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    合同交易条款分类,必要交易条款,一般交易条款,品质、数量、包装,价格,装运,保险,支付,检验、索赔与异议,仲裁,不可抗力,S,Unit 12 Disputes,Claim and Arbitration 争议、索赔和仲裁,Disputes arise in international trade for many reasons,for instance,a buyer may breach a contract by wrongfully refusing to accept goods or failing to pay for the goods when payment is due:a seller may violate a contract by failing to make an agreed delivery,delivering goods that do not conform to the contract etc.Usually a claim will be made,after the disputes,by the injured party against the other party.,The objective of this chapter,Dispute and Claim 纠纷和索赔,Force Majeure 不可抗力,Arbitration 仲裁,Section One Dispute and Claim 纠纷和索赔,1、Breach of Contract 违约,Breach of contract means the refusal or failure by a party to a contract to fulfill an obligation imposed on him under that contract,resulting from,e.g.,repudiation of liability before completion,or conduct preventing proper performance.,1)Breach by the Seller,2)Breach by the Buyer,3)Both Parties are held responsible,As to the case,please refer to your case book,1.违约1)卖方违约:如不按合同规定的交货期交货;不交货等2)买方违约:在信用证支付条件下,不按期开证或不开证;无理拒收货物等3)买卖双方均负有责任:合同条款规定不明确,致使双方理解或解释不统一而引起纠纷,双方均有违约行为等,2、Disputes 争议,In international trade,disputes often arise between the two parties when one party thinks that the other fails to carry out the duties stipulated in the contract wholly or partially,which very likely leads to claim,arbitration and legal action.,3、Claim 索赔,Claim means that in international trade,one party breaks the contract and causes losses to the other party directly or indirectly,the party suffering the losses may ask for compensation for the losses.In some contract,the two parties often stipulate clauses on settlement of claim as well as inspection and claim clauses.,3.索赔所谓索赔,就是指争议发生后,遭受损害的一方向违约方提出赔偿的要求。买卖双方通常都会在合同中写明索赔的办法以及有关商检和索赔的条款。进出口合同中的索赔包括以下几个方面:索赔依据;索赔期限;罚金条款,Clauses in respect of claim in an import and export contract can be fixed as follows:,(1)Discrepancy and claim clause:Proofs Period for claim(2)Penalty,(1)异议与索赔条款 1.索赔依据。它规定索赔必须具备的证据和出证机构。索赔依据包括法律依据和事实依据两方面。2.索赔期限。指索赔方向违约方索赔的有效期限,逾期索赔无效。这里的索赔期限即检验条款中的买方对货物进行复验的有效期限。关于索赔期限的规定必须根据不同种类的商品做出合理安排。,Inspection of goods 货物的检验Time and place of inspection1.To make inspection in the export country 出口国检验2.To make inspection in the import country 进口国检验3.To make reinspection in the export country 出口国检验,进口国复验4.To make weight inspection at the port/place of shipment,quality inspection at the port/place of destination 装运港检验重量,目的港检验质量,返回目录,国外著名商检机构,商品检验机构:官方和私人的商检机构。如:瑞士通用鉴定公司(Societe General Surveillance 简称SGS)英国劳氏公证行(Loyds Surveyor)美国担保人实验所(Underwriters Laboratory)美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drugs Administration,简称F.D.A.)美国粮食检验署(FGES)罗马尼亚商品检验局、日本海事鉴定协会(NKKK)、日本谷物鉴定协会、香港天祥公证化验行等。,中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局及各地分局。从2000年1月1日起三检合一。检验依据:出口检验依据:合同合同的标准国家标准专业标准企业标准参照同类商品标准如用国外标准须与有关部门研究决定。进口检验依据:合同合同标准生产国标准国际通用标准进口国标准。复验:复验期限=索赔期限。公约2年。,我国检验及检验依据,检验检疫证书种类,1.品质检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Quality)2.重量检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Weight)3.数量检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Quantity)4.包装检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Packing)5.兽医检验证书(Veterinary Inspection Certificate),6.卫生检验证书(Sanitary Inspection Certificate)7.消毒检验证书(Disinfecting Inspection Certificate)8.熏蒸检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Fumigation)9.温度检验证书(Certificate of Temperature)10.残损检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Damaged Cargo)11.船舱检验证书(Inspection Certificate on Tank/Hold)12.价值检验证书(Certificate of Value),The sellers may settle the claim upon the agreement of the buyers in the following ways:,(1)Agree to the rejection of the goods and refund to the buyers the value of the rejected goods in the same currency as contracted herein,and bear all direct losses and expenses incurred from the rejection,including interest,banking charges,freight,insurance premium,inspection charges,storage charges and all other necessary expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods.,(2)Devaluate the goods according to the degree of inferiority,extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the buyers.