化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流Writing Chemistry Papers in English and International Academic Communications,主讲:黄 少 铭 教授温州大学化学与工程学院,课程的目的和意义(Purpose&Goals of the Course),化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,如何进行化学论文的写作和投稿及如何进行学术交流是每个研究生在研究生学习期间科学研究的基本训练中的重要的一环,根据日益扩大的对外学术交流的需要,本课程旨在使研究生对如何进行化学论文的英文写作、如何进行论文的国际投稿和发表、如何参加国际学术会议和交流以及如何申请国外的大学进一步的深造等方面有一个比较全面的了解,并有机会进行有关的基本训练和实践,提供在这些方面的能力。考核方式(Examination):书面及口头相结合(口头报告),考试,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,第一章:绪论:国际学术交流及其重要性 Chapter 1:Introduction:International Academic Communication&its Importance第二章:化学论文的英语的写作Chapter 2:Writing Chemistry Paper in English第三章:化学论文的投稿和发表 Chapter 3:Submission and Publication of Chemistry Papers第四章:如何进行国际学术交流 Chapter 4:How to engage in academic communications 第五章:实用交流英语 Chapter 5:Practical Communication English,课程的内容(Contents),化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,第一章:绪论:国际学术交流及其重要性 Chapter 1:Introduction:International Academic Communication&its Importance 1:国际学术交流的方式和途径(1)Talk Seminar,International Conference,face to face discussion(2)Publication 2:国际学术交流的重要性和必要性:is an important way to present your scientific idea,new results,research progress,academic achievements etc.to know(learn)scientific idea,new results,research progress,academic achievements etc.,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,第二章:化学论文的英语的写作 2.1 化学论文写作的一般原则(general rules)(1)scientific importance SCI(Scientific Citation Index)Impact Factor(2)creativeness(3)accuracy(4)repeatable,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,SCI科学引文索引 英文全称是(ScientificInformation,简称ISI)出版的一部世界著名的期刊文献检索工具。它收录全世界出版的数、理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科的核心期刊3700多种。通过其严格的选刊标准和评估程序来挑选刊源,使得SCI收录的文献能够全面覆盖全世界最重要和最有影响力的研究成果。SCI从来源期刊数量划分为SCI和SCI-E。SCI指来源刊为3700多种的SCI印刷版和SCI光盘版(简称SCICDE),SCI-E(SCIExpanded)是SCI的扩展库,收录了5600多种来源期刊,可通过国际联机或因特网进行检索。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,ISI对全球的自然科学刊物进行考察,凡影响因子大于某一临界值的刊物,则可以进入SCI系统。进入SCI系统的刊物分为两类,即内圈和外圈,前者的影响因子高于后者,前者称为SCI刊物,后者称为SCI search刊物。SCI刊物还分为影响因子高区(大于1.105)、中区(在1.105和0.422之间)和低区(小于0.422)3类。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,期刊的影响因子,是表征期刊影响大小的一项定量指标。也就是某刊平均每篇论文的被引用数,它实际上是某刊在某年被全部源刊物引证该刊前两年发表论文的次数,与该刊前两年所发表的全部源论文数之比。nk1+nk2 IF(k)=Nk1+Nk2,影响因子(Impact factor,IF),某刊在2006年的影响因子是其2005和2004两年刊载的论文在2005年的被引总数除以该刊在2004和2003这两年的载文总数(可引论文),化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,目前人们所说的影响因子一般是指从1975年开始,期刊引证报道(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)每年提供上一年度世界范围期刊的引用数据,给出该数据库收录的每种期刊的影响因子。JCR是一个世界权威性的综合数据库。它的引用数据来自世界上3000多家出版机构的7000多种期刊。专业范围包括科学、技术和社会科学。JCR目前是世界上评估期刊唯一的一个综合性工具。可以告诉人们,那些是最有影响力的期刊,那些是最常用的期刊,那些是最热门的期刊。除影响因子外还给出:期刊最新排序(Current Rank)、刊名缩写(Abbreviated Journal Title)、国际统一刊号(ISSN)、总引用数(Total Cites)、及时性索引(Immediacy Index)、总文章数(Total Article)、被引半衰期(Cited Half-Life)。(web of science),化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,影响因子和JCR 指标的作用 影响因子及JCR给出的以上指标,具有非常重要的作用,具体地说,对以下各类人员具有多种实用价值。(1)图书馆员 制定文献收藏计划和经费预算,向读者推 荐优秀期刊。(2)编辑 了解和掌握自己编辑的期刊的情况,制订有效的编辑规划和办刊目标。(3)出版商 掌握和监测出版动态,掌握出版机会,做出新的出版决策。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,(4)作者(科研人员)a.寻找和确定与自己专业有关的期刊 b.确定论文投稿期刊 c.证实已经发表自己论文的期刊的水平(5)信息研究分析人员 a.跟踪文献计量学的发展趋势 b.研究学科之间及各学科内的引用模式 c.研究学术论文生产的学问 d.研究专业学科的发展变化趋势。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Web of Science Web of Science是美国ISI公司基于WEB开发的产品,包括三大引文库(SCI、SSCI和A&HCI)和两个化学数据库(CCR、IC),以ISI Web of Knowledge作为检索平台。Science Citation Index Expanded(1994-)收录6,000多种科学技术期刊 Current Chemical Reactions(CCR-EXPANDED)*(1986-)收录一步或多步新合成方法 Index Chemicals(IC)(1993-)*收录重要期刊报道的新颖有机化合物的结构和关键数据,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,发现有谁在引用你的研究,以及你的工作对全球 研究界的影响 找到某个重要理论或概念的开创性研究 衡量同事或竞争者工作的影响 跟随当今最热门的想法和概念的思路和方向 确定某个理论是否已被证实、更改或改进 找出一个基本概念是如何被应用的 在几年间的研究文献中追踪某个题目 验证参考文献的准确性 找出在标题或主题检索中遗漏的相关文章,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,近年来科技期刊评价工作中存在着片面追求高影响因子、以影响因子高低对科技期刊排名的现象.(1)科技期刊的学科不同,其影响因子有着较大的差别;(2)同一期刊由于被收录的数据库不同,数据统计的结果 也会明显不同;(3)“被引用的总次数”是“正引”(肯定所引结果)还是“负 引”(否定所引结果)、(4)是他引还是自引,在做统计时如果不加以区别,影响因子的高低并不能绝对全面反映科技期刊学术 质量的高低。