Introduction To Normal Use Software zheng-ru-fu,1、Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0-Viewdraw/ViewGen2、Hspui(Hspice)3、EditPlus,Installation,1、Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0 and the use of viewdraw and ViewGen2、Hspui U-2005.09(hspice)3、EditPlus,Innoveda eProduct Designer Installation,Put the.ISO file in the virtual CD-driver or Unzip and click:,then click,Change your installation name if you like,and then,Change the destination address,thenNext again,thenNext again,选择:Design ExchangeAnalog Simulation,Then installing,After it completed,choosing to configure EPD.then,Choose to install the high speed design tools for its uselessness,Configure the license,Choose and then,Enter the license from the former address:D:ePDLicense.data,Finished the installation,Set up the environment parameter,The first opening,Build a new project with the and then,Carefully arrange the,Adding model,Find the needed software,Installation,1、Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0 and the use of viewdraw and ViewGen2、Hspui U-2005.09(hspice)3、EditPlus,Hspice Installation,The installation steps are just from the beginning of knocking on the setup fileUntil you meet:,The hspice should also initialize the environment parameter just the same as Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0.But they are conflicted with each other.hspice,The solution is as follow:,Copy the contents of license.dat of Hspice to license.dat of ePD.,Or:use“;”between different License.dat,Installation,1、Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0 and the use of viewdraw and ViewGen2、Hspui U-2005.09(hspice)3、EditPlus,The installation steps are also just from the beginning of knocking on the setup file,But if you want to change the color of the fonts like this:example The solution is as follow:,Change the color of the font,sp;cir;lib;lis;txt;,Installation,1、Innoveda eProduct Designer 2.0 and the use of viewdraw and ViewGen2、Hspui U-2003.09(hspice)3、EditPlus,Set up a new circuit,Generate the symbol the circuit,The use of the software,Open the newly-built symbol,back,Simulation In Hspice,thank you for your attendance!,