Lead-in,课文,小结,预习,写作,-Evelyn,How did you study English in middle school?,Tips for talk:kind and patient/cold and impatient/strict/serious praise/encourage/punish/shout explain a lot/assign much homework do a lot of games and group work formal/informal/relaxed/casual/free I feel comfortable if the teacher I would like my teacher to If I were a teacher,I would,Idea Sharing,Do you enjoy learning English?Why?Tips:No,I dont enjoy it because it is useless/too difficult.Yes,I enjoy it very much.It can help mefind a good job after graduation.learn the cultures of other countries.make some foreign friends.learn the value of hard work.,Do you have any trouble learning English?,understand what others say.remember so many words.understand the grammar.read quickly.speak in public.,I always feel it difficult to.Its not easy for me to,Tips:,scene 1,scene 2,aim,What Is College English?,What does higher education mean?What does university student mean?What is college English?-Objectives-Contents-Methods-Assessment(6 whats),What is College English?College English Syllabus(2007 updated edition),Objectives:To develop yourselves as modern human resources with cross-cultural communication knowledge and capabilities that the global world needs To receive higher education through language learning To operationally command English as a tool for international communication,MAJOR AREAS OFENGLISH LESSONS,linguistic&cultural knowledge,language skills,learning methods,social strategies&working abilities,knowledge,skill,ability,method,linguistic&cultural knowledge,pronunciation,grammar,stylistics,word building,culture,know,language skills,listening,speaking,reading,writing,translating,can,learning methods,find information,use dictionary,Processknowledge,deduction,induction,deal with gaps,learn by using/doing,can,social strategies&working abilities,negotiating,persuading,arguing,defending,cooperating,dealing with relationship,solving problems,can,一般要求的英语能力要求,听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂英语国家慢速英语节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。,口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能就日常话题和来自讲英语国家的人士进行交谈。能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。,阅读理解能力:能够基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词,在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词,能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。,书面表达能力:能用常见的应用文体完成一般的写作任务,能描述个人经历、事件、观感、情感等,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。能在一般或应用写作中使用恰当的写作技能。翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时300英语单词,汉英译速为每小时250个汉字。译文基本流畅,能在翻译时使用适当的翻译技巧。,推荐词汇量:掌握的总词汇量应达到4500个单词和700个词组,其中2000个单词为积极词汇(见附件3:课程要求积极词汇表),即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括在口头表达以及书面表达两个方面。,大学英语教学的“四变化”教学要求变:加强听说能力 教学目标变:发展自主学习能力 教学模式变:课堂人际+网络自主 教学评价变:综合应用能力,大学新生英语教学的“四转变”,转变学习观念/态度:变被动为主动转变学习习惯/方法:变依赖为自主转变行为方式/行动:变做题为做事转变成果表现形式:变分数为业绩 变独自学习为合作学习 变书本学习为干中学习,标志性成果,显性:业绩得分,卷面成绩隐性:努力、做事、应用过程中 的发现、改善、收获,What is College?Modern Higher Educational Missions,Learn to know knowledge Learn to do skill/ability Learn to live together attitude/strategies Learn to be quality,learn to know:Knowledge:linguistic,cultural(Chinese and Western,English-speaking countries,cross-cultural communication),common knowledge on science and arts,etc.,learn to do:Skills/methods,capabilities:learn to learn.learn to do things(writing,presenting,debating,questioning,arguing,organizing,dealing with problems,coping relationships,handling matters,etc.to develop your capabilities,personal and interpersonal,academic and social,learn to live together:Attitude:team spirit,learn cooperatively,complete tasks/projects,learn to be:Quality:Well-educated and cultivated human being,qualified human resources,talents,What are the university students?Higher-educated human resources Highly-qualified Human being:intellectual being,thinking being,emotional being,intelligent being,creative being,productive being,social being,cultural being,global being,valuable being Students who want to,have to,are able to use the international language effectively for future international communication in the work place or academic field,Some useful resources,D,Chicken Soup for the Soul,English movies,sitcoms,对于教学改革,教师、学生包括家长都反映强烈,希望课程设置更贴近学生的实际,贴近社会的实际,要求减轻学生负担。