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    大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,HOW DO WE SEE THE WORLD,Part I LANGUAGE SKILL,PART II LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,PART III TOWARD PRODUCTIVE LANGUAGE,若出现禁用“宏”和“ActiveX”对话框,请选择“启用”,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,KEY WORDS MADE EASY,KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USE,Part I LANGUAGE SKILL,BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,KEY WORDS MADE EASY,A Read aloud the following sentences and figure out what each italicized word means.The clue in the parentheses will help.1.Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night.(pity,same feeling)2.Excessive resource consumption and environment pollution are of increasing concern to all countries.(too much beyond normal limits)3.There exists something in the universe that is impossible to penetrate.(understand)4.This book is easily accessible to the young reader.(capable of being reached),BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,KEY WORDS MADE EASY,A Read aloud the following sentences and figure out what each italicized word means.The clue in the parentheses will help.,5.A slight error in thought may constitute a life-long regret.(form)6.Youll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam.(make an effort)7.Only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you.(force)8.A man with hard determination can resist the temptation.(thing that attracts)9.There is a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians.(basic,essential)10.His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me.(continuous),BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,A Study the following expressions.,be bound up with closely connected with 与关系密切的in the last resort if everything else fails 最后手段;最后凭借in accordance with in agreement with 按照;与一致take something seriously treat something as important 认真对待某事take a/ones stand on declare ones position,宣布(对某事物的)立场、意见等opinion,etc.,KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USE,BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,B Read aloud each of the following sentences.See how these expressions are used.,1.The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.2.In the last resort,class differences could be resolved by force.3.Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity.4.Dont take it seriouslyhes only teasing.5.She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.,KEY EXPRESSIONS IN USE,BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,PART II LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,STUDY AND PRACTICE,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,BACK,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,Preview QuestionsWork in pairs or groups,and discuss the following questions.1.What do you know about Einstein?2.Have you ever thought of the purpose of living?3.What do you think democracy really means and how to get it?4.There is something mysterious in our life.How do you understand it?,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,爱因斯坦不仅是一位伟大的科学家,同时也是一位正直的、有高度社会责任感的思想家。他认为“one exists for our fellowmen”,“plain living is good for everybody,physically and mentally”。当今社会环境的改变使一部分人的世界观面临着巨大的挑战。古人云“衣食足而知荣辱,仓廪实而知礼节”,当今环境下如何洁身自好,成就更加丰富、更有意义的人生,这是非常值得人们去认真思索的问题。爱因斯坦的这篇文章或许会让我们得到不少启迪。,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,READING SELECTION:TEXT A,Notes,The text is part of a longer essay under the title“What I Believe”which was originally published in“Forum and Century,”vol.84,pp.193194,the thirteenth in the Forum series,Living Philosophies in 1930.The text presented here has been partially simplified.Arthur Schopenhauer(17881860):German philosopher.He is known for his pessimism and philosophical clarity and his most influential work is The World as Will and Representation.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,For Comprehension 1.According to Einstein,what is the purpose of our existence?2.What are Einsteins ideals for life?3.What does Einstein say about“democracy”?4.How does Einstein view religion?,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,For Viewpoints5.How do you understand Schopenhauers saying,“a man can do as he will,but not will as he will”?6.In your view,what is the value of solitude?7.How can college students form a correct world outlook?,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,StructureStudy the following sentences.Then make sentences with the phrases and expressions given.Write your sentences on the lines.The first sentence is done for you.,STUDY AND PRACTICE,A,B,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,Vocabulary A Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box.Change the forms of these words if necessary.1.Our sales campaign is failing badly and we will have to make some fundamental changes to it.2.The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.3.It really is a sad situation,and I feel sympathy for the people involved.4.They endeavored to make her happy but in vain.5.To achieve this goal,you must have ambition;likewise you need to exert great efforts.6.The little boy shows an excessive enthusiasm for sport.7.The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.8.The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.9.Nuclear weapons constitute a real threat to world peace.10.Clever advertisements are just temptations to spend money.11.Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.12.You give this portion of the ticket to the inspector and keep the other.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,B Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box.Make changes wherever necessary.equal relieve sacrifice echo bright suffer long finally upward edgeThree passions,simple but extremely strong,have governed my life:the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,I have sought love,first,because it brings joyjoy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy.I have sought it,next,because it relieves lonelinessthat terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the edge of the world into the cold immeasurable lifeless hole.I have sought it,finally,because in the union of love I have seen,in a mystic miniature,the bright vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.This is what I soughed,and though it might seem too good for human life,this is whatat lastI have found.With equal passion I have sought knowledge.I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have wished to know why the stars shine.Love and knowledge,so far as they were possible,led upward toward the heavens.But always pity brought me back to earth.Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,C Rewrite the following sentences with the help of the phrases and expressions in the box.The italicized part in each sentence may be of help in your task.The first sentence is done for you.1.The findings contrast with earlier studies,which found that omega-3s helped to protect the heart.2.In accordance with this plan,we shall look for the first payment on Sept.3.Climate change,too,is bound up with biology since it is the result of carbon dioxide going into the air faster than plants can remove it.4.If he wants my vote hell have to take a stand on the question of free trade.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,5.In the last resort,they turned to the Psychiatric Diseases Hospital in Srinagar,the only mental-health institution in the valley.6.You cant take her promises seriously;she never keeps her word.7.In a sense she was misled by the advertisements claims,and expected too much of the product.8.Younger audiences are drawn to the cartoon violence of mixed martial arts and Ultimate Fighting.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,Structure 1.Without electronic computers,much of todays advanced technology would not have been achieved.2.Without this invention,the dreams of the youth might have been postponed for a century.3.Without sunlight,peoples life would be different today.4.It is very clear that the soldier is round and tall like a tree.5.It is understandable that peoples attitudes are divergent on this controversial issue.6.It is a wonder that you could finish such a hard task in such a short time.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,A,(without+subjunctive mood),2.this inventionfor a century be postponed the dreams of the youth3.peoples life today be different sunlight,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,(It is+adj.+that clause),4.very clearlike a tree round and tall the soldier5.understandablepeoples attitudes divergent on this controversial issue,B,6.a wondersuch a hard task in such a short time you could finish,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,Contextual Practice,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,A Cloze,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,Contextual Practice A Cloze 1.crop up 2.even if 3.on 4.setbacks 5.either6.that 7.lying 8.overcame 9.impact 10.but,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,B Translation,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,Translate the following passage into English.Some sentence patterns,words and phrases are given below to help you perform the task.,a solitary being attempt to close to innate ability seek to recognition and affection strive intellectual the framework of society,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,B Translation,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,人是一个单个的存在,同时又是一个社会的存在。作为单个的存在,人设法维护他自己和他的亲人的生存,满足他个人的愿望,发展他个人的天赋才能。作为社会的存在,人想要得到他的同类人们的承认和爱戴,分享他们的快乐,慰藉他们的痛苦,改善他们的生活条件。一个人能够自己思想、感觉、奋斗和工作,而他的身体、智力和感情是如此依赖于社会,以至不可能在社会框架之外想到他和理解他。,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,STUDY AND PRACTICE,B.Translation Man is,at one and the same time,a solitary being and a social being.As a solitary being,he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those who are closest to him,to satisfy his personal desires,and to develop his innate abilities.As a social being,he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings,to share in their pleasures,to comfort them in their sorrows,and to improve their conditions of life.The individual is able to think,feel,strive,and work by himself;but he depends so much upon society in his physical,intellectual,and emotional existence that it is impossible to think of him,or to understand him,outside the framework of society.