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    HSE Guidance for Chemical化学品及农药使用的HSE,Contents 主要内容,Storage 储藏与转运Personel Protective Equipment(PPE)个人防护装备Mixing 配药Application 施药Waste disposal 废料处理General Precautionary measures 常规防范措施,Chemical Storage化学药品存储,化学药品/农药储藏,化学药品避光储藏存放在化学品储藏室,或化学品储藏柜,并上锁管理化学品储藏柜,化学品储藏室应使用标签明确标示,化学药品/农药储藏,储藏室应该配备有:显示最高/最低温度的温度计可用于吸附溢洒化学品的吸附物质,如:沙子,猫沙化学品/农药的废弃包装应存放在指定位置,统一处理化学品特性文件MSDS应就近放于化学药品柜附近化学品储藏室内应配备灭火器,化学药品/农药储藏,按照要求对药品进行管理,存储空间有良好通风固体药品存于液体药品之上将易燃化学品分开储藏化学特性冲突的化学品应分开储藏,如:强酸与强碱可发生剧烈放热反应,必须分开储藏药品应存放在托盘上,防止溢洒,化学药品/农药储藏与转运,禁止将药剂用其他的容器盛装,避免误用,误食使用密闭的坚固的容器转运化学药品以防渗漏,Chemical Mix Preparation化学药品配制的准备,Mixing 配药,Keep children and animals away 远离儿童和牲畜Read the product Label or Labels阅读产品标签Wear the appropriate PPE 穿着防护装备Prepare products for use(e.g.shaking,pre-creaming if required)使用前药品的准备(例如:摇晃,如果需要的话预先乳化)Avoid contamination of water supplies(anti-syphon&filling location)避免污染水源Half fill the spray tank with clean water.用干净水半充满喷雾桶Use suitable measuring/filling equipment(e.g.Funnels drip-trays)使用适合的测定/填装装置(例如漏斗、防水托盘)Pour liquids carefully 小心倾倒液体,Caution:警告NEVER leave spray mixture in a sprayer tank overnight as the product may settle out or degrade.It also represents a hazard to others.由于药剂可能沉淀或者分解,绝对不要将药液在喷雾桶中过夜,这样也可能会对其他人造成危险,Mixing cont.配药,Handle dusts and powders carefully 粉尘的剂型小心操作Gently shake tank between each product addition by closing the lid and gently rocking the sprayer.加入样品后拧紧盖子轻轻摇晃喷雾桶并轻轻摇动喷雾器Triple rince packs and measures三次清洗包装和量具Top up to required water fill level and repeat rocking motion to complete.加水至要求的容量水平并重复摇晃动作以混匀Wash all equipment after use 使用后清洗所有器械Close packages and put back in store/transport box密封包装放回储藏室/运输箱内Deal with any spillages及时处理跑冒滴漏,Preparing a Spray Mixture Reminder!准备喷雾时的配药-提醒!,Special care is necessary when handling the concentrates对高浓度药剂进行操作时需要非常小心,Tank Mixing Order“First the solids,then the liquids”桶混的顺序“先是固体,后是液体”,Application 施药,Before spraying 喷药前 Has equipment been serviced recently?最近器械是否被维修过?Has sprayer been calibrated?喷雾器是否已经被校正过?Set up correct pressure and check for leaks with clean water.设定适当的压力使用清水检查是否有跑冒滴漏 Is spray pattern ok?雾化状态?Weather conditions ok?天气状况?Check forward speed.检查前进速度 Is PPE ok?个人防护装备?,Application 施药,read the label-dose,technique,protective clothing,timing,repeat applications,re-entry periods and pre-harvesting intervals阅读标签-剂量,施药方法,防护服,施药时间,重复使用次数,下一次进入时间和安全收获间隔期 always wear appropriate protective clothing始终穿着适合的防护服 do not apply crop protection products without adequate training在没有得到足够的培训前不要使用作物保护产品 keep children out of areas being treated让儿童远离试验区域,Application 施药,Good weather conditions?良好的天气状况Wind-which can cause drift.风造成漂移Ineffective control,not hitting target 防效低,未触及靶标Hazardous to operator,environment,other crops,animals etc对操作者、环境、其他作物和牲畜有危害Rain 降雨Some products need a rain-free period after application in order to be effective.-the 一些药剂在施药后需要一段无雨的时间发挥药效,Application 施药,不要逆风,Application 施药,never leave pesticide containers and contaminated material unattended 永远不要让农药容器处于没有人管理的状态 keep people and animals out of freshly treated crops.