英扬传奇 CC&E,1,What Is The Brand“Means”And“Is”?品牌的“意义”和“个性”是什么,What the brand“means”is what a brand gets credit for in the eyes of consumersits reputation across a number of key dimensions.品牌的“意义”是指一个品牌在消费者心目中产生的印象即该品牌在几个层面上的声誉。What the brand“is”is how we would describe the brands dominant personality traitsgenerally those that correspond to its principal meanings.品牌“个性”那些与品牌意义相对应的特征。,英扬传奇 CC&E,2,Why The Need For A Brand Footprint?为什么需要品牌印记?,More and more marketers are looking for new growth by leveraging the power of their brand names into new territories.Global Brands are being built through expansion into new geographies.“Megabrands”or“Hyperbraands”are being established across multiple product or service categories.愈来愈多的行销人运用品牌的力量进入新的领域,以创造新的成长。全球品牌因为领域的扩张而建立起来;“大品牌”或“超级品牌”则是因跨越多项产品或品类而被建立。,英扬传奇 CC&E,3,Why The Need For A Brand Footprint?为什么需要品牌印记?,This expansion puts renewed focus on the need to protect brand equity.这种扩张及延伸,让我们必须重新重视并保护品牌的资产。,英扬传奇 CC&E,4,Why The Need For A Brand Footprint?为什么需要品牌印记?,As brands are expanded,there are pressures of dilution that stem from:随着品牌的扩张,使品牌有被稀释的危机,这些危机的因素如下:The need to reexpress the brand in the context of new competitive sets and new cultures.必须就新的竞争条件和新文化的观点来重新表现品牌。,英扬传奇 CC&E,5,What Are Three Dimensions?什么是品牌印记的三个层次,The Brand Footprint reflects the truth that most brandsespecially powerful onesare multidimensional.They contain meanings and associations that are built over time.品牌印记所反映的一项事实是:大部分的品牌特别是大品牌都是多层次的。它们包含了长期建立的意义和联想。,英扬传奇 CC&E,6,How Much of A Future Vision?品牌印记的远景如何?,The brand Footprint is more than a consumer-based tool.It needs to incorporate the thinking of the“brand owners”regarding the future course of a brand.品牌印记不只是一个消费者对品牌的看法,它更须考虑到把这个品牌的“品牌拥有者”对该品牌未来的看法。,英扬传奇 CC&E,7,How Much of A Future Vision?品牌印记的远景如何?,For established,dominant brands,the Footprint will inevitably be built around existing positive associations of heavy users of the brand.Here the primary role of the Footprint is to express these meanings so everyone is in sync with what to protect and what to leverage as the brand is expanded.对已建立起来的领导品牌而言,印记当然是建筑在目前重级使用者对此品牌的看法。这种情形下,印记的主要角色是把这些意义表达出来,让每个人同时都知道当这个品牌扩张或延伸时,要保护什么,以及利用什么品牌价值。,英扬传奇 CC&E,8,How Much of A Future Vision?品牌印记的远景如何?,For some brands,however,there may be a need to add meaning or adjust existing meanings to allow for expansion or simply to make the brand more dynamic.对某些品牌来说,也许必须增加意义或调整原有的意义,以利于扩张或只是让该品牌变得更具时代性。,英扬传奇 CC&E,9,How Much of A Future Vision?品牌印记的远景如何?,Ultimately,the final balance between existing vs.desired meanings is a strategic decisionbuilt on the brands consumer truth and adjusted,where needed,to provide the vision and inspiration for future growth.最重要的是,平衡这个品牌现存的意义及理想的意义,就是一项策略性的决定。即建立在该品牌消费者的真实面上,并加上必要时的调整,以便为该品牌未来成长之要求提供一个远景与灵感。,英扬传奇 CC&E,10,Example,For example,key credit card category drivers are:the source of aspiration,the world of usage,and the functional role of the card.Amex and visa Footprints show how the brands are distinguished on these dimensions:,英扬传奇 CC&E,11,Example,American Express Brand Footprint American Express means Membership The Business Life The Charge Card American Express is Professional Worldly Responsible,英扬传奇 CC&E,12,Example,Visa Brand FootprintVisa means Everywhere The High Life The Credit Card Visa is Sociable Stylish On-The-Go,13,The selling strategy销售策略,英扬传奇 CC&E,14,What Is The Role of The Selling Strategy?销售策略扮演的角色如何?,The Selling Strategy is a discipline that is single-mindedly focused on generating brand-building ideas.Ideas that attract brand customers and build brand franchises.Ideas that create brand(and marketplace)dominance in consumers mind.销售策略是一种建立品牌概念单一且专注的方法。所谓品牌概念是指能够吸引消费者,并且建立品牌忠诚度,让消费者产生深刻印象的意念。,英扬传奇 CC&E,15,What Is The Role of The Selling Strategy?