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,CRecitationSelect from the text a paragraph that impresses you most and learn it by heart.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,DCross-Cultural ExperienceWork in pairs.Student A reads the quotations from classical Chinese wisdom while student B reads those of the western.Tell and explain to each other what you have read.Then exchange your role.When you finish,comment on the statements that follow.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,子曰:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”论语子路(解:孔子说:“君子用自己的正确意见来纠正别人的错误意见,使一些事情做得恰到好处,却不肯随声附和。小人只是盲从附和,却不肯表示自己的不同意见。”)我有三宝,持而宝之:一曰慈,二曰俭,三曰不敢为天下先。老子(解:我在整个世界中处世为人、安身立命依靠着三件法宝,我掌握着它们并且珍视着它们:我的第一件法宝是仁慈,我的第二件法宝是节俭,我的第三件法宝是绝不鲁莽无知地把自己的利益、价值和重要性置于整个人类乃至整个世界的利益、价值和重要性之上。),DCross-Cultural Experience,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself and thus make yourself indispensible.Andre Gide The man who aligns his life with the good and true need fear no evil.W.A.Peterson,DCross-Cultural Experience,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION,Both Chinese and westerners seem to believe that it is important to be inner-directed and independent of the opinions of his fellows.Unlike westerners,Chinese are more implicit and tend to voice his opinions in a tactical way without hurting others.Both Chinese and westerners cherish Goodness and Truth in life.In the Chinese culture,national consciousness is more prominent and Chinese people tend to sacrifice everything for the country and the people.,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,PART IIITOWARD PRODUCTIVE LANGUAGE,READING ACTIVITIES,READING-WRITING LINK,WRITING AWARENESS,WRITING EXERCISES,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,BACK,Key Words and Phrases in Preparation,fame n.声名wounded adj.受伤的generate v.产生;聚集worlds stage 世界舞台worldwide adj.世界性的connection n.关employee n.雇员 admiration n.仰慕compassionn.同情,怜悯fulfillment n.完成(使命等),READING ACTIVITIES,大学英语教程1 读写译,UNIT FIVE,Preview QuestionsWork in pairs,and discuss the following questions.1.What is your attitude toward famous people?Admiration?Pity?Or something else?2.Some people live for themselves;some for others.Which do you prefer and why?3.When you do good to the poor,the sick or the helpless,do you expect any return?Why?4.How much do you know about Princess Diana and Mother Teresa?,BACK,READING ACTIVITIES,Background Information,Her romance with the Prince of Wales began in 1980.The oldest child of British monarch Queen Elizabeth II,he was 12 years older than Diana,and had previously dated her sister Sarah.Almost from the start,the press took a special interest in“Lady Di.”They staked out her apartment and followed her everywhere.Diana later said that she found the constant attention unbearable.,Princess Diana,Diana and Charles were married on July 29,1981 at St Pauls Cathedral.The wedding was broadcast in 74 countries and watched by 750 million people worldwide.Diana was the first English woman to marry an heir to the throne in over 300 years.At the ceremony the Archbishop of Canterbury said,“Here is the stuff of which fairy tales are made.”But the fairy tale was an illusion,as Diana had already discovered.Prince Charles was still in love with an old girlfriend,Camilla Parker-Bowles.,“There were three of us in this marriage,so it was a bit crowded,”Princess Diana remarked years later.Distraught,Diana developed bulimia and attempted suicide.Despite her problems,she was a devoted mother to her two sons,Prince William and Prince Harry.She worked tirelessly for charity,and was beloved by the public for her warmth and humanity.,In 1992 Princess Diana decided to expose the truth about her relationship with Prince Charles to the public.She secretly collaborated with author Andrew Morton on his book Diana,Her True Story.The princesss direct involvement in the writing of the book was not revealed to the public until after her death.,The separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales was announced on December 9,1992.The divorce became official on August 28,1996.Princess Diana kept the title Princess of Wales and continued to work for her favorite charities.She and Prince Charles had joint custody of their sons.,In 1997 Princess Diana began a love affair with Emad“Dodi”Fayed,the son of billionaire businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed.Their romance ended abruptly on August 31,1997 when both were killed in a car accident in Paris while fleeing from paparazzi.Princess Dianas sudden death led to an unprecedented worldwide outpouring of grief and love.As her brother said at her funeral,she was“the unique,the complex,the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana,whose beaut


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