托福(雅思)阅读和写作的互动,Cashion,互动点,结构互动话题互动句子互动,结构互动,结构分析OG01Applied Arts and Fine Arts结构分析:雅思写作(2007.1.13)Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future career,others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge that students are interested in.Discuss,结构分析OG01Applied Arts and Fine Arts,首段:applied art次段:fine art末段:对比结论,Applied Art,Fine arts,fine Art,雅思作文结构分析,(2007.1.13)Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future career,others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge that students are interested in.Discuss A观点:大学应该注重职业相关教育B观点:大学应该注重兴趣相关教育你的观点?,职业相关教育重要性,*兴趣相关*教育重要性,*兴趣相关*教育重要性,翻译练习题思路详解,都对学生需要专业,学校的升学率;社会需要专业人学生没兴趣睡着;学校用兴趣发展来吸引人;社会需要全面人才根据兴趣选专业,学校还需要提供多种选修和兴趣课。翻译练习见handout,结构互动的作用,预测阅读内容更好的进行写作分段,话题互动,写作题should smoking be banned?阅读剑桥3page19:the risks of cigarette smoke,写作思路,吸烟应该在公共场所禁止。原因(借用阅读的思路)反对者结论:公共场所禁止,但是设立吸烟区和吸烟室。,剑3page19:详述吸烟的坏处,43 cancer-causing substances14%of leukemia and cervical cancers 85%of lung cancer84,000deaths from pneumonia,bronchitis and influenza,剑3page19-passive smoking的坏处,30%higher risk of death from heart disease because of passive smoking17%of cases of lung cancer30,000to 60,000deaths from heart disease because of passive smoking in the US,互动的好处,写作更加学术,例子更加真实,语言互动,阅读:OG01Applied Arts and Fine Arts写作:2008.11.8 More and more people now choose to wear the fashionable clothes.Why is it?What are the positive and negative effects does this trend impose on the society?,OG的句子,we tend to refer to.according to.第一段第一句中文:我们倾向于根据.来考虑.(问题)there is no way around the fact that.(第一段第三句)中文:无法忽视的是.it is often taken for granted that.(第二段第一句)中文:经常有一种错误的观点是.,OG的句子,this assumption ignores an important difference between.and.(第二段第二句)中文:这个说法忽视了.和.之间一个重要差异。It would therefore not be too great an exaggeration to say that(第三段第二句)中文:毫不夸张的说,主题追求时尚,直接好处:爽,翻译,毫不夸张的说现代生活在和平地区越来越富裕,人们追求更高水平的享受,比如频繁购买时尚的衣服。It would not be too great an exaggeration to say that,主题时尚好,看的爽,时尚行业发展,翻译,一个无法忽视的事实是时尚行业发展为社会提供大量就业机会。there is no way around the fact that人们倾向于根据自己的个人条件来考虑工作选择。people tend to refer to.according to.,时尚反对者,解决办法,翻译,另一方面,经常有一种错误的观点是时尚等于奢侈。.,it is often taken for granted that但是,这个说法忽视了购买时尚的衣服和花很多钱之间的重要差异。.,this assumption ignores an important difference between.and.,互动的重要性,学以致用,万法归一,