其实,教学不光是课程的改革,应该是整个教学的改革,课程是其中的一部分,而且是很重要的一部分。现在,在教学中我们比较注重认知,认知是教学的一部分,就是学习。在认知方法上我们还有缺陷,主要是灌输。其实,认知应该是启发,教学生学会如何学习,掌握认知的手段,而不仅在知识的本身。学生不仅要学会知识,还要学会动手,学会动脑,学会做事,学会生存,学会与别人共同生活,这是整个教育和教学改革的内容。解放学生,不是不去管他们,让他们去玩,而是给他们留下了解社会的时间,留下思考的时间,留下动手的时间。,我最近常思考,从自己的经历感受到,有些东西单从老师那里是学不来的,就是人的思维、人的理想、人的创造精神、人的道德准则。这些,学校给予的是启蒙教育,但更重要的要靠自己学习。学和思的结合,行和知的结合,对于学生来讲非常重要,人的理想和思维,老师是不能手把手教出来的,而恰恰理想和思维决定人的一生。这不是分数能代表的。教学改革还要回到学、思、知、行这四个方面的结合,就是学思要联系,知行要统一。我一直信奉这样一句话:“教是为了不教”。不在于老师是一个多么伟大的数学家或文学家,而是老师能给学生以启蒙教育,教他们学会思考问题,然后用他们自己的创造思维去学习,终身去学习。,Compound Dictation,You will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the secondtime,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required tofill in the missing information.For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Now listen to the passage.,背景知识,视频讨论,For more,随 笔,President Bush has proposed to increase the study of foreign languages in American schools.The new plan is called the NationalS1 _ Language Initiative.It willS2 _ the departments of State,Education and Defense,and theS3 _ of National Intelligence.The plan S4 _ for teaching foreign languages to more children,as early as at the age of four.It alsoS5 _ to increase foreign languageS6 _ in college andS7 _ school.,Compound Dictation,Security,involve,Director,aims,背景知识,随 笔,instruction,graduate,视频讨论,calls,The hope is to bring more foreign language speakers into government S8 _.And S9 _ to increase the number of military officers who speak foreign languages.Officials say S10 _ _ _.,Compound Dictation,money would be used to help foreign-language students pay for their education in exchange for future service,背景知识,随 笔,service,it calls for expanding an effort begun three years ago,视频讨论,The plan also calls for sending more American students to other countries for part of their college studies.And S11 _ _.,Compound Dictation,it calls for bringing more foreign language teaching assistants to the United States,背景知识,随 笔,视频讨论,Text Study,课文分析,New Words&Expressions,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words&Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,虚拟的;实质上的,实际上的,New Words&Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words&Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words&Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,New Words&Expressions,课文分析,课文阅读,随 笔,短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,the positive method,It doesnt take long to,be offered an opportunity to,study through online course,the virtual classroom,make embarrassing mistakes,cry out of frustration,feel intimidated by,随 笔,English Equivalents of Chinese,think out ones ideas,and most importantly,reap the benefits of,a most trying experience,new ways of seeing things,insights into another culture,form unforgettable friendships,stare into space,reach out to others,bridge the gap between and,短语活用,句型应用,随 笔,Creative Application of Expressions,be at the top of,be far from perfect,get access to,meet the minimum standards,not trade sth.for anything,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,AC米兰在该赛季的足球联赛中独占鳌头。这两个国家之间的冲突不可能很快结束。通常周末你想做什么?她喜欢穿戴入时。学习外语有助于缩小不同文化间的差距。