碰,商务英语翻译(英译汉),翻译的基本知识,碰,Lesson One 翻译的基本知识,1.翻译的界定:interlingual translation2.翻译的标准:信达雅3.翻译的过程3.1.理解阶段:e.g:John is now with his parents in NY.Its already three years he was a bandmaster.has been.,碰,Its good for him to do that.,for him to do thatIt to do that3.2.表达阶段:1)直译 2)意译 3)兼用Hitler was armed to teeth when he launched WW Do you see any green in my eyes?,碰,c.Smashing a mirror is no way to make anugly person beautiful,nor is it a way tomake social problems evaporate.d.I gave my youth to the sea and I camehome and gave my wife my old age.e.Ruth was upsetting the other children,So I showed her the door.3.3校核阶段,碰,4.翻译简史,出现五次高潮:Evolution and Ethics andOther Essaya 赫胥黎天演论A.Smith:An Inquiry into the Nature andCauses of the Wealth of Nations 原富,