大学英语改革费时低效思考录,洪庆福常熟理工学院,提纲,一.历史的回顾二大学英语改革与教学的困境(2000-)三目前大学英语教学的费时低效四问题、争论、关系与倾向五一个实验的介绍,一、历史的回顾,1.苏联影响阶段-大学几无英语(1952-1977)2.大学英语的最初实践(1977-1985)3.大学英语教学的横空出世(1985-1989)4.大学英语课程的整合与提高(1989-2000),1.苏联影响阶段-大学几无英语(1952-1977),所谓五项基本技能(俄语):听说读写译本末倒置的灾难:理论上:无本之技或缺了知识的基础(中西方文化与社会),简单的整体论:中国传统文化(佛教)使然:口耳鼻舌身意(粗略的六根)-综合技能训练小班教学的观念的形成的渊薮技工而非技术;技术而非科学听之以耳(只能囿于班级);说之以鼓舌(无话语对象重复多于创造)读之以声(大声朗读、死记硬背,而不会默读、默诵)写之以手(不知心声形之以墨;连篇累牍刻板式抄写)译之以法(天地人不知何物中式英语、语法式英语比比皆是),2.大学英语的最初实践(1977-1985),英语九百句许国璋英语灵格风英语新概念英语英美概况,简写本:飘、雾都孤儿、双城记、蝴蝶梦、简爱、三个火枪手汤姆叔叔的小屋等等以(中西)文化养文字功夫以英美原文(泛读)滋润英文感觉、味道以长篇小说(简写或改编)塑造话语氛围以外报外刊阅读与欣赏引发交流的欲望,3.大学英语教学的横空出世(1985-1989),精读听说写作:高考作文的无端三论的祖先-三段论作无病之呻吟翻译:句子翻译而已小结:大学英语教育沦为四级考试的婢女;,4.大学英语课程的整合与提高(1989-2000),课程的标准化:精读走向阅读-阅读走向综合听说走向视听说-视听说写作的词汇化、美语话、套路化翻译的文化性与科技性教材的标准化(部编、优秀教材、推荐教材、引进教材)大学英语教师队伍的空前扩张与膨胀(并校引发),二大学英语改革与教学的困境(2000-),1.多端寡要高大全变相的文革浪潮:一个现实表象的分析,阅读走向综合(无所不教-不知教什么:主题大义、词汇结构重组、各种练习)视听说走向多媒体(无情无义、面无表情的教师;价值理性与工具理性的倒置);口笔译双管齐下(手忙脚乱的翻译句法/句型+词汇/短语);应试教育与能力教育并驾(是非短长争论不休);基础教育与拓展课程齐驱(专业要求与日俱增);四六级考试步步紧逼、国外考试长驱直入(各种教材、教辅、习题目不暇接),2.定位含混我是谁改革的悉听尊便:一个了无主体(大学英语部)的大学英语教学改革文本,问题:全国大学英语教育指导(专家)委员会有无一般本一类、本二类、本三类院校的代表参加?,答案是不言自明的;但是,其所提出的主张(全国一盘棋)作为权力话语,一经成为指导意见,则在全国各地各类高校成为指令一个不无计划经济痕迹、浸润着权威主义意志,并得到各类高校教务处支持的大学英语改革的行动指南。一个指导方针+一套课程体系+一个检测标准VS不能你是什么样的学生、专业或学校。,3.上下左右你使唤教学的东奔西走:一个毫无主体(大学英语教师)的大学英语教学活动,毫无主体(大学英语教师)的大学英语教学活动课程众多,往往一身三任(三种课程);课时零乱(其他公共课程与专业课程先得月);课堂分散(跨校区);课务繁重(教学计划的制订、教案的编写、相互听课、集体备课、作业批改、网络平台跟踪等等),结果:苦其心志、劳其筋骨天降大学英语教学重任于教师这一迷失的主体(Walt Whitman,as exposed thru Leaves of Grass,delivers the notion that subjectivity,on a jointly creative theatre like teaching-learning drama,enlists an utter abandon on the part of the initiator and the invited so that latent forces are liberated toward an elated life lived and enjoyed over dialogue.),如果说,作者、作品与读者构成了诗学的基本框架,那么,教师作为精耕细作者、教师的传道受业、释疑解惑之作为,以及学生这三者则构成了教学之学的基本框架。事实是,在当下的由上而下的大学英语教学体系中,三位一体之“圣父”(教师)与“圣灵”(教师的教学活动)虚位,“圣子”遭弃,不得复活。,三目前大学英语教学的费时低效,投入产出“经济学”分析:劳力+种子+土地=收获A大学英语劳力(教师)+B大学英语种子(教科书等等及其所含英语知识内容)+C大学英语土地(学生)=D大学英语教学成效,A:疲于奔命的A耗费大量时间与精力于上课(粗放劳动力)、名目繁多的教改、实验课程、拓展课程,B:离开了A,B则从有机成为无机(片段、碎片、皮屑、僵化的单词、句法等等),C:(C1+C2+C3)C1皋壤之地(20%)-不教而能(发展方向明确、学习方法成熟、积极主动者)者+C2盐碱地者(30%本三-20%本二-10%本一)-播而无望(厌学者、问题学生、消极悲观前途渺茫者)+C3得过且过者(60)-农耕文明之遗民、日出而作、日落而休的考试及格万岁者,D:问题-收获、成效在哪里?,四问题、争论、关系与倾向,1.问题,我们所必须回答的问题:问苍天,大学英语究为何物?一寓于多(参差不齐的后高中非英语专业英语);故标准不能定于一是;教材建设与开发要具有多样化地形形貌(学生这一土壤)的针对性。,2.争论,所必须弃绝的争论:别了,大学英语教学的这个领先,那个领先!英语在我国为外语,而非第二语言;所以,贯穿始终的原则应该是:学生方面的repetitive-perceptive-cognitive-communicative 的learning curve的把握;教师方面的initiatory-expository-complementary-translatory的teaching curve的坚持。,3.关系,所必须矫正的师生关系:1)变我教你学的关系为我导你演的关系课堂即舞台choreograpgh the theatre of English learning2)变你我互为主客的关系为信息沟通有无的关系课堂即交际act out the power of exchange,4.倾向,必须坚决防止与抵制的倾向:一味迎合各专业系科的要求,发展所谓的“物流/管理/会计等专业英语”教学1)大学英语应该是一个独立的学科;2)大学英语教师应该有不同于专业英语教师的使命、职责和职业发展方向。,五一个实验的介绍,学生:repetitive-perceptive-cognitive-communicative action老师:initiatory-expository-complementary-translatory design,Transcript:President Bush Eulogizes Ronald ReaganText of President Bushs euology for former President Ronald Reagan delivered at the funeral service at the National Cathedral:,Mrs.Reagan,Patti,Michael and Ron,members of the Reagan family,distinguished guests,including our presidents and first ladies,Reverend Danforth,fellow citizens,we lost Ronald Reagan only days ago but we have missed him for a long time.(称谓)We have missed his kindly presence,that reassuring voice and the happy ending we had wished for him.(修辞三一),It has been 10 years since he said his own farewell,yet it is still very sad and hard to let him go.(口语化的亲切)Ronald Reagan belongs to the ages now,but we preferred it when he belonged to us.(虚拟语气与情感),In a life of good fortune(基督教思想-中西文化对比),he valued above all the gracious gift of his wife,Nancy.During his career,Ronald Reagan passed through a thousand crowded places,but there was only one person,he said,who could make him lonely by just leaving the room.