Today,I want to introduce a film.Through the film,I would like to inquire into the way to success and the attitude toward life.,Most people are ordinary.They dont have superpowers and exciting life experiences.They often lose targets and only live for living.,Im also a member of these people.I failed so many times and success was so rare for me.I sometimes ask myself why I live in the world.For breathing,for food or for sleeping?This is also the question that waterboys often ask themselves.,THE LEADING MAN,In the film,Suzuki(铃木)is a common senior student.He is also a very unlucky boy,who almost does everything to defeat.,However,everything changes when a female swimming instructor appears.The new coming teacher who is a beautiful woman takes part in the school swimming club.Immediately,the club which only Cuzuki stays in is packed with boys.But the funny thing happens,when the teacher says that she plans to teach them synchronized swimming(花样游泳).Immediately,the swimming club is empty again.,Only stay five boys in the club,including Suzuki.Before the boys start their first practice,another funny thing happens.The female coach is found to have been in the family way for 8 months.She has to go home for the baby,leaving the five boys stay there as a fool.,Four of the boys want to give up,but Suzuki disagrees.He want to try,because he is so eager for success.The others decide to stay in the club for their friendship and success,after a heated debate.Then they begin to practice the synchronized swimming by themselves.Of course,because of lack of guidance,their first performance is ended up as a tragicomedy.,But they dont give up.Suzuki finds a instructor afterwards,although he is an animal trainer in the aquarium(水族馆).The waterboys have no choice but to make every possible effort(死马当活马医),if they want to succeed.Luckily,the trainer agrees to help them.,Finally,great changes happen in their life.,After some strange practice,like a wonder,the waterboys are able to perform the synchronized swimming(花样游泳).And they also attract many boys to join by an accident report.,At the end,the waterboys succeed to play a wonderful performance in a high school for girls.The girls are so crazy about their play.,The waterboys persue their dreams without giving up.Its the way to success.,The life,which has friends and happiness,is a real life.,Thats what I think about success and life after watching this film.If you have not seen it,I advise you to watch it.,Thank you,The End,