1.Cash Transaction现金/现钞/现汇交易,现汇交易是指成交和结算在同一天发生的交易方式。,Cash transactions refer to a way of deal clinched and settled on the same day.,Spot Transactions现货/现汇交易;即期/现期交易;即期外汇交易,现汇交易是指外汇买卖成交后,交易双方于当天或两个交易日内办理交割手续的一种交易行为。,Spot transactions refer to a kind of trading behavior that both parties go through the formalities for delivery on the same day or within two days after clinching the foreign exchange business.,Forwards Transactions远期交易/期汇交易,远期交易是指交易双方在成交后并不立即办理交割,而是事先约定币种、金额、汇率、交割时间等交易条件,到期才进行实际交割的外汇交易。Forward transactions refer to a kind of trade that both parties do not deliver immediately after clinching a deal;but at a certain future time and pre-arranging currency,amount,exchange rate,delivery time and other trading conditions.,4.Swap Transactions掉期/调期交易,掉期交易是指交易双方约定在未来某一时期相互交换某种资产的交易形式。更为准确地说,掉期交易是当事人之间约定在未来某一期间内相互交换他们认为具有等价经济价值的现金流(Cash Flow的交易。Swap transactions refer to a kind of trade both parties agreed to exchange some form of assets at a future time.More accurately,the swap is agreed to exchange cash flows that the parties think have equivalent economic value during a certain period in the future.,5.International Arbitrage套汇交易,套汇交易是指套汇者利用不同地点、不同货币在汇率上的差异进行贱买贵卖,从中套取差价利润的一种外汇交易。International arbitrage refers to a kind of foreign exchange transactions that arbitrageurs use the difference between different currencies exchange rate in different locations to earn profits by buying low and selling high.,6.Future Transactions期货交易,期货一般是指期货合约,由期货交易所统一制定的、在将来某一特定时间和地点交割一定数量标的物的标准化合约。这个标的物,又叫基础资产,对期货合约所对应的现货。Futures generally refer to futures contracts,formulated uniformly by futures exchange,to deliver a certain amount of standardization of the subject matter of the contract at a certain future time and place.This subject matter,also called underlying assets,is the corresponding spot.,7.Options Transactions期权交易,期权(Options)是一种选择权,期权的买方向卖方支付一定数额的权利金后,就获得这种权利,即拥有在一定时间内以一定的价格(执行价格)出售或购买一定数量的标的物(实物商品、证券或期货合约)的权利(即期权交易)。Options is a kind of option,the option of buying pay a certain amount of royalties to the seller to get this right,which has the rights to sell or buy a certain number of the subject matter(physical commodity,security or futures contract)in a certain period of time at a certain price(the strike price).,