(对比修辞)America honors you,Nancy,for the loyalty and love you gave this man on a wonderful journey and to that journeys end.(人生如旅何谓相濡以沫),Today,our whole nation grieves with you and your family.When the sun sets tonight off the coast of California and we lay to rest our 40th president,a great American story will close.(美国式修辞)The second son of Nell and Jack Reagan first knew the world as a place of open plains,quiet streets,gas-lit rooms and carriages drawn by horse.(张艺谋的艺术),If you could go back to the Dixon,Illinois,of 1922,youd find a boy of 11 reading adventure stories at the public library or running with his brother Neil along Rock River,and coming home to a little house on Hennepin Avenue.(致悼词时的交流)That town was the kind of place he remembered where you prayed side by side with your neighbors.And if things were going wrong for them,you prayed for them and knew theyd pray for you if things went wrong for you.(基督教道德与和谐社会),The Reagan family would see its share of hardship,struggle and uncertainty.(修辞三分)And out of that circumstance came a young man of steadiness,calm and a cheerful confidence that life would bring good things.(何谓倒装句型)The qualities all of us have seen in Ronald Reagan were first spotted 70 and 80 years ago.As the lifeguard in Lowell Park,he was the protector,keeping an eye out for trouble.(由小见大),As a sports announcer on the radio,he was the friendly voice that made you see the game as he did.(身临其境)As an actor he was the handsome all-American good guy,which in his case required knowing his lines and being himself.(德艺双馨)Along the way certain convictions were formed and fixed in the man.,Ronald Reagan believed that everything happens for a reason and that we should strive to know and do the will of God.He believed that the gentleman always does the kindest thing.He believed that people were basically good and had the right to be free.He believed that bigotry and prejudice were the worst things a person could be guilty of.He believed in the golden rule and in the power of prayer.He believed that America was not just a place in the world,but the hope of the world.(雄辩).,There were no doubters in the prisons and gulags,where dissidents spread the news,tapping to each other in code what the American president had dared to say.There were no doubters in the shipyards and churches and secret labor meetings where brave men and women began to hear the creaking and rumbling of a collapsing empire.And there were no doubters among those who swung hammers at the hated wall that the first and hardest blow had been struck by President Ronald Reagan.(世界文化纵横),Many people across the country cherish letters he wrote in his own hand to family members on important occasions,to old friends dealing with sickness and loss,to strangers with questions about his days in Hollywood.A boy once wrote to him requesting federal assistance to help clean up his bedroom.(LAUGHTER),The president replied that,Unfortunately,funds are dangerously low.(LAUGHTER)He continued,Im sure your mother was fully justified in proclaiming your room a disaster.(LAUGHTER).therefore you are in an excellent position to launch another volunteer program in our nation.(LAUGHTER)Congratulations.(妙趣横生),We know,as he always said,that Americas best days are ahead of us.But with Ronald Reagans passing,some very fine days are behind us.And that is worth our tears.(什么是语言的魅力).Now death has done all that death can do,and as Ronald Wilson Reagan goes his way,we are left with the joyful hope he shared.In his last years he saw through a glass darkly.Now he sees his savior face to face.And we look for that fine day when we will see him again,all weariness gone,clear of mind,strong and sure and smiling again,and the sorrow of this parting gone forever.May God bless Ronald Reagan and the country he loved.(对基督教文化中的生死观的阐释),