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    1,国际会议交流英语,本课程主要适用于具有大学英语六级水平或具有相当水平的专业人员。旨在进一步提高他们的学术英语表达能力,特别是提高学生使用英语在国际学术会议中宣读论文、即席答辩和交谈讨论的实际能力。,2,本课程特点是:,1注意突出学生“提高阶段”英语教学的层次较高、应用面广、学术性强的特点,注重培养学习者用英语进行国际学术交流的实际能力。2力求从实际出发,注重选材的先进性、实用性、针对性和导向性,确保内容全面、材料翔实、例证丰富、语言规范。3注意与“基础阶段”内容的衔接以及“提高阶段”课程内部的融会贯通。,3,国际会议交流英语是一个双重目的的课程,既有会议交流的基本知识,又有英语运用的综合训练,两条线索交叉展开。本课程将以国际学术会议的活动为序,主要内容包括:会议信息,会议联系,会议文稿,预读试讲,演讲开场,展开表达,结束演讲,现场提问,即席答辩,专业交谈,以及组织会议,主持讨论,会后联系等。,4,每个单元都设置有:Topical Highlights(专题要点),Theme Presentation(正文描述)Reflections and Practice(思考与实践)。,5,Unit 1Obtaining Conference Information,Topical Highlights Theme Presentation1.Different Kinds of Meetings2.Principal Conference Activities3.Classified Conference Information4.Available Information Sources,6,Reflections and Practice 1.Oral Work 2.Written Work 3.Research Work,7,Topical Highlights,Different Kinds of Meetings:meeting,conference,symposium,congress,convention,forum,seminar,workshop,colloquium,etc.,8,Principal Conference Activities:formal meetings,informal meetings,audio&visual presentations,teaching&consulting services,exhibitions and business talks,visits and other social activities:,9,Classified Conference Information:general information,paper submission提交 information,organizational information,participants information,conference program information,10,Available Information Sources:specialized periodicals 期刊announcing meetings,professional journals and magazines carrying meeting announcements,conference documents,centers/departments specialized in meetings or other international communication,11,Theme Presentation,1.Different Kinds of MeetingsNowadays,there are thousands of international meetings held worldwide every year.However,their names are different.They can be generally differentiated as follows.,12,1)Meeting,Meeting is a general and summary term of various kinds of assembly of people for a particular purpose.Its original meaning is to meet with each other,or to put heads together.In this sense,if there are more than two persons coming together,talking and discussing,the event can be called a meeting.,13,2)Conference,Conference讨论协商会 is a kind of formal meeting,often lasting for a few days.It is organized on a particular subject to bring together people who have a common interest.At a conference,formal discussions usually take place.Comparatively,conference generally refers to a specialized professional or academic event.,14,3)Symposium,Symposium研讨会(pi.symposia/symposiums)is also a kind of meeting,but it refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academic discussion.At a symposium,experts,scholars,and other participants of a particular field discuss a particular subject.Compared with conference,a symposium is usually narrower and more specific in the range of topics.,15,4)Congress,The basic characteristic of a congress is that it is usually attended by representatives or delegates who belong to national or international,governmental or non-governmental organizations.It is held to discuss issues,ideas,and policies of public interest.,16,5)Convention,Convention(政党、某一职业 大会)is a kind of routine meeting,at which a large gathering of people meet and discuss the business of their organization or political group,such as the annual convention of the union,the biannual 一年两次的convention of the Metal Society.,17,6)Forum,Forum论坛 is in fact a kind of public meeting,at which people exchange ideas and discuss issues,especially important public issues.,18,7)Seminar,Seminar is usually a class-like meeting,where participants discuss a particular topic or subject that is presented by several major speakers.Different from the general situation of a meeting,the presentations are mainly given by chief speakers,while other people first listen and then join them.In this sense,a seminar can be taken as lecturing plus discussionthe discussion being a follow-up of the lecturing.,19,8)Workshop,Workshop originally means a room or building which contains tools or machinery;for making or repairing things,especially by using wood or metal.Regarding meeting,it refers to a period of discussion or practical work on a particular subject in which a group of people learn about the subject by sharing their knowledge or experience.,20,9)Colloquium,Colloquium is sometimes a formal word for seminar.It is usually a large academic seminar like panel discussion.Colloquium is usually attended by certain invited experts or professionals in a particular field.Participants of the meeting will express their ideas and opinions around a specific topic.,21,Apart from the above meetings,there are also other forms or names of meetings such,as summit,assembly,rally,gatherings and so on,which will not be detailed one by one here.As to some sub-categoried meetings,they will be discussed in connection with specific conference activities in the following sections.,22,2 Principal Conference Activities,Activities in a conference may vary.Such activities as formal meetings,informal meetings,visual and audio presentations,teaching and consultations,exhibitions and business talks,visits and other social activities may be arranged in international conferences.,23,1)Formal Meetings,Formal meetings usually include general assembly,plenary全体出席 session,parallel session,and poster session,etc.