(3)Replace the defective goods with new ones which conform to the specification,quality and performance as stipulated in the contract,and bear all expenses incurred and direct losses sustained by the buyers.The sellers shall,at the same time,guarantee the quality of the replaced goods for a further agreed period.,(2)Penalty罚金条款 也称为违约金条款或罚则,是指在合同中规定,一方如果未能履约或未完全履约,应向对方支付一定数额的约定罚金以弥补对方的损失。适用于卖方延期交货,或买方延期开立信用证或延期接货等场合。罚金的大小根据违约程度而定,并应规定最高限额。罚金的支付并不解除违约方继续履行的义务,因此,违约方除支付罚金外,仍应履行合同规定的义务。关于合同的罚金条款,各国的法律有不同规定。,4、Claim related to imports 进口方索赔,1)Claim against the seller 向卖方索赔 2)Claim against the shipping company 向船公司索赔 3)Claim against the insurance company向保险公司索赔,5、Claim Clauses 索赔条款,1)Discrepancy and claim clause,2)Proofs,3)Period for claim,4)Penalty,6、Problems Should be Paid Attention to When a Buyer Files a Claim,1)Proofs for claiming,2)Claim amount,3)Claim Period,4)Sellers Responsibility for Settlement,Section Two Force Majeure 不可抗力,Force majeure means that the frustration of the contract by the party in question results from natural or social forces including flood,earthquake,typhoon,fire,war and government decrees of prohibition beyond the control of man.,不可抗力又称人力不可抗拒,是指在合同签订后,由于一些自然因素或社会因素而引发的诸如洪水、地震、台风、火灾、战争等不为人类所能控制的意外事件,以致合同不能履行或不能按期履行时,遭受意外事件的当事人可免除其不履行或不按期履行合同的责任,而另一方不得要求赔偿损失,这些意外事件即称为不可抗力。,不可抗力,自然原因,社会原因,战争罢工禁运,洪水暴风干旱地震,一般的贸易商业风险不属于不可抗力,如汇率波动,商品价格升降等。,This party shall be free from liability for performance,or be given an option of prolonging the performance of the contract owing to the above-mentioned event or series of events.A contract may be suspended(暂缓执行)or terminated(终止)because of the consequence of a force majeure case.,意外事故,无法预见无法预防无法避免无法克服,推迟履行合同免除履行合同,Summary,In order to clarify what the term of force majeure covers under a particular contract,different ways have been adopted.,1 Stipulate the Force Majeure Clause in a General Way(概括式)2 Stipulate the Force Majeure Clause in a Way to List the Contents(列举式)3 Stipulate the Force Majeure Clause in a Way to Colligation(综合式),Section Three Arbitration 仲裁,Disputes commonly to be settled by 4 ways:Negotiation 协商 Conciliation/mediation 调解 Arbitration 仲裁 Litigation 诉讼,1、The definition of arbitration,Arbitration means that the two parties,before or after the disputes arise,reach a written agreement that they will submit the disputes which cannot be settled through amicable negotiations to the third party for arbitration.仲裁又称公断,指交易双方在争议发生前或争议发生后达成书面协议,自愿将他们的争议提交双方同意的仲裁机构裁决,以解决争议的一种方式。,2.Characteristics:(1)可以选择熟悉争议处理技巧、争议社会背景的仲裁员。(2)通过仲裁处理争议比较迅速,而法院审理有时则可能要几年才能将争议解决。(3)仲裁程序不如诉讼正式,当事人可以不请律师。(4)仲裁的审理和裁决可以不公开。(5)双方均有在仲裁机构中推选仲裁员的自由。(6)仲裁程序比诉讼简单,费用也较低。(7)裁决一般是终局的,对双方当事人都有约束力。,仲裁与诉讼的区别:诉讼具有管辖权,而仲裁没有;仲裁是建立在双方自愿之基础上的,必须先签订仲裁协议,仲裁机构只有收到当事人提交的仲裁协议才可受理仲裁机构一般是民间性机构 仲裁更具有灵活性和可执行性,3、The differences between arbitration and legal actions can be generalized as follows,4、Issues should be considered in the negotiation of arbitration:,(1)Place of Arbitration 仲裁地点(2)Arbitration Body 仲裁机构(3)Applicable arbitration rules 仲裁规则的适用(4)Arbitral Award 仲裁裁决,规定在我国仲裁的条款:“凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。”规定在被诉方所在国仲裁的条款:“凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交仲裁。仲裁在被诉方所在国进行。如果在中国,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。如果在国,则由(对方所在国仲裁机构名称)根据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。”规定在第三国仲裁的条款:“凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交(某第三国某地及某仲裁机构的名称)根据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。”,5、Examples of arbitration clauses,五、仲裁程序,1.申请;2.答辩和反诉(20天内指定仲裁员,45天答辩或反诉);3.仲裁庭的组成;4.审理(开庭前30天通知,不能出庭需提前12天通知仲裁庭5.保全措施(申诉方申请保全,并提供担保)6.裁决(开庭后45天内作出裁决)。仲裁总期限:从受理到裁决不超9个月。,七、仲裁裁决的承认和执行,在联合国主持下,1958年缔结了承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约(Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards)目前已有100多个国家加入,我国于1989年1月22日加入。中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则 2005,由不可抗力引发的争议案例 某年我国某公司与英国某公司成交某食品1500吨,每吨348磅CIF伦敦,总金额为522000英镑,交货期为当年59月。由于当时我方公司缺货,只交了450吨,其余1050吨经双方协商同意延长至下一年度内交货。次年,我国南方大部分地区发生自然灾害。于是,我方公司以不可抗力为理由,要求免除交货责任。但对方回电拒绝,并称该商品市场价格上涨,由于我方公司未交货已使其损失15万英镑,要求我方公司无偿提供其他品种的同类食品抵偿其损失。我方公司对此项要求不同意。,该外国公司根据仲裁条款规定向中国仲裁机构提出仲裁,仲裁申请中强调我方公司所称不可抗力的理由不充分,并指出我方公司如不愿以商品抵偿其损失,就坚持索赔15万英镑。在仲裁机构的调解下,双方经过多次协商,我方公司赔偿对方41820英镑结案。,Exercise,Please finish the exercise in the text bookCase Study:Please read your case book,


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