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    Research Methods 英语教研室,From holistic research to partial studiesSynthetic approach vs analytic approach,holistic research to partial studies综合法 分析法整体 部分整体观 成分观面向内部结构 面向外部结构了解过程 了解结果,Inductive approach VsDeductive approachExamples for these,Inductive approach vs Deductive approach归纳法-演绎法1.以数据为出发点 以假设为出发点2.没有事先形成的看法 进行预示3.可以生成假设 检验假设4.成果:描述或提出假设 成果:理论,Qualitative approach定性 Vs Quantitative approach定量 What are they?,Qualitative approach includesObservation participant参与者It inc interview,taperecording,diary,camera shooting,video no-participant observation(judge in a contest)Verbal reporting 口头自述 Eg,at that time,I was just going homeQuestionnaire;data analysis.etc,Quantitative approach1.statistical method(random sampling)Rocktea to whitemouse,2.experimental methodExperimental group vs controlling group,Variables(independent variable vs dependent variable)Method as ivWhile scores,performance as dvModerate variable(more time for learning)Control variable as(same teacher,and book),Qualitative approach quantitative approach Participation to acquire experience experience to acquire data只有通过个人主观经验才能认识人类行为 只有摆脱主观状态才能了解社会 现象的因果关系 了解就是移情 了解要保持距离依赖定性数据 依赖定量数据,Research a systematic process of inquiry:,1)a question,problem,or hypothesis2)data;3)analysis and interpretation of data.,创新的几个要素,新问题新材料新数据新方法新观点新理论,1.确定方向、选好课题,有价值、有持续发展的可能符合自己的兴趣爱好自己力所能及,两种不同目的的研究,(1)用国外理论解决中国(中文)的问题(2)用中国(中文)的事实解决国际学术领域的问题,6.理论联系实际,教学理论:联系教学实际语言理论:联系语言实际(认知,隐喻,社会语言学,语用学),跨文化交际文学理论:联系具体作家、文本和作品翻译理论:联系具体译作应用英语:联系实际工作、业务;业务素质、能力等,2.论文题目的确定,大处着眼,小处入手题目尽量反映具体的研究内容和方法,例:Classroom Interactive Practices for Developing L2 Literacy:A Microethnographic Study of Two Beginning Adult Learners of English,A New Approach to Assessing Strategic Learning:The Case of Self-Regulation in Vocabulary Acquisition The Role of Formulaic Language in Second Language Acquisition:A Review The Construction of Stance in Reporting Clauses:A Cross-disciplinary Study of Theses,3.摘要的撰写,介绍选题的意义交代研究的方法描述得出的结论,例1:,Abstract:Three components of SLA research,input/output,internal/external factors and interlanguage system,have close relation with cognitive linguistics,and doing research on the process of SLA perspectives is of guiding improtance and of practical value to SLA and college English teaching.,例2:Modelling Learning Difficulty and Second Language Proficiency:The Differential Contributions of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge Rod Ellis University of Auckland,This article re-examines the question of what makes some grammatical structures more difficult to learn than others,arguing that this question can only be properly understood and investigated with reference to the distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge of a second language.Using a battery of tests that were designed to measure implicit and explicit L2 grammatical knowledge of seventeen grammatical structures(Ellis 2005),learning difficulty in relation to these two types of knowledge was investigated.,The results showed that structures that were easy in terms of implicit knowledge were often difficult in terms of explicit knowledge and sometimes vice versa and that,overall,there was no correlation between the rank orders of difficulty of seventeen grammatical structures for the two types of knowledge.A correlational analysis showed that the structures varied as to whether it was implicit or explicit knowledge of them that was related to a measure of general language proficiency.A regression analysis demonstrated that both types of knowledge predict general language proficiency.,例3:The“you(have)”Construction in Chinese:a Cognitive Analysis,In Chinese,the“you(have)+(neutral)n.”construction can be used as an adjective denoting positive degrees or properties.For example,(1)Li xiaojie you liandan,you shencai.Ms Li has face has body.Ms Li has a beautiful face and a good figure.,Previous researches(Zhang,2002,Shi,2004)have found that not all nouns used in this construction can lead to an adjectival interpretation.Shi(2004)points out that the noun in this construction refers to a social average,and the whole construction means something like“having something better(or more)than average”.For example,“you liandan”(have a face)actually means“having a better than average face”,or“looking pretty”.,But what special semantic properties do the nouns used in the constructions have?Why do such constructions usually suggest a positive(or better-than-average)interpretation?What are the cognitive bases for the interpretation?What have prompted the speaker to use a construction like this instead of explicitly using a positive adjective before the noun?These are the questions the present paper tries to focus on from a cognitive perspective.,Using data from“A dictionary of Modern Chinese”(2005),the author finds that nouns that can be used in this construction are restricted in number and have