province,servicing 6 regionsCost was$550,000 CDN($1 per kilogram),Telephones,cell phones&PDAsAudio-video equipment(including stereos&cameras)Microwaves,fax machines&rechargeable batteries,The Canadian electronics industry has been supportive along the way,Industry leaders participate through their respective trade associationsInformation Technology Association of Canada(ITAC)ElectroFederation Canada(EFC)Electronic Product Stewardship Canada(ESPC)formed in Mar 2003Now represents the principal vehicle for industry engagementMembers include major manufacturersLed Canadian delegation to Belgium,Netherlands&Sweden(Jun 2003)EPSC National Model for E-waste Stewardship(2003)Recycling Vendor Qualification Standard(2003&subsequent revisions)EPSC pilot with Industry Canadas Computers for Schools program(2004)Designing for Environment publication(2006),&an EPSC recycling vendor qualification standard is being used by provinces,Observations&lessons learned,Identify the current situation in your country(gather baseline information)Types&quantities of e-waste generatedFinal disposition of e-waste generated(e.g.recycled versus disposed)Existing laws applicable to the management of e-wasteExisting infrastructure used to recycle e-wasteEstablish partnerships to help drive the e-waste agendaRelevant government authoritiesNational industry associations&retailer associationsOthers as appropriate(e.g.ENGOs,NGOs,academia)Prioritize activities to tackle the e-waste problemCollection for environmentally sound management(ESM)Others?Infrastructure development,knowledge transferWaste reduction,green procurementReduced hazardous substance content s found in e-products for country saleData security,employment growth,Observations&lessons learned(continued),Consider collection for environmentally sound management(ESM)firstAncillary benefits from EU,US&Asian restrictions on e-waste contentEmergence of“dirty&clean”electronic product streams is unlikelyClearly define e-waste&clarify the scope of products for inclusionTelevisions&computers are usually addressed firstBroaden product scope using a phased-in approachExtended Producer Responsibility(EPR)versus Product Stewardship?EPR is often preferred but manufacturers may not exist in some countriesResponsibilities may also be imposed upon first importers&first sellersProduct stewardship often entails continued government financial supportVoluntary versus mandatory approaches?Large number of players involved in the manufacture&sale of e-productsFree-riders may emerge&jeopardize the success of voluntary approaches Industry&business leaders often request laws to level the playing field,Observations&lessons learned(continued),EPR programs place an obligation upon producers to design programsIndustry often meet EPR responsibilities in a collective fashionGovernment authorities typically approve programs before implementationCurbing the disposal of e-waste relies on consumer participationEnsure reasonable&convenient access to collection facilities Do not impose fees to drop off e-waste at collection facilitiesTake-back programs should include a strong communications componentConsider the use of incentives to encourage consumers to return e-productsUtilize“ESM-compliant”service providers to manage e-wasteDevelop&implement standards for environmentally sound managementIncludes operating in accordance with applicable domestic&international lawVerify that service providers meet standards®ister them with the programPeriodically inspect service providers to assure ongoing conformity,Observations&lessons learned(continued),Programs should possess realistic,timely&meaningful targetsPerformance measurement is gaining an increasing amount of attentionNeed indicators to determine how much of the potential risk is effectively managedTransparency is a critical aspect of program design&implementationIdentify interested stakeholders&consult with them along the way Annual public reports should be