(1)General AssemblyGeneral assembly is usually attended by all the participants of the conference and sometimes by government officials as well as reporters.Activities in a general assembly,in most cases,are the opening ceremony,welcome speeches by governmental officials and organizers,general speeches given by distinguished guests or outstanding experts,and closing ceremony,24,(2)Plenary Sessions,Plenary全体 sessions of a conference are usually also attended by all the participants.Invited lectures or keynote presentations are usually arranged in plenary sessions.These lectures invited and arranged by the organizers are usually given by well-known experts of a particular field according to the themes of the meeting,and the papers presented on these occasions are all about some research subjects of universal significance and general interests.,25,(3)Parallel Sessions,Parallel相应 sessions,as the name implies,refer to smaller-scale meetings held simultaneously,which are therefore called simultaneous sessions.These sessions are important occasions for participants of a particular research group to present their individual papers.,26,(4)Poster Sessions,Poster 海报sessions are a form of meeting in which papers are posted on boards or walls in a specially separated area of the meeting place.The participants can go there and read the posted papers and discuss them with the author waiting there.,27,2)Informal Meetings,Informal meetings refer to places or occasions for informal communication among participants.Different conferences may have different arrangements.In some conferences,informal meetings may include the arrangement of free information exchange,free paper presentation,free communication or walk in and talk,etc.,28,(1)Free Information Exchange(2)Free Paper Presentation(3)Free Communication,29,3)Audio&Visual Presentations,On many occasions professional presentations need to resort to various kinds of audio and visual demonstrations.The use of overhead projectors,slide projectors,videotapes,short film projectors,poster demonstrations,and other audio and visual aids(e.g.using Powerpoint)has become very popular in modern international conferences.,30,4)Teaching&Consulting Services,(1)Teaching ServicesTeaching services in some international conferences include various forms of educational courses,pre-conference institutes,and teaching day for tutoring指导,tutorial workshop or special tuition and so on.,31,(2)Consulting ServicesConsulting services refer to discussions or consultations closely related to certain practical performances.,32,5)Exhibitions&Business Talks,There are generally three types of exhibitions:(1)Scientific ExhibitionA scientific exhibition is arranged with a display of results of relevant scientific research such as new equipments,crafts,products as well as books and journals,in order to achieve better effects of academic and technological communication.(2)Conference ExhibitionA conference exhibition may comprise both an academic conference and the product exhibition.The aim of this kind of exhibition is usually to introduce some new achievements,33,(3)Trade Exhibition As trade exhibition is arranged by the conference with distinctive features of commerce.The exhibits are displayed,introduced and also prepared for sale.,34,6)Visits and Other Social Activities,During intervals or breaks of an international conference,there are often various kinds of social activities.,35,3.Classified Conference Information,1)General Information(1)Name(2)Date(3)Location(4)Topics for Discussion,36,2)Paper Submission Information(1)Abstract:the deadline,length,and format格式 of the abstract.(2)Full Text:the deadline,length,style sheet,photocopies of the paper,and other detailed requirements.(3)Mode of Presentation:including presentations in the plenary sessions or in the parallel sessions,orally or postered,presentations with visual and/or audio devices,and the date of the presentation and the defense.,37,3)Organizational Information,The organizational information is necessary,including information about the sponsors,organizers,organizing committee,academic committee,secretariat秘书处,and many other committees as well.