动物庄园Animal Farm,学情介绍:,7-10岁欧美学生初级中段汉语水平,会拼音,及能认一部分汉字,Long long ago,we didnt have animal in this world.We only have an animal farm in the deep forest,and a lot of animal lived there.One day,a little girl Cally,lost her path in this forest and found this animal farm.Because she had never seen animal before,so she is wondering what they are.,t zi 兔 子长长的耳朵,xio mo 小 猫爱吃鱼,xio gu 小 狗人类的朋友,y zi 鸭 子扁扁的嘴巴,hu zi 猴 子会爬树,lo h 老 虎森林里的大王,大家一起读:,t zi 兔子xio mo 小 猫xio gu 小 狗,y zi 鸭 子hu zi 猴 子lo h 老 虎,游戏:过天门,游戏规则:两个同学相互拉着对方的手向上牵起,形成一道门,一群可爱的小动物在音乐开始时排着队穿过这一道门,音乐停了,两个同学把牵着的手放下,套住了谁,谁就要把自己当成是某一个小动物来进行自我介绍,介绍清楚了才能过去。,作业:,1.复习这堂课所学的6个小动物的单词;2.试着和朋友用中文来介绍自己喜欢的小动物。,谢谢!,