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    Chapter 18,Store Layout,Design and Visual Merchandising店面陈列、设计和视觉营销,18-2,Store Management,Managing the StoreChapter 17,Layout,Design,and Visual MerchandisingChapter 18,Customer ServiceChapter 19,18-3,REIs Store Environment,美户外用品连锁零售组织直营店以REI为品牌的产品,占到总销量的30-40%。,18-4,H&M,全世界1500多个专卖店销售服装、配饰与化妆品。店铺一般分为大店、全线产品店以及概念店。店铺鼓励自助服务,同时提供给客户想法与启发以使人们找到适合于自己的产品。购物环境则力求舒适、鼓舞人心和充满人文关怀。,18-5,Store Design Objectives,Implement retailers strategyInfluence customer buying behaviorProvide flexibilityControl design and maintenance costsMeet legal 实施零售商的策略影响顾客购买行为提供灵活性控制设计和维护成本符合法律规定requirements,18-6,Store Design and Retail Strategy,The primary objective of store design is implementing the retailers strategy,(c)Brand X Pictures/PunchStock,C.Borland/PhotoLink/Getty Images,Meets needs of target marketBuilds a sustainable competitive advantageDisplays the stores image符合目标市场的需求建立一个可持续的竞争优势显示商店的形象,18-7,McDonalds remodeled its stores to better appeal to European customers 麦当劳的改装店,以更好地呼吁欧洲客户,18-8,In India,a retailer finds key to success is clutter在印度,零售商认为成功的关键是凌乱,18-9,Chaos Sells in India,Americans and Europeans might like to shop in pristine,quiet stores.But one entrepreneur(founder of Indias Big Bazaar)his fortune by redesigning stores in India to be messier,nosier,and more cramped.http:/,18-10,Influence Customer Buying Behavior,Attract customers to storeEnable them to easily locate merchandiseKeep them in the store for a long timeMotivate them to make unplanned purchasesProvide them with a satisfying shopping experience吸引客户的存储使他们能够轻松地找到商品他们很长一段时间保持在店里激励他们,使无计划采购为他们提供一个满意的购物体验,H.Wiesenhofer/PhotoLink/Getty Images,18-11,Todays Demographics,Time limited families are spending less time planning shopping trips and making more decisions in the stores.So retailers are making adjustments to their stores to get people in and out quicker.时间有限的家庭,花费更少的时间规划购物行程,在商店做更多的决定。因此,零售商正在调整他们的商店,让人们进出更快。,Royalty-Free/CORBIS,18-12,Whole Foods stores checkout system was redesigned to reduce wait time整个食品商店的结帐系统进行了重新设计,以减少等待时间,18-13,Flexibility,Needed to change the merchandise mixTakes two forms:The ability to physically move store componentsThe ease with which components can be modifiedExample:college bookstoresChange their space allocations at the beginning of each semester and the slower in-between periodsUse Innovative fixture and wall system需要改变商品组合有两种形式:物理移动商品组合的能力哪些组件可以修改轻松例如:大学书店在每个学期开始改变自己的空间分配,学期中更慢的改变使用创新的夹具和墙面系统,18-14,Cost,Control the cost of implementing the store design and maintain the stores appearanceStore design influences shopping experience and thus salesLabor costsInventory shrinkage控制成本实施的店面设计和维护商店的外观商店设计的影响:购物体验,销售劳动力成本库存紧缩,18-15,Legal Considerations,Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)Protects people with disabilities from discrimination in employment,transportation,public accommodations,telecommunications and activities of state and local governmentAffects store design as disabled people need“reasonable access”to merchandise and services built before 1993.After 1993,stores are expected to be fully accessible.,18-16,Reasonable AccessWhat does that mean?,32 inch wide pathways on the main aisle and to the bathroom,fitting rooms elevators and around most fixturesLower most cash wraps and fixtures so they can be reached by a person in a wheelchairMake bathroom and fitting room fully accessible,Keith Brofsky/Getty Images,18-17,Tradeoff in Store Design在店面设计权衡,Ease of locating merchandise for planned purchases,Exploration of store,impulse purchases,Royalty-Free/CORBIS,(c)image100/PunchStock,Giving customers adequate space to shop,Productivity of using this scarce resource for merchandise,易于为采购计划定位商品为客户提供足够的空间,购物探索商店,冲动购物商品使用这种稀缺资源的生产力,18-18,Store Design,LayoutsSignage and GraphicsFeature Area布局标牌和图形功能区,18-19,Store Layouts,To encourage customer exploration and help customers move through the storesUse a layout that facilitates a specific traffic patternProvide interesting design elements鼓励顾客探索,帮助客户通过商店使用有利于特定交通模式的布局提供有趣的设计元素Types of Store LayoutsGridRacetrackFree Form,店面布局的类型网格跑道自由形式,18-20,Grid Layout,Easy to locate merchandiseDoes not encourage customers to explore storeLimited site lines to merchandiseAllows more merchandise to be displayedCost efficientUsed in grocery,discount,and drug stores:Why?