the following properties:(1)having to do with body parts,e.g.:三围(three measurements:the bosom,the waist and the bottom);脸蛋(face),脑袋(head),身材(figure),胸脯(bosom),etc;(2)denoting human properties,e.g.:地位(position),见解(opinion),价值观(value),觉悟(consciousness),礼数(manners),力气(strength),品格(personality),etc;(3)measurements and quantity,e.g.:尺度(measurements),水平(level),年纪(age),etc.,These nouns are neutral with respect to the degrees of the measurements or quantities(social average),but when used in the“you”(have)construction denoting possession,they imply a special degree,usually a positive one,or a better-than-average value.I argue that the positive interpretation of this type of“you”construction is the result of an interaction between the construction and the noun in question.As the nouns mostly denote properties that people desire,they normally lead to a positive interpretation when used with“you”(have).,Cognitively speaking,by making some common property a salient,prominent possession of someone concerned,the property immediately becomes the figure and the properties that other(average)people have become the background.The figure thus achieves special prominence in contrast to the background average.Using a neutral noun in the“you construction”and omitting a positive adjective increases cognitive processing effort but achieves the effect of brevity,indirectness and fuzziness.Such constructions are also used very often in parallels for rhythm and forcefulness.,修改意见,Thanks for this,and apologies for the delay.Let me say some things about the abstract,that I hope are useful.On your title,I think I would say The you(have)construction in Chinese.I think I would also add a Chinese character and a number superscript on you to indicate the tone.That,to my eyes,would make it look a little more serious.,First line,I would change the scare quotes.Id say something like the you(have)+(neutral)n.etc.(Same point as for title,really.)In example(1),I would embellish the Chinese sentence with tones and characters,just to make it look more serious.Change Previous researches to Previous research and have to hasSame remarks for you example in the last line of this paragraph.,Typically,one doesnt put questions in an abstract.I dont know whether I am old fashioned but it seems to me that abstracts should only contain declaratives.Maybe you could find an alternative way of expressing paragraph two.,These are just a few thoughts about the abstract.I think abstracts are incredibly hard things to write and they always take me days and days to get right.I think abstract readers(selection committees)like precise examples so that they can see the general drift of the analysis,if not the analysis itself,and personally I like abstracts that contain material that challenges some significant piece of theory,that is,that do not just present descriptions of things.Its nice to have a good argument sometimes.,4.关键词的选择,学科领域问题研究方法,社科学术论文中关键词的标引关键词 关键词;关键词标引;规范标引The Mark of Key Wordsin Social Academic Articles Key words key words;the mark of key words;criterion马克思劳动价值论争 50 年(王璐,思想战线,200516),关键词:马克思;劳动;价值观;争论,:经 济 学 怎 样 成 了 一 门“数 学 科学”经济思想史的一种简要考察(贾根良、徐尚,南开学报 哲社版,200515),关键词:数学形式主义;数学;本位论;实在论,例1:,第二代认知科学与概念范畴关键词:范畴;具身哲学;动态构建;启示Key words:category;embodiment;dynamic construal;implications,例2:,The Acquisition order of coherence relations:On cognitive complexity in discourseKey words:child language;discourse coherence;Cognition;Dutch,Aspect interpretation in Russian a pragmatic account Key words:aspect;Russian;Semantics;Pragmatics;GCI-theory,8.结论,与引言和摘要呼应交代问题的提出与本研究的成果指出研究的局限和进一步研究的方向,三线表格的使用(1)先制作一个普通表格。打开菜单“表格插入表格”,选择列数“3”、行数“4”,文档中出现一个三列四行的带框线表格。输入内容,注意要选“左对齐”。(2)鼠标移到在表格左上角,出现四向箭头时选中表格(点黑),打开菜单“格式边框和底纹”,在设置中选择“无”,取消表格的所有框线。(3)再选中表格,打开菜单“格式边框和底纹”,在线型宽度下拉列表中选择一条粗一点的线,如1又1/2磅,在右边的各种实框线中,为表格添加“上”、“下”框线。确定。(4)下面需要添加标题栏的横线。打开“视图工具栏绘图”,添加绘图工具栏。点击绘图中的直线工具,按住shift键,手画一条与表格线等长的细线。(5)此时手绘线可能不在合适的位置,偏上或偏下,按住Alt键,用鼠标移动直线到合适的位置上。点击工具栏上的“打印预览”,就可以看到一个简单的三线表已经画好了。还可以修饰一下内容文字,使其与标题文字的位置相配。,不同论文写作的研究方法可以有所侧重,也可以融合。附件是参考范文。仔细阅读,揣摩其方法。纸质版的是本科论文样本,希望能够超越之。,TIGER,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart?And when thy heart began to beat,What dread hand and what dread feet?What the hammer?what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?What the anvil?What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears,And waterd heaven with their tears,Did He smile His work to see?Did He who made the lamb make thee?Tiger,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?虎,虎,于黑夜的林木 明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿?在多远的深渊或穹苍点燃 你双眼的烈焰?他挥动的是怎样的翅翼?捕捉火舌的是怎样的手指?用怎样的臂力和巧妙 把你的心脏打造?当你的心脏开始跳动 他有怎样的从容?是怎样的锤?是怎样的锁链?在怎样的熔炉里把你的脑筋锻炼?用怎样的铁砧?用怎样的掌力 紧紧握住这个致命的危机?当星辰纷纷把长矛抛纵 而且用泪水洒满天篷 他是否看着自己的作品微笑?他是否创制了你又创制羊羔?虎,虎,于黑夜的林木 明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿?,Some Examples of Cultural Differences,Suggested points,THANK YOU!,


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