销售策略扮演的角色如何?,The Selling Strategy can be put to work at many different levels.At the highest level,it can be used to reveal the core brand idea that forms the heart of a brand image campaign.But it can also be used effectively to develop Selling Ideas for the products that create competitive advantage for brands.销售策略可运用于不同层次。在最高层次,它可用来展现构成品牌形象活动核心的最重要品牌概念。同样地,它也可以有效地用来为不同的产品或服务发展销售概念,并替品牌创造竞争的优势。,英扬传奇 CC&E,16,What Is The Role of The Selling Strategy?销售策略扮演的角色如何?,Thus,while there should always be a single Brand Footprint to define the brand essence in any market or region,there can be any number of Selling Strategies.By working within the framework of brand values established in the Footprint,they both support and leverage the power of the brand.虽然在任何市场或区域,都应该有一个单一的品牌足迹来定义品牌本质,但销售策略则不限定有几个。籍有在品牌足迹所建立的品牌价值架构内作业,品牌足迹与销售策略这两者,也同时支持并提升了品牌力量。,英扬传奇 CC&E,17,The Selling Strategy Model销售策略的模式,The Selling Strategy Model is composed of five critical components:销售策略模式是由五个重要的部份所组成:The Brand Position 品牌位置The Brand Objective 品牌目标 The Specific Role Of The Advertising 广告担任的角色The Selling Idea Platform 销售概念架构The Selling Idea 销售概念,英扬传奇 CC&E,18,The Brand Position品牌位置,The perceptual space that the brand holds in the consumers mind at the beginning of the Selling Idea development process.销售概念的发展过程开始之前,品牌在消费者心中的认知地位。,英扬传奇 CC&E,19,Example,Examples:BrandBrand PositionMarriottA“vanilla”hotelMotorola A technology manufacturerMasterCardMy other card,英扬传奇 CC&E,20,The Brand Objective品牌目标,The perceptual space that we want the brand to occupy in the consumers mind.我们希望品牌在消费者心中所占据的认知位置。,英扬传奇 CC&E,21,Example,Example:Brand Brand ObjectiveMarriott A memorable experienceMotorola The leading brand in mobile personal communicationsMasterCard A card I feel good about,英扬传奇 CC&E,22,The Specific Role Of The Advertising广告担任的角色,The role of the advertising may vary greatly in scope.It may entail a fundamental restaging of the brand,the accentuation of an under-leveraged element in the Brand Footprint,the introduction of a brand or line extension,or a specific tactical response to local competitive actions.广告的角色可能有相当大范围的差异。它可能承担重新定义一个品牌的任务、强调品牌足迹中尚待提升的一个元素、引进或延伸一个品牌。或可能战术性地回应竞争品牌的活动。,英扬传奇 CC&E,23,Example,Examples:Brand Role of Advertising Marriott To get guests to stop taking Marriott for grantedMotorola To make“brand”Motorola as strong as its market shareMasterCard To give an emotionally bankrupt brand a heart,英扬传奇 CC&E,24,The Selling Idea Platform销售概念架构,The critical elements we need to know about the consumer and the brand in order to conceive the Selling Idea and develop the advertising:为了构思销售概念并发展广告,我们需要知道以下与消费者及品牌有关的重要元素:A.The Conceptual Target 概念性的目标客层B.The Core Desire 最核心的欲望C.How The Brand Best Fulfills The Code Desire 品牌如何最完美地满足最核心的欲望D.The Compelling Truth 强而有力的支持事实,英扬传奇 CC&E,25,The Selling Idea Platform销售概念架构A.The Conceptual Target概念性的目标客层,The“natural constituency”for the brand:the natural grouping of consumers bound by a common orientation toward the category and/or the brand.他(她)们是对于某一个类别及/或品牌具有共同倾向而自然形成的组合,也是品牌“必然的”顾客。,英扬传奇 CC&E,26,The Selling Idea Platform销售概念架构B.The Core Desire最核心的欲望,The Core Desire is the most relevant desire,need,hope,or fear of the conceptual target that the brand can meaningfully address.它是概念性的目标客层最关切的欲望、需求、希望或恐惧,而且是品牌可以有意义加以解决的。,英扬传奇 CC&E,27,The Selling Idea Platform销售概念架构B.The Core Desire最核心的欲望,The Core Desire represents the deepest,most powerful,emotional benefit that the Conceptual Target receives from the brand.核心欲望代表概念性目标客层能从本品牌获得的最深切、最有力、最富情感的利益。,英扬传奇 CC&E,28,The Selling Idea Platform销售概念架构D.The Compelling Truth强而有力的支持事实,The compelling truth that provides the key evidence that supports the brands role in satisfying the Core Desire of the Conceptual Target both in function and brand.“无庸置疑的事实”,在满足概念性目标客层的核心欲望时,品牌所担任角色之强而有力的支持事实。