Making a good impression,How to make a good impression,To make a good impression,we have to have deep confidence in ourselves.If you are calm and confident,the other person will feel more at ease and this makes a solid foundation of a good first impression.The next thing is your appearance.Although physical appearance seems to be more important nowadays,dont get upset if you are not born pretty/handsome.Try presenting yourself appropriately,start with the way you dress.Dress for occasions,do not dress for your own mood.Make sure that you look clean and tidy as this help to make a good impression.Well,the most important thing is a smile.,How to make a good impression,“Smile and the world smiles too.”A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.You have to look sincere and true while you are smiling.When it comes to making the first impression,body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.Thus,stand tall,smile(of course),make eye contact,greet with a firm handshake.All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person feel better at ease.,How to make a good impression,Conversations should be short and sweet.Dont talk non-stop as this makes the other person bored.Try to find something common between the two of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.Your attitude is also what counts in a good impression.Stay positive,courteous and dont start criticising people or make sarcastic comments because this will spoil your image.,