英语专业重点课程教学团队申报,南阳理工学院外语系第二外语IV,主讲教师:王 苗职 称:讲 师,1,Unit one,主要内容,主要内容:,(一)proverbs(二)information about Beijing Olympic Games(三)lead-in listening(四)New words and phrases(五)conversations about the opening ceremony(六)detail Analysis of Text A:main idea,structure,sentences,key words(七)writing techniques,2,Unit one,(一)团队组成,(一)proverbs,*(1)champion*(2)dream*(3)desire*(4)vision,W M,3,Unit one,(二)团队带头人,*(二)information about Beijing Olympic Games,*(1)motto,slogan*(2)five friendlies*(3)statidium,W.,4,Unit one,(三)教学工作,(三)lead-in listening,5,英语专业重点课程教学团队,Spectacular spektkjula.壮观的 n.壮观的演出,惊人之举spectator spekteit n.观众,旁观者Stand n.台;摊;立场On the courts网球等的)场地mat:(体操,摔跤用的)垫子 On the springboard跳板 On the rings马戏场;拳击场,(三)教学工作,6,英语专业重点课程教学团队,Savor He drank the wine slowly,savoring every drop.cauldron k:ldrn n.大锅,大汽锅 parade preid n.游行,检阅 vi.参加游行,阅兵,散步,炫耀 vt.使参加游行,校阅,绕行,夸耀 The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.He is always parading his knowledge.Remarkable,unusual,Soar:rise rapidlyInspiration:鼓舞 灵感,(三)教学工作,(四)New words and phrases,7,英语专业重点课程教学团队,Ceremony,millennium,unique,gratitude,hospitality,dedication,exceptional,present,sponsor,tribute,creed,proclaim,triple,homage,Owe,marvelous,revive,culmination,doping,conduct,tolerance,override,barrier,truce,grieve.,(五)conversation about the opening ceremony,英语专业重点课程教学团队,8,The time of opening Ceremony2008.08.08 20:00pm the contemporary drum sequence by 2,008 Fou drummers,Opening ceremony,英语专业重点课程教学团队,9,2.A trail of 29 fireworks in the shape of footprints.,英语专业重点课程教学团队,10,Twenty fairies were suspended in midair as they hovered near the giant Olympic rings,(1.1)团队校级以上教改项目,the performance of 9-year-old Lin Miaoke.,11,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(1.2)团队校级以上教改项目,a short film depicting the making of paperother Chinese fine arts artifacts beamed on a giant LED paper scrollreciting excerpts from the Confucius Analects,12,英语专业重点课程教学团队,英语专业重点课程教学团队,13,terracotta soldiers,Chinese opera and female dancers dressed in Tang-era clothingthe Tai Chi performance by 2,008 Tai Chi masters in whitethe 2008 Olympic theme song:You and Metorch relay and the lighting of the flame cauldron,(3)团队地市级以上科研项目,welcome:verbShe was there to welcome him home from war.她在那里欢迎他从战场回家。例:.a welcoming speech.欢迎辞。.CONVENTION You use welcome in expressions such as welcome home,welcome to Boston,and welcome back when you are greeting someone who has just arrived somewhere.欢迎来到套语例:Welcome to Washington.欢迎来到华盛顿。,(3)Sentences structures,14,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(4.1)教学团队获得教学成果奖情况,(4.1)key sentences structures,Our gratitude goes to sb for sth(reasons)Thank you to sb for sth Our thanks goes toOur warmest thanks toBe grateful to sb for sth Sport-loving,15,(4.2)教学团队获得教学成果奖情况,(4.2)感谢短语,I would like to express our thanks to sb for sthPay tribute toGoes back overCome back to,trace back to Honor Sb/sth is honoring sb for Sb/sth is thanking you for I have the honor of doing I would like to honor,16,(五)教材建设,pay some country a homage Owe Brotherhood:Overriding,regardless of,May the games be held in peace,in the true spirit of the Olympic truce that was created here!,17,(五)教材建设,*(grammar and language points),18,1、dreamd of/about doing sth You have chosen as the theme of these games“one world,one dream”.2、grieved with sb over/for sth 3、may these Olympic games bring you joy,hope and pride.Tireless CeaselessHopelessHomeless As we bring the Olympic dream to life,*Indebted,ADJ-GRADED 感激的;感恩的If you say that you areindebted tosomeone for something,you mean that you are very grateful to them for something.I am deeplyindebtedto him for his help.我非常感激他对我的帮助。,19,.I have expressed the depth of mygratitudeto him.我向他表示了深切的谢意He believes in that children shouldbegratefuland accept the fact.