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Top Journals NATURE 28.7 SCIENCE 26.4 CHEM REV 22.8 Nature Mater.19.8Nature Nanootech.14.9ACCOUNTS CHEM RES 13.1 CHEM SOC REV 13.1 NAT MATER 13.5 NANO LETT 9.6ADV MATER 8.2MRS BULL 5.2 NANOTECHNOLOGY 3.3 ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT 10J AM CHEM SOC 7.9 CHEM COMMUN 4.0 ADV FUNCT MATER 5.7 PHYS REV LETT 6.9 APPL PHYS LETT 4.1,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Small 6.4ORG LETT 4.2 J ORG CHEM 3.5ANAL CHEM 5.5 MACROMOLECULES 3.8 J PHYS CHEM B 4.0J CATAL 4.1 CHEM-EUR J 4.5 LANGMUIR 3.3 J CHEM PHYS 3.1 CARBON 3.3J PHYS CHEM A 2.6CHEM MATER 4.1 J MATER CHEM 2.7 J MATER RES 1.9CHEM PHYS LETT 2.4THIN SOLID FILMS 1.6J AM CERAM SOC 1.7,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,据“ISI2006年度期刊引用报告(JCR)”统计,被SCI收录的中国与化学有关的主要期刊及影响因子:化学学报 0.895 中国科学(B)0.817 中国化学 0.768 高等学校化学学报0.764 有机化学 0.74 结构化学 0.734 科学通报 0.683 无机化学学报 0.60 自然科学进展0.485 物理化学学报 0.407高分子学报 0.431 分析化学 0.412高分子科学(英文)催化学报中国稀土学报0.305 中国化学快报 0.305,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,第二章:化学论文的英语的写作 2.1 化学论文写作的一般原则(general rules)(1)scientific importance SCI(Scientific Citation Index)Impact Factor(2)creativeness:point(3)accuracy(4)repeatable,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Before experiment,Literature review,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Experimentation,Thinking while doing,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,22 化学论文的种类、结构和格式 2.2.1 化学论文的种类(1)Research Paper(original research paper)Letters(快报):Nano Letters,Organic Letters,Applied Physical Letters(APL),Chemical Physics Letter(CPL),Physical Review Letters(PRL)etc.Communication(通讯):Chemical Communication(Chem.Comm.),Letters:are meant for publication of important new results in concise form.,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Short Notes:complete and concise account of a restricted area of work Full Paper:complete,authoritative,and scientifically sound accounts of work which are presented clearly and concisely.(2)Review Articles(评论性文章)are commissioned by the Editors on the advice of the Editorial Advisory Board.,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,2.2.2 化学论文的常见结构和格式 Structure and format of a chemistry paper Title+subtitle(论文题名+副标题)Authors+correspondence address(作者姓名+通讯地址)Abstract+Keyword(摘要+关键词)Introduction(引言)Experimental(实验)Results&Discussion(结果与讨论)Conclusion(结论)Acknowledgement(致谢)Reference(参考文献),化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Guide for authors(Introduction for authors)Chem.Phys.Lett.CarbonNanotechnologyAdvanced MaterialsJ.Phys.Chem.CAngew Chem Inter EdtJ.Amer.Chem.Soc.Appl.Phys.Lett.Nano LettersOrganic Letters,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,2.2.3 Title:concise and clear 题目简洁明了 Short 简洁 Specific 明确 Eye-catching 醒目 Descriptive words 描述性语言 Simple straightforward title 单标题 Two-part title 双标题,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,2.2.4:Abstract or Summary Abstract:论文的精华而不是论文的全部。要求简明扼要准确地概况论文所获得的数据与结论,必要时可以说明采用的方法和手段,对字数有严格的限制,一般为200250个单词。Summary:是论文的“缩影”或缩写,可以概括全文的内容,对字数没有严格的限制,形式要根据具体杂志的要求。,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,描述性摘要:多用于专论、评论、综述等方面的文章。它所描述的是论文的性 质、内容和范围,只告诉读者作了什么事情(如采用了什么方法、讨论了什么问题、得出了什么结论),而没有具体的数据。写实性摘要:要有具体重要的条件和数据,只报道论文的精华。每句话之间没有严格的联系。通常包括:(1)研究背景、研究重要性(2)研究内容、所采用的方法与技术(3)主要的实验结果何数据(4)结论或前景或对该领域的重要性,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Example 1Solvothermal in Situ Metal/Ligand Reactions:A New Bridge between Coordination Chemistry and Organic Synthetic Chemistry Several important solvothermal(including hydrothermal)in situ metal/ligand reactions and their mechanisms,including dehydrogenative carbon-carbon coupling,hydroxylation of aromatic rings,cycloaddition of organic nitriles with azide and ammonia,transformation of inorganic and organic sulfur,as well as the Cu(II)to Cu(I)reduction,are outlined in this Account.The current progress clearly demonstrates the important potential of such reactions in the crystal engineering of functional coordination compounds and one-pot synthesis of some unusual organic ligands