,英扬传奇 CC&E,29,Example,CompellingFunctional Truth Specific Truth BrandPerformance“Prevents heart disease”Bayer AspirinFunctional Truth Specific Truth BrandCompany Values“We really care about you Johnson&Johnson and yours”Brand Myth“Marlboro Country”Marlboro Cigarettes,英扬传奇 CC&E,30,What Is A Selling Idea?什么是销售概念,A Selling Idea is a strategic concept that focuses everything we have learned about what the brand needs to mean to consumers into a single highly focused strategic idea that expresses exactly what we wish the advertising to say to consumers.销售概念是一个策略性的概念。它将我们所知道的一切有关品牌在消费者心中所须达成的意义与印象,集中成一高专注的策略性概念与想法,进而表达我们希望广告到底要对消费者说什么。,英扬传奇 CC&E,31,Examples,BrandSelling Idea Creative Idea7-Up“An Occasional Alternative to Cola”“The Uncola”Pepsi(1997)“The Official Generation X Cola”“Generation Next”Microsoft“Access to Information”“Where do you want to go today?”,英扬传奇 CC&E,32,1.Preamble2.Marketing and Competition Overview3.CC&E Communication ToolsFootprintSelling Strategy4.Brand/Product Communication StrategyBecombion/Becombion Vitamin B Complex SyrupSeven Seas/Seven Seas Multivitamin SyrupDr.Freeman/Dr.Freeman Cough&Cold Syrup for Children5.Creative Concept and Advertising Mechanics6.Below-the-line and Other Marketing Tactics,33,Becombion,英扬传奇 CC&E,34,Vitamins Market Overview,The OTC multivitamins market is estimated to be RMB 269 mn(US$33mn),英扬传奇 CC&E,35,Product Profile,Product category:health food the order of products(nutrition)mentioned by consumers(with aided or unaided?):Calcium,Cod liver oil,Multivitamin,Vit C,Iron and Vit B complex.Our Concern:They are possibly our potential competitors!,英扬传奇 CC&E,36,Multi Vit B ingredients:B1,B2,B3,B6,B12the functions of every ingredients above(pls.refer to clients brief for detailed information)Our Concern:The functions are slack and lack of consistence.,Product Profile,英扬传奇 CC&E,37,Product form:syrupCurrently No Vit B complex syrup is found in GZOur Concern:Quite new product form;more suitable for children,Product Profile,英扬传奇 CC&E,38,Geographical target area,Targeted cities:SZ,GZ,then roll out to PRDOur Concern:Higher income level in SZ and GZ than other inland citiesFood supplement market is more mature“Only food is not enough for my daily vitamin consume”,英扬传奇 CC&E,39,SWOT,Strength,more suitable for children syrup formsweet,fruity flavor more flexible in organizing our message delivery and ad censorship as registered as health food,Weakness,relatively high price(compared with local products;daily cost RMB 1.5)promotions in the hospital are limited difficult to sum up into one USP,Opportunity,less competition(in terms of VB complex)the awareness of importance of vitamins is increasing,Threats,low price strategy of local product,40,Becombion品牌印记(Brand Footprint),41,Becombion,品牌意义Becombion的意义就是来自德国默克的复合维生素BBecombion means Vitamin B complex coming from German MerckBecombion的意义就是B族维生素均衡糖浆Becombion means Vitamin B complex balanced syrupBecombion的意义就是构筑儿童均衡发育的基础Becombion means a very important basis for childrens balanced growth,42,Becombion,品牌个性Becombion是维生素的专家Becombion is the expert of VitaminBecombion是全面合理的Becombion is comprehensive and equitableBecombion是严谨的Becombion is severe,英扬传奇 CC&E,43,品牌意义Becombion的意义就是来自德国默克的复合维生素BBecombion means Vitamin B complex coming from German MerckBecombion的意义就是B族维生素均衡糖浆Becombion means Vitamin B complex balanced syrupBecombion的意义就是构筑儿童均衡发育的基础Becombion means a very important basis for childrens balanced growth,品牌个性Becombion是维生素的专家Becombion is the expert of VitaminBecombion是全面合理的Becombion is comprehensive and equitableBecombion是严谨的Becombion is severe,Becombion,44,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy),45,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)品牌位置:来自德国默克的复合维 生素B均衡糖浆The Brand Position:Vitamin B Complex Balanced Syrup coming from German Merck,46,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)品牌目标:儿童均衡发育的基础 