他主张孩子们应感谢并接受这一事实。.I deeplyappreciateyour kindness in coming so far to meet me.有劳远迎VERB 感谢;感激If youappreciatesomething that someone has done for you or is going to do for you,you are grateful for it.Peter stood by me when I most needed it.Ill alwaysappreciatethat.当我最需要的时候,彼得在我身边支持我。我将永存感激,20,(七)队伍建设,*owe,VERB 欠(情);感激If you say that youowea great dealtosomeone or something,you mean that they have helped you or influenced you a lot,and you feel very grateful to them.Hes been fantastic.Iowehim a lot.他真是个大好人,我欠他太多了。,21,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(七)队伍建设,英语专业重点课程教学团队,22,1)VERB 应该给予(某人感激、尊重、忠诚等)If you say that youowesomeone gratitude,respect,or loyalty,you mean that they deserve it from you.Perhaps weowethese people more respect.也许我们应该给予这些人更多的尊重。Ioweyou an apology.You must have found my attitude very annoying.我应该向你道歉。你一定觉得我的态度很恶劣吧。Iowea big debt of gratitude to her.我对她万分感激。,*owe,英语专业重点课程教学团队,23,come back to1.回到2.返回到3.复活,苏醒过来4.回到学校Shes waiting patiently in the fond belief hellcomebacktoher.2.Pleasecomebacktodinner this evening as early as possible.3.Hescomebacktothe villagetosee us folks.,(七)come back to,Obliged,1.CONVENTION 感激不尽;不胜感激People sometimes useobligedin expressions such as much obliged or I am obliged to you when they want to indicate that they are very grateful for something.Muchobligedfor your assistance.对您的帮助我不胜感激。Thank you very much indeed,Doctor,I am extremelyobligedto you.大夫,太感谢您了,您真是我的大恩人。,24,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(1)建设高水平的师资队伍,以英语专业主要课程为依托,加强教学、科研和学科建设之间相互交流与沟通,形成一支教学与科研相结合、拔尖人才带头、结构合理、充满活力的英语专业重点课程教学团队。大胆改革,增加投入,夯实学科基础,实行培养和引进相结合,逐步建立形成英语专业应用型人才培养基地。引进和培养博士充实教师队伍。加强青年教师培养,鼓励教师外出进修,促使青年教师迅速成长。加强学术和教学研究,营造求真、务实、严谨、创新的治学氛围。积极稳妥地造就学术大师,使科学研究和教学效果继续达到国内先进地位。,(1)建设高水平的师资队伍,25,英语专业重点课程教学团队,Trace back to,Her fear of water can betracebacktoa childhood accident.她很怕水,起因可归于儿时的一次事故。The origin on Thanksgiving Day shouldtracebacktothe making a start of U.感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。,26,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(3)以素质教育为目标,狠抓教学改革,(3)dates back to,追溯到;从开始The castle dates back to the 14th century.该城堡建于14世纪。The history of the town dates back to the Middle Ages.这个城镇的历史可回溯到中世纪。All the cupboards and appliances dated from the 1950s.所有这些橱柜和家用电器都是 20世纪 50 年代的物品。The present controversy dates from 1986.现在的这一争议始于 1986 年。,27,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(4)提高团队师资业务水平,,MODAL 祝;但愿People sometimes usemayto express hopes and wishes.Courage seems now to have deserted him.May it quickly reappear.他现在似乎失去了勇气,但愿他能很快重新振作起来。May you succeed.(祝你成功),这里succeed is verb.May God bless.(神保佑你),(4)may,28,英语专业重点课程教学团队,(5)积极参加教学改革与研究,May that day come soon.但愿这天早日到来。May you succeed in winning the first prize in the game.祝愿你比赛夺冠成功。May you continue in your efforts and achieve greater successes.祝愿你继续努力并取得更大的成功。成语:may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为不妨。If that is the case,we may as well try.出于这种情况,我们不妨试试,29,(7)三年具体的建设任务,30,1)Welcomeis also a noun.Environmental groups have given a guardedwelcometo the Prime Ministers proposal.环保组织对首相的提议表示谨慎的欢迎。这些动词均有“欢迎,致敬,致意,招呼”之意。address:侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。greet:常指友好而热诚地欢迎。salute:正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。hail:主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。welcome:多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。,*welcome,英语专业重点课程教学团队,31,The delegates received a welcoming speech by the President.总统致词欢迎代表们。2.CONVENTION(用于表示问候)欢迎来到You usewelcomein expressions such aswelcome home,welcome to London,andwelcome backwhen you are greeting someone who has just arrived somewhere.Welcome to Washington.欢迎来到华盛顿。make someone welcome款待某人outstay(或 overstay)ones welcome(来访者)因呆得太久而不再受欢迎,Thank you your attention!,