小学英语 教 学设计案例,广东佛山南海实验小学 曹 梅,剑桥少儿英语二级(上册)Unit13 There isnt any food in the fridge.,一、教学内容 二、教学目标 三、学情分析 与资源准备 四、教学过程,一.教学内容,二、教 学 目 标,1.words:fridge sausage meat vegetable carrot people fruit2.New drills:3.Self-listening to the dialogue and pair work4.Stories reading5.Practice6.Fill the blanks,三、学情分析与资源准备,1.学生情况分析 2.教学资源准备,1.学生情况 他们是四年级的学生,对英语学习兴趣浓厚能用There is 和There are 回答 Whats in/on/under/的问题少数学生通过其他渠道接触过there isnt there arent 句型,2.教学资源实物教具:a big box milk juice mini bread供学生交际的资源 ppt.供学生自主听读的资源 5 stories,四.教学过程,Step I Warm-upStep II Presentation A Leading-in(situation)Learn the new drillsmore questions for understanding,(pick out the key sentences and useful expressions)to practice the new sentences.B Self-listening to the dialogue.C.Ask and answer questions about the dialogue Pair workD.Listening and writing(consolidation and model for application of the new words and sentences)Step III Stories reading.Situation.Listening and readingStep IIII Practice.Oral practice:Make dialogues/make stories/storytelling/,Step I Warm-up,A.Guessing gameB.Pair work,四.教学过程,设计思路:本环节 guessing game 是复习旧句型,里面的师生对话就是为后面Pair work两两对话起示范作用。,四.教学过程,Step I Warm-up,B:Step I Warm-up Pair work,注意问Step I Warm-up 题:1.师生示范问答尽量做到少而精。2.复习方式灵活多样。,Step II Presentation,四.教学过程,A.Leading-in(situation)and learn the new drills.B.Self-listening to the dialogue.C.Ask and answer questions about the dialogue.Pair workD.Listening and writing.,四.教学过程,Step II Presentation,A.Leading-in(situation)and learn the new drills More questions for understanding,pick out and practice the key sentences and useful expressions,设计思路:语言是让我们运用的,要在具体的情境能够运用得出来,这样的语言才是有用的。此环节使用实物,师生对话引入课题 There isnt any food in the fridge.在情景中学习新知识 There isnt There arent.What are you going to do?I am going to.,More questions for understanding,pick out and practice the key sentences and useful expressions.,Step II Presentation,Practice:There isnt There arent in the fridge.,Practice:What are you going to do?I am going to buy,注意问题:利用实物和媒体灵活创设情景。,四.教学过程,Step II Presentation,B:Self-listening to the dialogue.C:Ask and answer questions about the dialogue,Pair work,设计思路:本环节(课标内容)区别于传统的由教师讲授单词、句型的方式,借助网络资源,让学生自主听读,在学生自主听读完对话之后,教师首先对学生的听读情况进行反馈检查,引导学生联系旧知,进行同位俩俩说,培养学生的语言运用能力。注意问题 1.强化学生自主听课件时的大声跟读习惯。2.多考虑Wh 问句,引导学生回答问题时说完整句。3.保证俩俩说的时间,根据学生情况决定是否用keypoints,Listen ask and answer these questions Where is Tom?2.There isnt any food in Toms fridge.What is Tom going to do?3.Is Tom going to buy some ice cream?What does the cat say?Why does the cat say that?6.What about the dog the duck and the monkey?Who is saying:There arent any people here?,四.教学过程,Step II Presentation,D:Listening and writing.,设计思路:加强写是中高年级英语教学的一个趋势。此环节是根据小学中高年级英语课标和 考试 要求,在保证听说领先的基础上,拼写 也要跟上的练习 注意问题:1.情景中填入四会单词 2.形式多样,Listen and fill the blank 听录音填空 Hello,I am Tom.This is my fridge.There isnt any food _ the fridge.So I_ going to buy some _,_,_ and_,and I am going to buy some ice cream,and _.I like fruits,but My father likes ice cream.I have a rabbit.Mmm,The rabbit says there arent any_ in the fridge.,四.教学过程,Step III Stories reading.Situation,设计思路:本环节教师提出问题,设悬念,引导学生猜想 后让他们带着问题有重点自主听读,让学生有目的 听读,在语言情景中拓学词句。注意问题:1.趣味性强的故事,文本形式带插图。难易结合。2.把下一课时的教学内容作为拓展阅读出现。3.结合主题考虑选择一些能体现文化差异和培养 思维的听读材料。,Our school,In a shop,Four seasons,注意问题:1.趣味性强的故事,文本形式带插图。难易结合。2.把下一课时的教学内容作为拓展阅读出现。3.结合主题考虑选择一些能体现文化差异和培养 思维的听读材料。,Step III Stories reading,四.教学过程,Step IIII Practice 1.A:Talk about our school B:Talk about four seasons,设计思路:学生在扩展听读故事里学了关于学校和四 季的描述,本 环节在引导学生通过读懂、理解文段的基础上如何 培养学生把听的材 料为说。用这种语言输出的方式反馈听读 故事 的效果。,注意问题 1.利用扩展听读的插图来进行两两说。2.提供多个拓展话题,让不同程度的学生选择。,.,Is there a playground in our school?What can you do on the playground?Are there any computer rooms in our school?Do you like our computer rooms?Why?What can you do there?,四.教学过程,Step IIII Practice2.There isnt any homework this Saturday and Sunday.Tell me what are you going to do?,设计思路:语言和生活情景是紧密结合的,此环节教师引导学生结合已学句型进行两两对话,表述自己的计划来体现学生综合运用英语的能力,锻炼学生在生活中活用英语,培养他们解决问题的能力。注意问题:1.拓展话题跟主题密切相关,形式多样。2.体现启发思维的说话内容。,Thank you!,