确保人和牲畜远离刚处理过的作物,Personel Protective Equipment 个人防护装备,在下列情况下该使用什么样的PPEMixing up 混和药剂Spraying low level crops/targets 针对低矮作物/靶标进行喷药Spraying high level crops e.g.Trees,vines etc.针对高大作物进行喷药,例如树、葡萄等,Controlling Exposure to Pesticides 防止农药接触到裸露部位,Elimination-Is pesticide use necessary?消除-是否必须使用农药Substitution-Which is the safest product for the operator,passer-by and the environment?替代-对于操作者,行人和环境来说哪种是最安全的药品?Technical/engineering controls e.g.Spray shield技术/工程学的防护-例如:喷药防护用具Operational controls Wind direction,signs,low drift nozzles 操作防护-风向,标识,低漂移的喷嘴PPE is the last resort PPE是最后的一道防线Use Risk Assessment and Product Label to decide on correct PPE使用风险评价和产品标签来确定配备正确的个人防护装备,PPE-个人防护用品,Always read the product label 阅读产品标签PPE is intended to reduce skin contamination or inhalation of a pesticide PPE的目的是减少皮肤污染或者减少对农药的吸入PPE is not a substitute for good practices PPE不能取代良好的操作Compromise between degree of protection and comfort to user 要实现保护程度和用者舒适的有机结合PPE should be considered as the last line of defence PPE应被认为是防护的最后一道防线,Preventing Contamination Golden Rules 防治污染-黄金法则,Always read and make sure you understand the label before starting to use any pesticide在开始使用任何农药之前都要阅读标签并确保明确其含义Handle pesticides carefully at all times to avoid contact or contamination在配制杀虫药剂时始终小心谨慎避免接触药剂和污染Maintain sprayers well to avoid leaks occuring during use保养好喷雾器防止在使用中跑冒滴漏Practices good personal hygiene when using pesticides在使用农药过程中养成良好的个人卫生习惯Always use appropriate personal protective equipment when using pesticides在使用农药过程中始终穿着个人防护装备,PPE-个人防护用品,Different pesticides require different PPE read the label不同的农药需要穿着不同的PPE具体参阅标签The needs for PPE can also be affected by crop growth stages and the type of application equipment being used.PPE的要求受到作物生育期以及所施用的施药器械类型的影响Working with concentrated chemical requires more protection than spraying dilute product.操作高浓度的化学药品所需要的防护远高于喷施稀释后药剂的防护Details on label must be followed!在标签上的具体要求必须遵守Importance of Comfort 舒适的重要性Adequate Disposable/light weight protection preferable over heavy duty long life materials.选择一次性/轻便的材料而不是厚重的使用寿命长的原料Will not be worn if not fit for use!如果不适用就不要穿着,Types of PPE PPE的类型,Coveralls 防护服,Wearing coveralls 穿着防护服,Wear Coveralls over boots to reduce risk of pesticide running into them.穿着防护服盖于长筒靴外降低农药进入靴子的风险Working hand held above shoulder height coverall should be inside gloves.操作手高于肩膀时防护服应该塞在手套里面Working hand held below shoulder height coverall should be outside gloves操作手低于肩膀时防护服应该放在手套外面,Types of PPE PPE类型,Gloves Probably the most Important 手套-可能是最为重要的,Boots 长筒胶靴,Types of PPE PPE类型,Aprons 防护围裙Gives extra protection especially for handling classified pesticides those that carry these warning symbols:Harmful/Irritant,Corrosive,(Very)Toxic 提供额外防护尤其是当操作那些带有警示标识的农药,如有害的/刺激性的,腐蚀性的,(非常)有毒的。NB Lightweight disposable material or PVC coated nylon,better than rubber or Neoprene heavy weight material 轻质的一次性材料或者涂上聚氯乙烯的尼龙都优于橡胶或者氯丁橡胶这类较重的材料,Types of PPE PPE类型,Eye Protection and Face Shields 眼部保护和面罩,RPE Respiratory Protective Equipment PRE-呼吸保护装置,Minimum protective equipment 最低防护装备,Handling Liquid Concentrate(mixing&measuring)操作高浓度液体药品(配制&称量),Long sleeved shirt/coverall长袖衬衣/防护服,Rubber boots 长筒胶靴,Eye protection眼部防护,Long trousers/coverall长裤/防护服,Rubber nitrile gloves橡胶腈制手套,Read the label 阅读标签,Minimum protective equipment 最低防护装备,Mixing&measuring granules or powders 配制&称量粒剂或者粉剂,Also need a dust mask同样需要口罩,Read the label 阅读标签,玉米大田农药施用防护图例,Minimum PPE for activities not covered on label在标签上没有涉及到的施药时最低PPE,PPE-Key messages 关键信息,Protective clothing is never a substitute for other good practices-it is the last line of defence.