that are inaccessible or not easily obtainable via conventional methods,thereby substantiating our expectation that a new bridgehas been created between coordination chemistry and synthetic organic chemistry.,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Photoinduced-Electron-Transfer Chemistry:From Studies on PET Processes to Applications in Natural Product Synthesis The application of photoinduced electron transfer(PET)for the construction of heterocyclic ring systems is an appealing route in synthetic organic photochemistry.Electronically excited carbonyl chromophors in ketones,aldehydes,amides,or imides are strong electron acceptors that oxidize alkenes,amines,thioethers,or carboxylates.In subsequent steps,the radical anions formed thereof either are operating as secondary electron donors and initiate a photon-driven chain reaction or combine with electrophilic species and form products.These reactions are applied in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds.The basic structures of these target molecules are bicyclic tertiary amines from the pyrrolizidine,benzopyrrolizidine,and indolizidine families,cyclic oligopeptides,macrocyclic ring systems,and many more.,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Nano Wheat Fields Prepared by Plasma-Etching Gold Nanowire-Containing Membranes The template method is a general approach for preparing nanomaterials,in particular nanowires and nanotubes.The ability to control the dimensions of the nanowires and tubes obtained is an important feature of the template method.Diameter can be controlled by varying the diameter of the pores in the template membrane.The lengths of the nanostructures can be controlled by varying the thickness of the template membrane.We report here a new approach for effectively controlling the lengths of template-synthesized nanostructures.This method is illustrated with gold nanowires deposited within the pores of a polycarbonate template membrane.When these nanowire-containing membranes are exposed to an O2 plasma,the polymer at the membrane surface is selectively removed,thus exposing the ends of the Au nanowires.The length of the exposed nanowire can be controlled by varying the plasma etch time.The protruding ends of the Au nanowires resemble wheat fields.,background,method,result,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Magnetically Assisted and Accelerated Self-Assembly of Strawberry-like Nano/Microparticles Abstract:Precisely controlling multiple components of functional materials with well-defined shapes and dimensions on the micro/nanometer scale promises to provide new electronic,magnetic,mechanical,and optical properties for novel sensors,circuits,and other materials application.Here for the first time we introduce a novel method to reliably pattern strawberry-like microspheres by employing magnetically directed and accelerated self-assembly of nano/microparticles in aqueous solution,without the use of a template(such as molds or grooves).The results show that 100-1000 nm paramagnetic decorating particles rapidly self-assembled onto the surface of fluorescent 4-5 m spherical magnetized core particles,producing strawberry-like particles with stable and precisely arranged microstructures.Magnetic CrO2 nanorods,approximately 60 nm in diameter and 300 nm long,attached to the nonplanar surface of the 4-5 m polystyrene core microspheres,serve as nanometer magnetic traps,so as to attract and confine paramagnetic decorating particles.The ease and speed,with which these particles can be fabricated with the aid of magnetic force,and the flexibility to tailor their chemical and physical properties through the choice of decorating particles,should facilitate their use for practical application in materialsscience,biology,and technology.,background,method,result,conclusion,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Abstract:We report on the synthesis,characterization,and electrochemical properties of Ag2V4O11 nanowires,-AgVO3 microrods,and-AgVO3 nanowires that were synthesized through a simple and facile