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Keys,AC Milan finished the season at the top of the football league.The conflicts between the two countries are far from over.What do you feel like doing on weekends?She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.Learning a foreign language helps us bridge the gap between two different cultures.,More Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,2.Classification,There are many ways available to learn Englishwords.Arranging the words and expressions tobe memorized into groups under a certain title is one of the effective ways.,Words and ExpressionsEnlarging Voc.,Activity 1:Make a list of expressions which indicate that learning English is difficult,yet rewarding.,Tips,Words and ExpressionsEnlarging Voc.,Words and ExpressionsEnlarging Voc.,Activity 2:Make a list of expressions to describe good teachers and bad teachers.,Tips,Words and ExpressionsEnlarging Voc.,Words and ExpressionsEnlarging Voc.,III.Study and Application,Words Expressions Patterns,rewarding,a.有所得的,有回报的Teaching can be a very career.Its a rewarding trip!(口)不虚此行!搭配:relationship/journey/work/experience/investment,reward v.give sth.in return for good,reward sb.with sth.;reward sb.for sth;,Larry表扬了她,她对此报之以笑。Larry complimented her and was rewarded with a smile.她为此工作得到了丰厚的回报。She was generously rewarded for her work.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,reward n.sth.received in return for work or services,他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。,He received a medal as a reward for his bravery.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,V.give a reward to sb 给某人报酬;奖赏某人,reward,同形词:reward,awardEinstein was _ the Nobel Prize for his work.Shes been _ a scholarship to study at Oxford.They _ the boy with$5 for bringing back the lost dog.,给予,授予,回报,awarded,awarded,rewarded,Academy Award:奥斯卡金像奖The Academy Award for this years best actress went to Meryl Streep.,frustrating,What _ him is that theres too little money to spend on the project.The rescue attempt was _ by bad weather.They felt very _ at the lack of progress.Its _ to have to wait so long.,frustrates,frustrated,frustrated,frustrating,worth the effort,worthy:a.be of sth.being done to be done He is of our respect.worth:be worth sth./doing sth.It is worth more than 200 pounds.He says life wouldnt be worth living without friendship.worthwhile:be worthwhile to do sth.It is worthwhile to do it again.,在班里名列前茅,to be at the top of the class,在社交方面所有的良策之中诚信应列在首位。,On the list of good policies in social contact,honesty should be at the top.,上一页,下一页,他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底.He was always bottom of the class in maths.,名列前茅,处于的顶点,be at the top of,你今天最得意的可能会成为你明天最后悔的。,Back,短 语 应 用,at the top of ones pride/turn out/at the top of ones regret,What is at the top of your pride today may turn out to be at the top of your regret tomorrow.,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,at the top of ones care/be not likely to/at the top of ones joy,What is at the top of your care now is not likely to be at the top of your joy in future.,本行业中最高地位高兴之极压倒、使生气 除此之外,be at the top of the tree feel on top of the worldget on top ofon top of that,你现在最上心的不一定成为你将来最开心的。,知识链接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Back,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,失去的欲望,lose ones desire/eagerness to do sth.,由于她的不诚实,我失去了与她建立进一步友谊的欲望。,As a result of her dishonesty,I lost my desire to form further friendship with her.,上一页,下一页,没有/失去做某事的欲望,一个接一个的失败使他失去了继续此项研究的欲望。,(not)to lose my desire/eagerness to do sth.,Back,短语逆译,短 语 应 用,one after another/go on with,One failure after another made him lose the eagerness to go on with the research.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,far from+adj./V-ed/V-ing/n.:,译:我父母对我的学业很不满意。My parents are _my academic performance.Far from_,he went and did just what I had warned him against.他不但没有听从我的劝告,反而恰恰去干了我警告他不要去干的事。She is far from a good driver.,a long way from being;not at all;rather than;instead of;,far from satisfied with,taking my advice,to be far from perfect,远不尽人意,生活中不尽人意的事很多,关键是我们怎么看待。,Back,短 语 应 用,in life/far from perfect/the key point/how to view sth.,There are many things far from perfect in life,but the key point is how to view them.,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,access,access n.享用权,享用机会gain/make/have access to市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。