穿着防护服永远不能取代良好的操作-PPE是最后一道防线Handling concentrate requires more protection than spraying dilute product.操作高浓度的药品所需的防护高于喷施低浓度的药品的防护The minimum protection is always a coverall,rubber boots and gloves.Eye protection will also be needed when handling concentrated chemical.最低的防护要求是防护服,胶靴和手套,当处理高浓度的化学药品时还要求眼部防护Always read the label to see what is recommended for that product when mixing and when spraying.当配制和喷施药液时一定要阅读产品的标签明确其推荐的信息,Disposing of pesticide waste 对废料的处理,Avoiding,minimising or reducing waste 避免,减少和将废料最小化,Only buy enough pesticide for short term needs只购买适用于短期需求的农药,随用随买Just mix up enough to do the job 只混合足够试验所用的药液,Types of pesticide waste 农药废料的类型,Expired product 过期的药品Excess spray solution 剩余的药液Sprayer washings 喷雾器洗涤液Empty pesticide containers 空的农药容器Damaged protective clothing or equipment 损坏的防护服或器械Leaking containers 渗漏的容器Absorbant material used for a spill处理溢出液体的吸附材料,Recommendations for disposal of liquid waste处理废液的建议,Pesticide concentrate 高浓度的杀虫农药Use the product in the normal way onto a recommended crop将该药品按照常规方法施用在推荐作物上Return to dealer if they will accept it将剩余农药退还经销商Arrange for collection and disposal by waste contractors在农场定点存放由专业的废料处理商处理,Empty containers should never be re-used 空的容器绝对不能再使用,General safety measures 常规安全措施,Avoid working alone where possible 尽可能避免单独工作If working alone tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return如果一个人工作的话要告知他人你要去的地方和预期回来的时间Prior to spraying喷药之前In warm conditions maintain enough fluids在温暖的环境中确保药液的流动Do not handle chemicals if feeling unwell 如果感觉不适不要喷药Be aware of any potential dangers 警惕任何可能的危险Check weather conditions prior to spraying检查天气状况,在适宜的天气条件下操作,During spraying喷药时安全措施,Do not eat,drink or smoke不要吃东西,喝水或者吸烟Do not carry food or tobacco in work clothes不要在工作服内携带食物或者香烟Strictly avoid touching face or other bare skin with gloves,sleeves etc严格禁止用手套袖子等接触到面部或者其他裸露的皮肤Keep washing materials close to work site在工作点附近放置清洗材料,便于清洗操作Do not spray if the wind is too strong风力太大不要施药Reduce the risk of heat exhaustion by spraying early in the morning注意防止高温中暑,如:在上午施药以减小中暑的可能,UnderstandingSafety Data Sheets正确了解MSDS,MSDS 格式,16项内容:,农药包装上的象形图,远离儿童储存,并加锁,戴手套,戴口罩,配置液体农药,配置液体农药,穿胶鞋,穿长衣长裤,喷药,穿防护衣,戴防护面罩,用药后需清洗,危险/对家畜有害,危险/对鱼有害,Safety first安全第一,India incident,The growers grand son who was playing in the field,after having some snacks wanted to drink some water.He took the bottle containing leftover chemical(tsunami)and drank it thinking it was water.Immediately the boy felt some irritation in his breathing system,and brought the notice of the nearby people working in the farm,the people immediately took the boy to the nearest hospital and provided the necessary first aid,upon the doctors advise the boy shifted to the next specialized hospital,but on the way the boy died.,Whats focus,Whats focus,Whats focus,


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