low-temperature hydrothermal approach without any template or catalyst.It was found that by simply controlling the hydrothermal reaction parameters such as pH and dwell time,the transformation of-AgVO3 microrods to-AgVO3 nanowires were readily achieved through a ripening-splitting model mechanism.Electrochemical measurements revealed that the as-prepared Ag2V4O11 nanowires,-AgVO3 microrods,and-AgVO3 nanowires exhibited high discharge capacities and excellent high-rate dischargeability.In particular,the-AgVO3 nanowires have much higher capacity above 3 V than that of-AgVO3 microrods,Ag2V4O11 nanowires,and commercial Ag2V4O11 bulk.The mechanisms for electrochemical lithium intercalation of the AgVO3 nanostructures were also discussed.It is anticipated that the novel Ag2V4O11 and AgVO3 one-dimensional nano/microstructures are promising cathode candidates in the application of primary lithium ion batteries for implantable cardioverter defibrillators(ICDs).,Synthesis,Characterization,and Electrochemical Properties of Ag2V4O11 and AgVO3 1-D Nano/Microstructures,method,result,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Thermal Evaporation Processing of Nano and Submicron Tin Oxide Rods Abstract:Nano and submicron rods of semiconductor tin oxide(SnO2)have been synthesized via thermal evaporation technique.Various substrates such as oxidized silicon(Si/SiO2),porous alumina(Al2O3),oxidized and anodized titanium(Ti/TiO2),with the sputtered platinum(Pt)catalyst,have been utilized for this purpose.The effect of Pt sputtering time and the nature of the substrate on the size distribution and the morphology of the SnO2 rods and their substrate-surface-coverage have been investigated.The formation of nano and submicron SnO2 rods has been attributed to the vapor-liquid-solid(VLS)and vapor-solid(VS)growth mechanisms depending on the processing conditions.,method,result,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,2.2.5:Introduction Research Situation(Background)科研现状或背景材料 What are the key problems now and the purpose of the research 目前的关键问题,为什么要研究这个问题 How we tackled the problems 如何解决问题 Assess the effectiveness of the research 评估研究成果,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Research Situation(Background)Summarizing references Citing most important papers in the research area and related research papers.Note:do not cite non-related paper and should read every paper cited,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs)have attracted enormous attention as model systems for nanoscience and nanotechnology.1 Many applications have been demonstrated,including SWNT transistors and sensors.2,3 These devices are typically obtained by locating the nanotubes(via atomic force microscopy(AFM)or patterned catalyst)and then patterning the contacts.To go from discrete devices to scalable and integratable systems,high throughput synthesis of ordered carbon nanotubes over large areas is of particular interest.This may allow registration-free fabrication and integration of nanotube devices by simply patterning source/drain electrodes at desired locations,as the active material(i.e.,nanotubes)is all over the substrate Aligned nanotubes have been grown with the assistance of an electric field4 or the gas flow;5,Template-Free Directional Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on a-and r-Plane SapphireSong Han,Xiaolei Liu,and Chongwu Zhou*Department of Electrical EngineeringsElectrophysics,UniVersity of Southern California,Los Angeles,California 90089,化学论文的英语写作和国际学术交流,however,it remains difficult to produce planar nanotube arrays over large areas with sufficiently high density and order.Iijima et al.studied the growth of SWNTs using iron-film-coated sapphire substrates,but no orientation control and,hence,no ordered nanotube arrays were observed.6 Recently,aligned nanotubes have been shown to grow along the step edges on miscut c-plane sapphire substrates;7 however,there is currently a lack of control over the miscut angle,thus resulting in significant variations in the as-grown nanotube orientation and density.We report