营养源The Brand Objective:The Basic Nutrition Resource Of Childrens Balanced Growth,47,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)广告角色:向消费者传达“复合维生素B与儿童均衡发育息息相关”的概念The Specific Role Of The Advertising:Deliver the message that childrens balanced growth is closely bound up with Vitamin B complex,48,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念构架(The Selling Idea Platform):A)概念性目标客层/谨慎的母亲The Conceptual Target/Careful And Caring Mothers,49,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念构架(The Selling Idea Platform):D)强有力的支持事实(The Compelling Truth):功能上:中国市场上唯一糖浆型复合维生素B产品Function:The only syrup type for Vitamin B Complex In China Market,50,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念构架(The Selling Idea Platform):D)强有力的支持事实:品牌上:默克是维生素C的发现者The Compelling Truth:Merck is the discoverer of Vitamin C,51,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念构架(The Selling Idea Platform):B)最核心的欲望:希望孩子发育尽善尽美 The Core Desire/Hope My Kids Grow Perfectly,52,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念构架(The Selling Idea Platform):C)品牌如何最完美满足最核心的欲望:Becombion 全面补充维生素B族营养,改善孩子的胃口,帮助孩子均衡发育How The Brand Best Fulfills The Core Desire:Becombion provides children with comprehensive Vitamin B complex nutrition,helps stimulate appetite and grow in a balanced way.,53,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)销售概念:构筑儿童均衡发育的基础The Selling Idea:Becombion helps to constructing the foundation of childrens balanced growth.,54,Becombion,销售策略(Selling Strategy)创意概念:让儿童均衡发育均衡发育从维B开始Ad Works:Let Children Grow In a Balanced Way.,55,Seven Seas Multivitamin Syrup,英扬传奇 CC&E,56,Product category:health foodIngredients:basement:cod liver oil(from deep sea)supplement:Vit A,B1,B2,B3,B6,C,D,EFlavor:Orange flavor(real orange juice),Product Profile,英扬传奇 CC&E,57,Our Concern:7s MVS is more than traditional fish liver oil.,Product Profile,英扬传奇 CC&E,58,Potential Competitors for 7s MVS,the order of nutrition mentioned by consumers(with aided or unaided?):Calcium,fish liver oil,Multivitamin,Vit C,Iron and Vit B complex.,英扬传奇 CC&E,59,Our Concern:Different from Vit B,the necessary of fish liver oil is much greater in consumers mind,though they maybe cant name its functions in details.The market of fish liver oil is more mature.,Potential Competitors for 7s MVS,英扬传奇 CC&E,60,Real Competition,The major players in the multivitamin category are:Junior Theragan,Junior Centrum,Kiddi,and ScottsIn term of daily cost,7s MVS rated in the middle position.Junior Theragan-RMB0.85;Junior Centrum-RMB 1.12;Kiddi-RMB 4.07/3.20;Scotts-RMB 1.317s MVS-RMB 1.38,英扬传奇 CC&E,61,Consumers Attitude,Researches show the majority of mothers are interested in product conceptGZ:“helps stimulate appetite”;”contains cod liver oil”;”helps brain development”SZ:“contains many essential vitamins”;“contains cod liver oil”;“helps in strengthening bone issue”,英扬传奇 CC&E,62,The buying intention of product:GZ:65.6%;SZ:77.6%The perceived price:around RMB 62/per bottle,Consumers Attitude,英扬传奇 CC&E,63,Geographical Target Area,1st target cities:SZ,GZ,then roll out to PRD2nd target cities:SH and BJ(launched in late 2001),英扬传奇 CC&E,64,SWOT,Strength,more suitable for children syrup formsweet,fruity flavor more flexible in organizing our message delivery and ad censorship as registered as health foodless dosagecontains many essential vitamins based on cod liver oil,Weakness,product function is difficult to measure brand awareness is low,cant support the product promotions in the hospital are limited,Opportunity,imported product with fair price the awareness of importance of vitamins is increasing,Threats,strong competition(like Squib,Whitewall),65,Seven Seas七 海品牌印记(Brand Footprint),66,Seven Seas 七 海品牌印记(Brand Footprint)品牌意义七海的意义就是来自深海的多种维生素鱼肝油Seven Seas means m