容易找到商品不鼓励客户到店探索达到商品站点路线有限允许显示更多商品成本效益在杂货店,折扣,和药店使用:为什么?,18-21,Racetrack Layout(Loop),Loop with a major aisle that has access to departmentsDraws customers around the storeProvide different viewing angles and encourage exploration,impulse buyingUsed in department stores,18-22,JCPenney Racetrack Layout,18-23,Example of Race Track Layout,PhotoLink/Getty Images,18-24,Free-Form(Boutique)Layout,Fixtures and aisles arranged asymmetricallyProvides an intimate,relaxing environment that facilitates shopping and browsingPleasant relaxing ambiance doesnt come cheap small store experienceInefficient use of spaceMore susceptible to shoplifting salespeople can not view adjacent spaces.Used in specialty stores and upscale department stores,18-25,Example of Free-Form Layout,18-26,Michael Evans/Life File/Getty Images,Example of Boutique Area,18-27,Usage of Signage and Graphics,Location identifies the location of merchandise and guides customersCategory Signage identifies types of products and located near the goodsPromotional Signage relates to specific offers sometimes in windowsPoint of sale near merchandise with prices and product informationLifestyle images creates moods that encourage customers to shop,H&M effectively uses graphic photo panels to add personality,beauty,and romance to its stores image,18-28,Suggestions for Effectively Using Signage,Coordinate signage to stores imageUse appropriate type faces on signs Inform customersUse them as propsKeep them freshLimit the text on signsUse appropriate typefaces on signs,18-29,Digital Signage,Visual Content delivered digitally through a centrally managed and controlled network and displayed on a TV monitor or flat panel screenSuperior in attracting attentionEnhances store environmentProvides appealing atmosphereOvercomes time-to-message hurdleMessages can target demographicsEliminates costs with printing,distribution and installing traditional signage,18-30,Feature Areas,Areas within a store designed to get the customers attention Feature areasEntrancesFreestanding displaysCash wraps(POP counters,checkout areas)End capsPromotional aislesWallsWindowsFitting rooms,PhotoLink/Getty Images,18-31,Space Management,The space within stores and on the stores shelves are fixtures is a scare resourceThe allocation of store space to merchandise categories and brandsThe location of departments or merchandise categories in the store,18-32,Space Planning,Productivity of allocated space(sales/squire foot,sales/linear foot)Merchandise inventory turnoverImpact on store salesDisplay needs for the merchandise,18-33,Envirosells Observations:Shopping Behavior and Store Design,Avoid the butt-brush effectThe tie rack located near an entrance during busy timesPlace merchandise where customers can readily access itToy stores shelves at a childs eye levelMake information accessibleOlder shoppers have a hard time reading the small printsLet customers touch the merchandise,18-34,You are here,Percentage of Shoppers Visiting Different Areas of the Store,Considerations for Merchandise Locations,18-35,Prime Locations for Merchandise,Highly trafficked areasStore entrances Near checkout counterHighly visible areasEnd aisleDisplays,18-36,Location of Merchandise Categories,Impulse merchandise near heavily trafficked areasDemand/Destination merchandise back left-hand corner of the storeSpecial merchandise lightly trafficked areas(glass pieces,womens lingerie)Adjacencies cluster complimentary merchandise next to each other,18-37,Location of Merchandise within a Category:The Use of Planograms,Supermarkets and drug stores place private-label brands to the right of national brands shoppers read from left to right(higher priced national brands first and see the lower-priced private-label item)Planogram:a diagram that shows how and where specific SKUs should be placed on retail selves or displays to increase customer purchases,18-38,Learning