(1)Sponsors&Organizers,38,(2)Organizing Committee,The organizing committee can be classified into the following three cases:If the conference is organized by an international organization or by the joint effort of a national and an international organization,the conference may have the name of international organizing committee and/or an organizing committee of that nation,namely,the local organizing committee.If the conference is a bilateral one or a multi-lateral one,then there will be an individual committee of each side or a joint committee.If the conference is initiated and organized by one nation but with participants from other countries and regions,then only an organizing committee of this nation will be set up.,39,(3)Academic Committee,Academic committee takes care of all the academic activities of a conference.It is also called program committee,scientific committee or paper committee.,40,(4)Secretariat,Secretariat is usually the central organ for organizing a conference.It receives and answers the correspondences to the conference and the committees and,makes oral and written reports to the organizing committee about the work of different functional committees.,41,(5)Other committees,According to the scale,form,and purpose of a conference,some other committees might be set up such as“international steering committee”程序委员会,“coordinating 协调committee”,“executive committee”,“local 政务committee”,“advisory panel团”,“board of honorary名誉 officers and ladys committee.,42,4)Participants Information,The participants information is important for the conference-goers.This sort of information usually includes the number of participants,the requirements for attendees,the conference VIPs(Very Important Persons)and other persons the participant may specially want to meet and talk with.,43,(1)Number of participants(2)Requirements for attendances(3)Conference VIPs(4)Other Members,44,5)Conference Program Information,The available conference program information should include the agenda,the arrangement of paper presentation,material distribution,secretarial sections and other main facilities.All this information,if possible,should be acquired beforehand.,45,4.Available Information Sources,1)Specialized Periodicals Announcing MeetingsSpecialized periodicals that announce meetings are mainly of the following two types:(1)Comprehensive announcement periodicals cover the information of forthcoming international conferences in various kinds of specialties.Publications of the Union of International Associations can be another source of information.(2)Periodicals of classified specialties are published in no less a number.,46,2)Professional Journals and Magazines Carrying Meeting Announcements,Periodicals of specialties or professional journals often carry conference information of,a particular field.,47,3)Conference Documents,Undoubtedly,meeting documents are one of the most important sources for the needed information.This includes meeting announcements,call for papers,general information,conference brochures,invitations and correspondence,etc;,48,(1)Call for Papers(Abstracts),Call for papers(or call for abstracts)of a conference serves as a kind of advertisement that calls for the conference papers or abstracts,and is sometimes included in the meeting announcements.,49,(2)Conference Brochures,Conference brochure介绍册 is a comprehensive guide to conference activities for the participants.It often involves the following aspects:Contents;Conference personnel at various levels,conference committees and the sponsors;Dedications of the sponsors;General information which includes the detailed introduction to the activities and equipment,time and place for registration,inquiry office,simultaneous translation section,booking office,social activities,transportation,post,money exchange,reception,amount of tips,telephone numbers,and time for payment,etc.;,50,Parallel sessions in the day;Exhibition,including the plane figures of the exhibition platform,the list of the participants,and the introduction to the exhibition;Index of the contributors;Conference agenda and timetable;Timetable for the parallel sessions;Plane figures 3 of the conference room;Other information.,51,(3)Invitations,Conference invitation usually contains information about the name,date,location,range of topics,and other arrangements.People who receive invitations may be well-known personages,members of relevant associations,participants of the previous conference,or those somehow in contact with the organizer.,52,4)Centers/Departments Specialized in Meetings or Other International Communication,The specialized institutions for organizing international conferences in each country and the administrative departments of international exchanges and cooperation also provide the above-mentioned information.I,53,5)Learned,Societies/Associations/Organizations/InstitutionsRegular meeting circulars宣传品 are internally made,which announce in advance the professional conferences of various kinds by relevant associations,societies,research institutes,etc.,54,6)Information Superhighway信息高速路,Along with the rapid development of electronics and telecommunications,the information superhighway has become a very convenient and effective means of conference information retrieval.Brief conference information can be obtained via internet(interwork/interconnection),WWW(world wide web),hypermedia超媒体,etc.,55,7)Private Channels,The exchange of professional personnel between China and other countries can be an available channel of conference information acquisition.,


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