Citizens may have free access to the library.他是她的私人秘书,能接触到她所有的信件.As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence.accessible a.容易得到的,容易使用的assess v.估计,要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地.,The only to the farmhouse is across the fields.,只有高级官员才可以接近总统.,Only high officials had access to the president.,Over a third of the population was estimated to have no()to the health service.(CET-4)A.assessment B.assignment C.exception D.access,译:,to get access to,用/接触,那些经常接触国家机密的人一定得守口如瓶。,Back,短 语 应 用,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,get constant access to sth./state secrets/keep ones mouth shut,Those who get constant access to state secrets must be the ones who keep their mouths shut.,新视野 短 语 应 用,virtual:adj.1)虚拟的2)事实上的,实质上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认),国王完全受妻子的控制,以至于她是这个国家的实际统治者。,由于因特网的使用,许多虚拟社区建立起来。,With the use of the Internet,many virtual communities are set up.,译:The king was so much under the influence of his wife that she was the virtual ruler of the country.,符合条件满足某人的需求达到目的偿付费用/账单/债务,meet the qualifications formeet sb.s demand/needmeet sb.s objectivesmeet sb.s expenses/bills/debts,meet ones debts/do extra work,In order to meet her debts as soon as possible,she had to do extra work at night.,为尽快偿还债务,她只得在晚上额外工作。,Back,知识链接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,满足最低限度/要求,要想成为一名军人,就必须满足军队规定的体格要求。,to meet the minimum standards,Back,become a serviceman/meet physical standards/set by the army,To become a serviceman,one must meet certain physical standards set by the army.,短 语 应 用,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,commitment:n.,1)(对工作或某活动)献身,投入(Oxford)A career as a teacher requires one hundred per cent commitment.2)承诺,许诺,保证请进来看看我们的商店,不一定要买东西。Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anything.,commit mit suicidecommit theftcommit to doing commit oneself to doing commit sth.to(doing)sth.把某物专门用于 committed time,18.feel like doing(L37)want to do sth.,Use it What do you feel like doing when tired?What do you feel like doing on weekends?,TipsEnjoying music/doing light reading/;going shopping/visiting my friends/having a picnic.,to feel like doing sth.,想做某事,Back,online games/get fun out of sth./feel like,She got so much fun out of online games that she did not feel like going to school at all.,短 语 应 用,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,她从网络游戏中获得了很多的乐趣,根本不想上学了。,尝到刻苦学习的甜头/得到的好处to reap the benefits of hard work(L.42),网上聊天使我能尝到学英语的甜头。,Online chatting made it possible for me to reap the benefits of English learning.,上一页,下一页,Back,reap the reward of years of study 从多年研究中获得报偿 reap the fruits of ones actions 获得自己努力的成果.,trade(in)for:exchange for,Use it He decided to trade his car for a truck.,In order to pay off his debts,he had to trade in his piano for money.,Compare:trade on-make use of,He traded on his brothers kindness to get more money from him.,他利用哥哥的善良,想从他那儿多弄点钱。,not to trade/exchange/give sth.for anything,拿什么都不换,一个人可倾其所有与其所求进行交易,但不可用尊严而为之。,Back,all one has/what one wants/dignity,One can trade all one has but dignity for what one wants.,短 语 应 用,短语逆译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,to give me insights into another culture 使我认识了另一种文化,这位老师对儿童的情感有不同寻常的了解。,The teacher had unusual insight into childrens emotions,上一页,下一页,.Now that I speak a foreign language,instead of staring into space when English is being spoken,I can participate and make friends.,Now that.,由于既然,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Now that youve passed your driving test,you can drive on your own.,你驾驶考试既已合格,就可以独自开车了。既然已经接到邀请参加婚礼,你最好准时去。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Now that you are invited to take part in the wedding ceremony,youd better go on time.,应用:a.既然我们上远程英语课,而不再因在普通课堂上出错感到难堪,那我们就应从网上学习中有所收获。,Now that we have taken the online course,instead of feeling embarrassed when making mistakes in the regular class,we should r