customers movements and decision-making,Videotaping ConsumersLearn customers movements,where they pause or move quickly,or where there is congestionEvaluate the layout,merchandise placement,promotionVirtual Store SoftwareLearn the best place to merchandise and test how customers react to new products,18-39,Visual Merchandising:Fixtures,Straight rackRounder(bulk fixture,capacity fixture)Four-way fixture(feature fixture)Gondolas,18-40,Straight Rack,Holds a lot of apparelHard to feature specific styles and colorsFound often in discount and off-price stores,Royalty-Free/CORBIS,18-41,Rounder,Smaller than straight rackHolds a maximum amount of merchandiseEasy to move aroundCustomers cant get frontal view of merchandise,18-42,Four-Way,Holds large amount of merchandiseAllows customers to view entire garmentHard to maintain because of styles and colorsFashion oriented apparel retailer,18-43,Gondolas,VersatileGrocery and discount storesSome department storesHard to view apparel as they are folded,Royalty-Free/CORBIS,18-44,Merchandise Presentation Techniques,Idea-Oriented PresentationStyle/Item PresentationColor OrganizationPrice LiningVertical MerchandisingTonnage Merchandisinglarge quantities of merchandise displayed togetherFrontal Presentationdisplay as much of the product as possible to catch the customers eye,18-45,Idea-Orientation Presentation,Present merchandise based on a specific idea or the image of the storeEncourage multiple complementary purchasesWomens fashionFurniture combined in room settingsSony Style mini-living rooms,Fifty percent of women get their ideas for clothes from store displays or window shopping,18-46,Store Atmospherics,Color,Scent,Music,Lighting,Store Atmosphere,The design of an environment through visual communications,lighting,colors,music,and scent to stimulate customers perceptual and emotional responses and ultimately to affect their purchase behavior,18-47,Lighting,Highlight merchandise Structure space and capture a moodEnergy efficient lighting Downplay features,The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc./Lars A.Niki,photographer,18-48,Color,Warm colors(red,gold,yellow)produce emotional,vibrant,hot,and active responsesCool colors(white,blue,green)have a peaceful,gentle,calming effectCulturally boundedFrench-Canadians respond more to warm colorsAnglo-Canadians respond more to cool colors,The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc./Lars Niki,photographer,18-49,Music,Control the pace of store traffic,create an image,and attract or direct consumers attentionA mix of classical or soothing music encourage shoppers to slow down,relax,and take a good look at the merchandisethus to stay longer and purchase more J.C.Penney different music at different times of the dayJazzy music in the morning for older shoppersAdult contemporary music in the afternoon for 35-40 year old shoppersU.S.firm Muzak supplies 400,000 shops,restaurants,and hotels with songs tailed to reflect their identity,18-50,Scent,Has a positive impact on impulse buying behavior and customer satisfactionScents that are neutral produce better perceptions of the store than no scentCustomers in scented stores think they spent less time in the store than subjects in unscented stores,The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc./Gary He,photographer,18-51,How Exciting Should a Store Be?,Depends on the Customers Shopping GoalsTask-completion:a simple atmosphere with slow music,dimmer lighting,and blue/green colorsFun:an exciting atmosphere with fast music,bright lighting,and red/yellow colors,18-52,Web Site Design,Simplicity MattersGetting Around Easy NavigationLet Them See It Example:Lands End My Virtual ModelBlend the Web Site with the StorePrioritizeType of LayoutWhen shopping on the Web,customer are interested in speed,convenience,ease of navigation,not necessarily fancy graphicsCheckoutMake the process clear and appear simpleEnclose the checkout processMake the process navigable without loss of informationReinforce trust in the checkout process,


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